What is it about this show, that I am so totally addicted to?! I only started watching it a little while ago, my sister got me hooked on it, and now when i come home and see TiVo has remembered to record it, I do a little happy dance and plunk down with a glass of pinot grigio! 
I'm also recording "Tabitha's Salon Takeover", which is like Gordon Ramsay in a hair salon, and love that one too. Nothing like some good mindless TV after a tough day at the office! My sister says "Toddlers and Tiaras" is a scream too, but I think my husband would have me committed if I started on that one!
I'm also recording "Tabitha's Salon Takeover", which is like Gordon Ramsay in a hair salon, and love that one too. Nothing like some good mindless TV after a tough day at the office! My sister says "Toddlers and Tiaras" is a scream too, but I think my husband would have me committed if I started on that one!