so, how do you know....


if you are beginning to experience perimenopausal symptoms??? I am only 41 I have been having some wierd symptoms and was talking to my mom this afternoon and she thinks it may be starting... She didn't go through the whole experience due to early hysterectomy when she was my age, but thought that it might be... I am experiencing the following:

*facial heat, almost like a fever, but just on the face... lasts for about 15 minutes +/- and then goes away... the rest of my body is fine, not hot/ sweaty or cold/clammy. (this is a new thing from the past few weeks, but getting really annoying)
*funky body odor that even the extra clinical strentgh deoderants/antiperspirants do not seem to eliminate (this is even more annoying!) :eek:
*funky, wierd feelings like being light headed briefly
*electric shocks or almost like brief anxiety feeling surges for no reason.
*body/joint aches (I assume this is from working out :))

I have a done a little research, but do have a dr's appt next week for just a regular follow up and will ask her, but wanted to see if anyone else had experienced similar symptoms...
Sounds like some of them could be related. In my mid 30's I started with some of the symptoms. Try googling perimenopause. There are many sites out there that have loads of info. We all react differently, but it will give you loads of things that could be related to the onset.

You may want to log your symptoms too.
I'm 47 and haven't got that. What I seem to get a lot, and which may not have anything to do with menopause is that I'll be chilled all over but hot on the back of my neck. Drives me nuts because I can't get comfortable.
I started with hot flashes that would wake me out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night around age 34. They went away though.

I've experienced other symptoms, but they're a bit personal for an open thread, and I don't wish to make anyone uncomfortable. :eek: Feel free to PM me if you really wanna know.
Yep and wait until you get to those sleepless nights.

HA! BTDT! I already take Ambien! :) I have my Dr. appt on Wednesday and will certainly discuss all this with her... I'm sure she will do blood work anyway and can test for hormones etc at that time...

thanks everyone for your thoughts and will keep you posted!

I am menopausal!!! I am 44 and started at 40, right after I had my son. Some of the symptoms were sooooo strange, I was afraid to tell the doc. But anything and everything can happen so don't worry. My peri was quick in comparison and it's soooooo great not getting a period.
My Mom went through menopause early too. She was completely done at 46. I have blood work from time to time to see how my hormones and levels are because they can tell from that if you're entering menopause.....
thanks all... my Dr. appt is this afternoon and will ask to include a hormone review along with the rest of the standard blood workup (cholesterol, etc).

thanks for all your info... not sure if I'm looking forward to this or not, or if it is even what is causing the symptoms, but guess I'm not alone! that's more comforting than you know! :)

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