So are you all motivated ALL of the time?


First, I have to commend you all for seemingly great routines and lifestyles. I really WOW at all of the energy and devotion you all have. I did wonder though, how you all keep of 5 plus days of working out and 'good' eating all the time? I tell you, if I get in 3 days a week of exercising it's good for me, especially with my son. I used to do WAY more but I had to cut back a tad timewise with motherhood. You know it was actually good for me in a way b/c I had the tendency to overtrain so it was smart to divert my energies in other directions as well. I also have my junkfood days too, yum yum. Please tell me some of you have the good and bad days :) I guess I am just so amazed at all the people on here. If I worked out like that all the time I wouldn't be able to maybe that will improve as I do more Cathe. Just a few questions and thoughts. Thanks all!

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
Hi Debbie....

Of course, I don't always feel like or want to workout I just do it.
But yesterday was suppose to be a workout day, but I had to take a rest day and do something important, plus hubby to me out to eat and I had ice cream for dessert. Then we had KFC tonight, we hardly ever eat there, but he was hungry for chicken and we had to eat anyway...
Don't feel bad, we all have our days lol.............
For the most part I work out 5 to 6 days a week, and most of the time eat pretty clean.......... but even I have to have a break.... Rhonda:7
Motivated ALL the time....hardly. There are more days when that I care to mention when I have the hardest time starting a workout. I'll go so far as to clean the whole house first to put it off. But eventually, I'll actually get started, then after 10-15 minutes I really get into it and enjoy it. Other days, I can't wait to work out.

As far as food goes, it's really tough, but there's a quote that says "nothing tastes better than being thin." I modified it to "nothing tastes better than being fit." If I have to have something sweet, I try to take tiny little nibbles and let each nibble dissolve on my tongue so I really savor it. Then again, I've been known to put away half a dozen donuts in one sitting as well.

No one is perfect and discipline isn't always a constant element. :)
I eat healthy, but I don't eat clean or watch every crumb I put into my mouth, and I don't analyze food labels. I love exercising and I make the most out of my workouts. I exercise 4-5 days a week. If I want to have a piece of pie or some chocolate, or a couple beers, I do. I never feel guilty if I indulge once in awhile. Cathe helps in keeping me slim. If I eat like a pig one day, the next I take it easy. I never gain weight, so I must be doing something right.

Yes, obsession with one's diet is ubhealthy in my book! So Debbie, enjoy life.
Oh yes, I'm definitely motivated ALL the time. And if you believe that, I've got a little bridge down the block from here that I'd like to sell to you...

-Nancy under the Brooklyn Bridge
I'm not even motivated most of the time but I have an agreement with myself to get my stuff out and get going and see how I feel after about ten minutes. Part of the prob is this: I have to move couch and end tables, pull out my mats,connect them, grab step or steps and risers and weights, barbells, plates, weights, band, switch to Video 1 after the search for th clicker and load up my DVD. I do this like a zombie. Who wants to think about putting all this stuff away and then getting to the day's business? but I never regret it once the warm up starts! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I do a lot of outdoor sports in the spring and summer, so when Christmas time comes I back way off and maybe even gain a few pounds. Some of my workout stuff gets a little dusty even. THat makes me work a lot harder when I am training for the season. When I think about skipping workouts, I think about all the times I have been left in the dust by my young cohorts (and all the times I've dusted them) and that motivates me.

My rule is that once a tape or DVD goes in, it does not go out until I finish it or 45 minutes passes. I used to quit a lot when I didn't feel great and now I am able to push through.
Please. My motivation goes up & down so much I feel like a yo-yo. I basically do what Bobbi does. Usually works.

I think you've been fooled if you think we are all minature Cathes!:) My eating use to be alot better then what it is now.I decided to ligthen up b/c I was to strict on myself and I don't think I was enjoying life all that much.Although I looked great!But there were alot of foods that had a big X on them.Now I wish I could get some of that decipline back.
I also use to workout alot more.Somedays it would be twice a day:eek: Which I know is to much.I do still workout everyday and I never worry about taking a day off b/c there could be a week when I take two rest days.My rest day was always Sat or Sun,now it could be whenever.
I really make the time to workout.I am working night shifts all weekend.I don't get off until 8 and I am back again at 6:30.That doens't give me a whole lot of time but I still find the time to workout and sleep.Needless to say,I don't get to see much of my family.The way I look at it though is if I wasn't working out, I would still be sleeping.
>I eat healthy, but I don't eat clean or watch every crumb I
>put into my mouth, and I don't analyze food labels. I love
>exercising and I make the most out of my workouts. I exercise
>4-5 days a week. If I want to have a piece of pie or some
>chocolate, or a couple beers, I do. I never feel guilty if I
>indulge once in awhile. Cathe helps in keeping me slim. If I
>eat like a pig one day, the next I take it easy. I never gain
>weight, so I must be doing something right.
>Yes, obsession with one's diet is ubhealthy in my book! So
>Debbie, enjoy life.

FAB40 - what a great outlook! I basically do the same as you, except I am still working a little bit on the guilt factor! ;) I really like to enjoy treats and foods and dinners out, etc., b/c i work hard and can enjoy occassional treats!

I think that everyone has times when their motivation is lacking. Just yesterday I tried for hours to talk myself out of getting my workout in. I just didn't want to do it. Truth was, I had all the time in the world to myself and if I didn't "try," I was a pure slug. :) So I got dressed, pressed play and ten minutes later, I was motivated and ready to kick some booty! You will learn little tricks to talk yourself into it, motivate and even rest, when you really need it. The goal is to have a healthy outlok about it all and meet your goals without killing yourself! (at least, that is my goal!)
I think I must be motivated most of the time when it comes to exercise. I workout on average 6 days/week. Sometime I may not want to do a workout but I do end up doing it I guess that is defined as motivation. I want to be healthy, strong, fit and healthy for as long as possible and that is my main motivation, and then there are the aesthetic reasons as well.
As far as my eating goes, I am not a clean eater. By that I mean I don't watch everything that goes into my mouth and I don't count carbs or grams of this and grams of that. I don't eat fast food and I don't eat much fried food, but I do eat carbs and am gulity of putting alot of refined foods and simple sugars down the old digestive tract but I am healthy ... good weight, low blood pressure, good cardiovascularly speaking (low resting heart rate, good recovery heart rate, low cholesterol and triglycerides) lots of energy, and flexible and getting stronger every day.
Nope, not motivated all of the time to work out either but what keeps me going is knowing that once I get started it's not so bad and when I am done, I will feel FANTASTIC! Those thoughts help me push through the times when I just don't want to do it.

I am similar to Fab40 in my eating...I try to eat healthy as much as I can but if I cheat, so be it...I have "cleaned up" my diet a little bit in the recent past but as a rule I am not a CLEAN eater either...just try to eat a healthy diet overall.

I will be very upset with myself for missing a work out (see today's dialy check in thread! lol) but if I go astray with my eating I don't get as upset for some reason....

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I must admit there are few days that I'm not motivated to work out. Usually, I'll go at least 9 days in a row without taking a break. And even if I'm not feeling great, once I start, it usually goes really well. Sometimes if I'm not feeling motivated, I'll say to myself "okay, start and only do up to the "X" section". By the time I get to that point, it's usually a case of "well, I've gone this far, I might as well finish the darn thing"! And as for eating well, I have a lot of dietary restrictions that basically FORCE me to eat well. I'm not averse to a cookie now and then though! (Okay, maybe more than now and then!)

I've been working out for 20+ years consistently (6+ days/week) except during the ends of my pregnancies. I fully admit that I am addicted. I also feel like it is important to do something for yourself everyday. For me it is working out. Some days I don't feel that motivated, but for me working out really relieves a lot of stress. Usually when I don't feel like working out I'm stressed for one reason or another, so I guess that's what motivates me the most.

As for the eating, I started on a low fat diet years ago when it was in vogue and I think that I trained my body to like that. I really eat pretty clean, but I also have food alergies to keep me motivated and away from all processed food. That pretty much eliminates alot of the unclean food.

I am absolutely addicted to exercise and have been doing one form or another consistently for 20+ years as well. There are days when I'm not motivated--it's especially hard for me to get up in the dark mornings in the middle of the winter and get myself going on cardio. I do my weight workouts after work in the evenings, and some days my energy just isn't there. Generally I try to push through the lack of motivation and initial tiredness, knowing that once I start it's better. If it doesn't get better, I make it my rest day and figure that my body must need it. Still, I know that exercise makes me feel so much better mentally and physically--I don't feel normal without it. So that helps keep me motivated.

I eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains, vegetarian as much as possible--because I love those types of foods, not out of any need to diet. I also have a tendency to cross the line into disordered eating, losing way too much weight, so I am very careful not to completely eliminate any foods from my diet--even desserts and chocolate :) have a place in how I eat.
Regrding Motivation - I am pretty lucky with this. Most of the time, I really want to workout. Sometimes I go thru brief periods where it seems like a chore, but then I usually switch up my routine and I'm fine. The only time I have difficulty is after a vacation. I take a week of rest twice a year when we go to Vegas (but we walk pretty much while there). Other than that, since I work out in the AM, nothing ruins my training, i.e., doctor appointments and stops after work, etc. It has become a lifestyle for me, as I've been working out 5-6 a week for the past 17 years. It is a huge stress reliever for me and an natural antidepressant. It also helps me with my low self esteem. All good reasons to workout regularly.

As far as diet, I was diagnosed with stomach problems in my 30's and I can't eat grease, fried foods, etc., butter without having severe digestive now I never eat fried foods (maybe an occasional donut or fries a few times a year). After I cut them out, I really can't digest them anyway. I'm also a vegetarian because I hate meat. I've been a vegetarian for the past 20 years (strict) and off and on before that. I am a pretty clean eater, but I do have my problems. I have a wicked sweet tooth and allow myself a small amount of candy per day, but I keep it to a minimum. I also allow myself a "cheat" day and on this day, I usually have theater popcorn (no butter though) and a DQ Sundae for a treat. This has been my routine for years now. Diet really does become a lifestyle; however, I hardly think any of us eat perfectly 100% of the time! I eat small meals frequently (sometimes a little too frequently). I get cranky with no food.
Motivated all the time? Nope!
I'd say I'm motivated about 75% of the time. The other times, I have to find my motivation, or just stick with it because it's a habit (like I'm not always "motivated" to brush my teeth, but it's got to be done!).

If I'm low on intrinsic motivation (the motivation that comes from inside), I will find some kind of external motivation. Challenges and check-ins are something that works well for me. I'm currently doing a P90X-like Hardcore Rotation Check-in on VF, and a 2005 workout challenge (we choose how many days we will workout or how many workouts we will do for the year, then report in once a month) over at . Knowing that I'm accountable to my workout "buddies" helps keep me working out even when motivation is a bit low.

I'm also currently doing an "Active for Life" challenge in my community, that is currently keeping my motivation up. Teams of people (my team is faculty from the Foreign Langauges Department) keep track of fruit and vegetable consumption, water intake, and minutes of activity and are scores are compared to those of other teams. So far, we're leading in 3 out of 4 categories (we're smokin' everyone in terms of fruit/veggie consumption and minutes of activity!!). As you can see, a bit of "friendly competition" can do wonders for motivation. (though too much "competition" can be demotivational, IMO).

Sometimes that external motivation can come in strange forms, like getting a pretty new workout outfit (I have an entire wardrobe of workout wear), or getting dressed to workout 1-3 hours ahead of the workout while I watch a movie or correct papers, and then pretty much HAVE to workout because I'm dressed to!

Knowing that consistency is important, if I'm not motivated to do the "high intensity" workout I planned for some day, I'll do a lower intensity workout (and I firmly believe that varying workout intensities is very important).

Right now, feeling (as in "where did that hamstring muscle come from?") and seeing results from my intitial 2 weeks of my Hardcore rotation is keeping me motivated to continue with it.

As for "clean eating," frankly I hate the term because it sounds so gimmicky, and implies that there is such a thing as "dirty eatiing," which seems to place a moral value judgement on it. Also, some peole include "foods" that I wouldn't consider to be foods in that category(most protein bars and energy bars). I prefer the term "whole foods" which emphasizes real food in it's least processed state.

I have been a whole-foods-eating vegetarian, then vegan, for many years, and at this point, most "junk food" has no appeal to me. It just doesn't taste as good as healthier food...MOST of the time!! I do indulge in treats, but I try to stick with mostly healthier, natural foods treats (about every two weeks, I'll down an entire pint of strawberry Soy Dream---a soy "ice cream" substitute-- in one sitting! But that only 480 calories). It's a far cry from the way I ate up until I went to college: lots of chips, pepsi, sugar, white bread (at that time, whole grain breads were disgusting to me, now I feel the same about white bread---YUK!).

Sorry about being so long-winded (that's just the way I am! and I type fast, so I can get a lot "said" in a little time).
Very interesting.
For me is really not a question of motivation, but lifestyle. Exercising every day is just as part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth.

Depression runs in my family. It seems that my body very early on recognized what exercise (endorhins) do to it. I'm sure that if I wouldn't have started exercising and long distance running about 25 or so years ago, I'd be a serious mess by now. I have my business, so I set my working hours -- the mornings are MINE. No exeption. Only family emergencies can interfere.
I eat very healthy -- 90 % whole food, including poultry and fish. I do eat chocolate on a fairly regulat basis :) and I don't panic when I eat dessert or a slice of pizza. My weight is about the same at 47 (127-128 for 5'7) than what it was in HS. Mari
Yeah, I really have to admit that I am motivated every single day. What gets me down is when I CAN'T workout.

Maybe it's my age? I'm 48 and will be 49 in November. It seems that as I get older, I want to work harder to keep what I have. I keep waiting for that day when it all just falls apart! :p
>Maybe it's my age? I'm 48 and will be 49 in November. It
>seems that as I get older, I want to work harder to keep what
>I have. I keep waiting for that day when it all just falls
>apart! :p

I just turned 48, and it does seem like every year, I have to work hard just to maintain, and harder to improve. It's like in Alice in Wonderland (or is it "Alice Through the Looking Glass?" (when the QUeen tells Alice to run as fast as she can to stay in the same place, and even faster to move forward.

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