So are you all motivated ALL of the time?

Motivated ALL the time? Nope. Do I exercise 5-6 days a week? Yes. Why? Because my doctor prescribed strength training and yoga 3 years ago, when my back gave out. And working out keeps me sane and positive. Helps me work through stress, tension and depression in a constructive manner.

I can't eat clean all the time. And during those rare spans of time when I pull it off, I fall off the wagon by or after the third month. Lately I've been heeding the advice of many ladies here... there has got to be a cheat day.:) I am, however, very aware of what I put in my mouth and pick foods that are in their original state or as close to it as possible.

Many ladies in this forum motivate me. That's why I keep coming back.:)

A definite no here as well. Some mornings I have something planned in my rotation and it takes some time to get going on it. Every once in awhile I will stop and think "is there a gun at my head?"
We need reminders that one or two days is not going to make a huge difference in physique. More than likely it is warranted and will help.
Diane Sue
Most of the time, yes. Same as for eating clean. Sometimes I just have to fight with my mind and not let it get the best of me so I FOCUS..FOCUS..FOCUS. I get great pictures in my head when I think of eating bad stuff. Well, I ate bad yesterday which was rare for me so I RAN...RAN....RAN just as fast I can so I wouldn't look like the gingerbread man! LOL

If your son is really young (say under 5), it's totally understandable that you aren't able to get in your 6 days a week of exercise. Maybe when the weather is nicer, you'll be able to strap him on to the back of your bike and get some exercise together. I have one of those trailers that you hook on and my daughter rides back there. Of course, it adds a good 50+ lbs. to the pull on the bike, so it's a pretty tough workout. I got that for her when she was two. Aiden is only one, so I'm not sure what the age guidelines are for that. But you can always go out for nice long walks in the stroller!

I am able to exercise 6 days a week, but wasn't able to until she was 4. She was always underfoot or just being upset that I wasn't focussed on her. I commend you on being able to get 3 days in with a toddler. Especially a boy!

There are days where I feel less motivated. Usually that's when I'm just not feeling well or am overly tired for some reason. But if it's just a day where I don't feel like exercising because it seems like a pain and I'd rather just relax...I remember the Nike slogan "Just Do It", and I force myself. It usually only takes the warm-up before I'm into the routine.

And I do have junk food days. That's usually once a week. Last Wednesday, I had a Wendy's single combo. for lunch and pizza for dinner.
Kathryn, just read your post & it made me smile. First, YOU? Longwinded? You, are usually brief & to the point.

Second, You're smoking the other teams with your fruit/veggie & water consumtion? Well, some good wine, cheeses and fruits and some Perrier kind of come with the territory, oui? Just jokin' with ya.:D

I have a one year old daughter and the only reason I get 6 workouts in a week is because I do it at 5 am on weekdays and during her morning nap on weekends. I would never be able to do it if she were awake. She likes to climb on my step whether I'm on it or not.

Now food, that's a whole other story. When I first started Cathe I had great "eating clean" discipline and it showed. I was seeing results I never had, however I felt like I was missing out. I never enjoyed special events or going out to eat because I always wanted what I couldn't have and if I allowed myself to have I felt such guilt. I am a definite lover of food and giving up everything I enjoyed was horrible. So when the holidays came I cracked and started eating everything in site. Now, I'm still not as disciplined as I used to be, but I also don't let myself go crazy every day of the week.

My question however is this, has anyone been able to get really good results by not necessarily eating 100% clean, but just watching their portion control. Meaning, still eating white breads, potatoes, pasta, and even a little sweets, but just watching how much of it you're eating?

I'm going through a 2-week break from exercising. I posted about this a few days ago, recap: I've just been under the weather, stressed out, and burned out. So, I decided to take some time off from exercising. BUT....I'm feeling better now and think I will start working out again tomorrow night. Gonna start off with something light, like the step routine from Cardio Fusion (no circuit work). I'll do light cardio for a few days, then get back into the strength training maybe this weekend.
If only. I do the best I can everyday. I give myself lots of variety in exercise with yoga/pilates, step, kickbox and weight training videos. I get out to classes so it is not the samething over and over again. As my husband says, "What good is the best body in the world if the only people who ever see it are the people at the gym?"

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