Snoring Husband--What to do?


Help. I'm sleep deprived. Does anyone have any good strategies to stop someone from snoring?

My husband and I are living in a temporary situation (studio apartment) until we sell our home in the town in which we used to live. There's no escape from the snoring! Last night, I spread the couch cushions on the bathroom floor and slept with my face near the toilet (Yuk!). Anything to escape that ugly snorting and gasping sound. I love my husband to death and realize it is not his fault. Still, I get perturbed when he starts snoring like that. When we married 8 years ago, he snored, but it was very light, and I could sleep through it. Now his snoring is like that of a monster. I can't escape to another room or else I would. What can be done? Please help me. I need to get some sleep.
I would be very curious to hear what sort of "remedies" that others may know of to cure the snoring beast. I was just informed by my SO that...*ahem*...I have a bit of a snoring problem myself. I was shocked!! Now I am all self conscious about it. He says its cute...but I can't imagine that it is! x(

I too would like to do something that tames the snoring beast a bit. If there is such a rememdy!
Oh how I can relate!! It's really terrible and I can tell you that I've gained weight as a result of the sleep deprivation. Fortunately I have another room where I can go to escape the noise. Have you thought about trying some earplugs? Maybe they will at least soften the sound. In the meantime, I'll be praying for a new home with a spare bedroom soon!
Is it better when he sleeps on his side rather than his back? My grandmother actually used to sew tennis balls into the back of my grandfather's pajamas to keep him off his back, lol!

Has he tried those "Sleep Right" strips? Also, you might give a thought to ear plugs and a white noise machine at the same time. Sometimes this is a great way to stay asleep through noise. I mean really good earplugs, not just the kind you can get at the drug store, but those used for workers in very loud settings. I think they are made from gel?

There are also supposed to be snoring "sprays" that you can used to numb, or immobilize, the back of the throat (think this is how they work) in order to cut down on the snoring.

Wow, I hope you get something that works :)

I found when my DH sleeps on his back his snoring is horrible. So I just nudge him over onto his side (yes, he wakes up, and I yell "You're snoring!"). That seems to help. I've seen ads for those breathe right (?) strips that you put ontop of your nose... don't know if that would help. We had a bulldog that used to snore so terribly that we eventually had to banish her from the bedroom because my DH couldn't stand it... he'd wake up at a pin drop (I call him the princess and the pea) Good luck!!
Those are great suggestions. If nothing like that works, he should see a physician. Maybe he suffers from sleep apnea. Here's something odd, I did this experiment: when I'm awake and my DH is snoring, I started to rub his head...ok that sounds weird, but you know, like a caress, I guess. His snoring stops. Although if I'm in a deep sleep and his snoring woke me up, I would roll him over and skip the caressing:eek:
Has he tried the "Breathe Right" strips? They works wonders for my DH. I certainly wish you luck as I know how miserable it can be.
My dh has the same problem, if the problem is nasal, then breathe-rite strips will work, if the problem is more in the throat, then the breathe-rite Snore Relief gargle solution will work. My dh has used it for a month now, and I consider the gargle solution to be a miracle. It's minty fragrance, is a plus too. Try it, you won't regret it.

>Here's something odd, I did this experiment: when I'm awake
>and my DH is snoring, I started to rub his head...ok that
>sounds weird, but you know, like a caress, I guess. His
>snoring stops.<

This works on my husband too. And holding his nose works too :7. I know. I'm evil }(. But at least he stops...if only temporarily.

"Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda
"Where there's a will, there's a way."
LOL ... I have the same problem ..

I am such a light sleeper .. it takes me forever to get to sleep -anything wakes me up .. AND my DH snores! I have suffered from sleep deprivation forever .. epecially with his snoring!!!

bless his heart .. he has been kicked .. punched .. rolled over .. cussed out .. woken up ..

I have a sound machine that I keep on .. I have tried ear plugs (his work ear plugs) they help .. but they don't stop the vibration ..

unfortunatly the only thing I found that works and allows me to sleep is him in the other bed room .. LOL ... which in turn allows him to have his peaceful sleep too ...

we have been married 20 years .. and although it is not ALL the time .. it is the ONLY thing that works when he is really tired and he knows he is going to snore bad .. or when either of us KNOW we have GOT to get some peaceful sleep!
> Anything to escape that ugly
>snorting and gasping sound.

He might want to get checked for sleep apnea, which can be very serious (some people stop breathing in the middle of the night).

I've also heard about the tennis-balls-sewed-onto-back-of-the-p.j.s trick.
Have him checked for sleep apnea, if its that he could be fitted with a cpak, you'll both get more sleep that way.
You should appreciate the Snoring.
1. It shows you that he is still alive.
2. It shows you that he is still around. :+

There are already good tips here.
The strips
Sleeping on his side.
Sleeping on his stomach.
Weight gain will sometimes make someone start to snore. Have him do some Cathe...
>Anything to escape that ugly
>snorting and gasping sound.

Absolutely get him to your family physician right away. That snorting gasping sound is a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea which can lead to cardiac arrest in his sleep. I'm not saying this to be an alarmist.

As Dave recommended he should ask for a sleep study to see if he is a candidate for a CPAP machine. The CPAP is a machine that forces oxygen into the airway while one sleeps. There are a couple of different types available today. I hear they aren't very noisy & certainly less noisy than a snoring man.

In the mean time, try the tennisball trick to prevent him from sleeping on his back. But if he is anything like my DH, he will snore no matter what position he is in.
I can soooooo relate --

With my guy, nudging him to roll over doesn't work because he rolls right back -- and he'll snore in any position - back, side, front. It is worse when he is on his back.

Strips -- nope. We tried the spray - I don't think it worked. He gets up in the middle of the night, usually to have a snack. Whatever spray was on his throat gets washed away as he eats and drinks - and he forgets to re-apply.

Hubby downstairs on the couch helps -- sometimes I can still hear him and I'm unable to sleep. The neighbors have even commented that they can hear him.

He has been referred to a sleep specialist, but he hasn't gone yet. Of course not!

I feel for you ladies!
How can you tell if it's nasal or throat? It seems to be both. He snorts at times, other times and whistles and blows loud puffs of air through his lips. Could it be a little of both?

>My dh has the same problem, if the problem is nasal, then
>breathe-rite strips will work, if the problem is more in the
>throat, then the breathe-rite Snore Relief gargle solution
>will work. My dh has used it for a month now, and I consider
>the gargle solution to be a miracle. It's minty fragrance, is
>a plus too. Try it, you won't regret it.

Maybe he needs a sleep evaluation. Breathe right strips might give you some relief. It keeps the nasal passages open so he can breathe easier through his nose.


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