Slow & Heavy!!!

RE: Hey Ruth!

I think the nswer to this may be that it depends on body type and maybe eating patterns during this rotation.

I am just completing a 4 week Slow and heavy rotation, working each body part once per week and I am not noticing any increase in butt, leg, hip or thigh measurements. I am more an ecto (tall and lean, used to be stick thin on upper body) and I think I am slimmer in the hips than before. Certainly my hips and legs are way more solid than before, an increase in muscle mass.

My upper body has done well with this rotation and I have increased in size around chest/back a little: some camisoles i just bought in size small are now rather tight...... (I don't have any boobs to speak of really, just back muscles...). I also have great definition in triceps, biceps and shoulders. For years I never wore tanks, camisoles or anything that would show off my stick thin upper body, but now I do and my husband keeps saying: "wow, you just look great...."

So Slow and heavy gets HIS vote of confidence!!!!

Hope this helps some of you

Thanks Clare!

Thank you for the info. I would say out of all of Cathe's crew, I would most be like Brenda. (short legs) I do have definition in my upper body more-so then my lower, although I'm working hard on it right now! Would be interested in what others would say that have done the rotation 8 weeks. (Especially those with my body type.) Thank you Clare and yipeee...those camisoles are sooo cute!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thanks Clare!

I absolutely love the S & H Series. I got it when it came out, but only tried it a couple of times,for it seemed to be too slow. I was used to her other weight workouts when she said to take a break it was for only 10 seconds or so.

This past May, I decided to give it a try again. I did it for 4 weeks and WOWEE!! Did I ever see results in my upper body - I truly amazed myself. After that I mixed up CTX Upper, PS Strength and the Pyramid tapes for 4 more weeks.

Now I am back to S & H, I am on my third week. The definition in my arms has become phenomenal, I want to pinpoint which upper body part is the best but I have to say I have gotten great results on all - I think even in my legs.

I do Chest & Back on Sunday & Wednesday, I do Triceps & Biceps on Tuesday & Friday, I do Legs & Shoulders on Monday, Thursday & Saturday. I love doing the shoulder work and have always done my legs three times a week. When you think about it if you do each body part two times a week for 4 weeks that is only doing each tape 8 times, excpet for the legs & shoulders. let me tell you , the difference in my upper body is like night and day.

I have been doing Cathe's tapes for 8 years and her weight lifting and have never gotten results like this series.

I am 47 years old and have 10 children and I can wear tank tops with a confidence I never had before.

Sometimes druing the one minute breaks I will do some ab work in between. My children are amazed at how my arms look - but I must admit they are getting sick of seeing me flex my biceps and I also tend to flex my triceps alot too.

RE: Thanks Clare!


So you are doing each tape in its entirety two times a week and legs three times? Are you adding cardio or just the S&H?

RE: Thanks Clare!

Thanks Cheryl! It really is my stubborn legs I struggle with. I don't have too much trouble with upper body. (unless I don't do my Cathe's ;-)) I have done the S&H for 3 weeks at a time and put on size in my thighs. My goal is to LEAN my legs. I am back to jogging here & there and it does help, but I guess I am just wondering what kind of results I would get from doing S&H a longer rotation??? Might have to just try it and see. Thanks for your info and congrats on your great success!!! Yipeeee!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Adding mass with S&H

This post is purely vanity and not fitness related! :7

I wanted to add mass to my arms, chest, back, and shoulders so I did the S&H upper body segments this week. I did them with the counts reversed this time: slow negatives, fast positives. I think it has really added mass (bulked me up) just doing one round of it!

I'm not talking about a temporary pump, I mean permanent new lean tissue. I did not, and plan on not doing, my legs this way. I just plan on Power Hour on Friday (or M.E.) for the whole body including legs. Like a lot of others, my legs can outbulk my upper body easily and I don't want that proportion.

Just thought I'd share! The cardio I did this week was light, by the way.
Ruth or anyone else who can answer this, when you started the S&H rotation did you gain weight at first and then start losing? I know that it is water retention in the muscles, but I just wanted to know when I could expect it to go away, maybe after the 2nd week?

I also love Slow & Heavy. I noticed a slight increase in weight and my back area increased by half an inch. I weigh in three times a week with my program and was measured a couple of days ago. The weight gain was temporary - didn't stay long - a little over a week. I just changed my rotation - doing CTX Upper Body, PUB, PLB, IMAX 2 (finally able to go beyond interval 5) Body Max and other cardio workouts. I usually stay on a rotation for about 4-5 weeks and I have great results.

Hang in there!

Take care,

Iris :D
RE: Thanks Clare!


Sorry, I didn't get back with you until now, but we have a cottage about 35 miles from home and I spend most of the summer there, with no computer - so we only pop in home every so often. I really miss this forum when I am gone.

But to answer you question, yes, I do cardio along with the S & H series. I am currently in my 5th week and I am still utterly amazed at how my muscles keep developing, it makes me not want to do anything else, but I know I need to. Next week I will start a different rotation.

I do some sort of cardio everyday. This S & H Legs has given my legs more definition (my legs already were developed) but this series has not made my legs bigger at all - just more defined.

RE: Slow & Heavy!!!

Hi Ruth,

Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your results with S&H. It's one of the few DVDs I don't have yet, so you're really tempting me! Your weight loss on the S&H rotation was phenomenal!! I was wondering - Did that put you at your goal weight, or do you still want to lose some more? I just want to put it into perspective for me, since I only have about 15 lbs to my goal. You had such an excellent rate of weight loss for not drastically changing your diet. Keep up the good work!!

Congrats Ruth!

I had the same success last summer w/ this series & have begun incorporating it again. I truly saw wonderful definition in my legs (just got Leaner Legs and all I can say is it makes the Firm's SL look like a stroll in the park).


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