slow & heavy dvd vs. gym styles

Slow & Heavy does 3 sets of only 8 reps with slow counts (e.g., up for 6, down 2). It has more rests between sets. When lifting heavier, I find I need the extra rest. Gym Styles does mostly 2 sets but with 10-12 reps and less rest between sets. Slow & Heavy is more for muscle building and strength whereas the Gym Styles are more for strength and endurance. They are both great sets and my favorite strength training workouts. They have both given me great results.

I echo was Marcy said. I'll add that after a S&H rotation I had noticably more muscle which I did not experience with GS.
I found S&H to be slow, but GS are more varied. I enjoy GS more so I'll do it more often.
The Gym Styles are more "interesting", with several different exercises to target all the muscle groups in different ways. GS's are great regular workouts for every week.

The S&H's are great for "breaking plateaus" and don't do quite as many different exercises as the GS's. You might even say they're a little "boring". Think of them as "meat and potatoes" workouts while GS's are the "apricot-glazed chicken with green beans almondine".

GS's are more the "cruisin' along the highway" workouts, while the S&H's are the "accelerating up the hills of Appalachia" workouts. In other words, they take a lot more effort. I don't do them as often as the GS's, but they give me a big boost when I do!
Great!! Thank you for asking this question and everyone.

I was wondering of the difference myself. I will do S&H because I want more muscle definition and building.

I currently have Upper/Lower body Pyramid Workout and I can already see the muscle defining and bldg but I will also add the S&H to see if I get even faster results.
I've just started (2 weeks in) a S&H rotation. I am already noticing strength gains. I can't really say anything about GS because I don't own it. I don't find S&H to be boring because it's new to me. Plus I always do PUB so it's totally different and new to me.
Maybe it's because I'm still a little green weight training-wise, but I gained a lot of strength in my biceps and triceps from the Gym Styles. I ordered Slow & Heavy but haven't done them yet - but it's good to know I'll gain still more muscle.
I have not done S&H yet, but Gym Styles has really done wonders with my triceps, legs, and chest. Sometimes I feel like it helps to build muscles as well as keep your heart rate up enough to burn fat.

Can I ask what the rotation is? I am about to finish a GS rotation and I am looking for something to increase strength. I have purchased S & H but have not used it yet. I would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.

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