Clare - I'm right with you on the safeguarding your daughter thing. When my daughter asks me why I exercise, I never tell her it's too help keep myself thin. I tell her it's to keep myself healthy. I do tell her, however, that we don't buy potato chips because they're fat-people food.
It's one of the reasons I don't obsess about the food I eat. I eat healthy most of the time, but will have pizza, subs, wings, McDonald's or whatever. If I've had too much, I don't make a stink about it. "Oh NO!!!! I had a piece of cake. I mnst workout for an extra hour today!!!"
It's nice not to have to worry if you put on a pound or two.
I want to know why everyone always makes a big deal about the female celebrities' weight fluctuations, but no one cares about the males. No one has mentioned how Matthew Perry gained so much weight in the last couple seasons of Friends, or how Matt LeBlanc is looking a little wider. They only mention the HUGE ones (i.e. Marlon Brando). GOD! That really pisses me off!!!!!