Shipping Update

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! We just heard from Sony and they expect to have our DVD's finished by late tonight. They told us that they will be ready for pick up on Monday. You'll be happy to know that our shipping department has been HARD at work doing all the prep work in anticipation of their arrival (you should have seen the shipment of packing peanuts we received for the pre-order :eek:). Outside of actually putting the DVD's in the box, everything else is done. So come Monday, we will be in very good shape to do a huge mail out. Of course it will take several days to get all of the orders out but we feel very hopeful that at this time next week, many of you will already be experiencing some DOMS from the new workouts :7 As always, orders will be shipped in the order they were received. We will update the blog very shortly with a new picture for you.

Have a nice weekend!
Oh my gosh! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!

I only placed my preorder maybe 2-3 months ago, so I might be low on the list, but at least I live in Jersey and shipping typically only takes one day from you to me! WHEEE!!!
How axciting to hear this! I just got done watching the Low Impact Circuit clip. I watched the Drill Max clip last night. I can say that I am totally pumped about these workouts.

I ordered mine on September 16. 2005 with a UPS 2 Day Air Shipping - so I should be at the top part of the list.

You are awesome, Cathe. Even though I have had to wait over a year for these it has been well worth the wait.

Thank you again,

My birthday is next weekend! I'm hoping that since my pre-order has been in for a year I will have mine in time to give me a happy birthday DOMS! Oh, and remember that the 29th is the day to set your clock backs (I get a 25-hour birthday this year!!! Maybe I can work in another workout in that extra hour! Ha ha!)

Oh, by the way......Cathe, are you still mum on what the special gift is for people who've left their pre-orders in the system??? Care to give us anymore hints? We already know it will make us sweat.

Party Time!!!!


Happy Friday! :) This is the best news I have received all week. :7 My work is finished for the day, and my boss told me I can go home early. :) It is time to celebrate! :7 I am loving the video clips and the new Cathe player, and I will be waiting for the delivery of these new babies with anxious expectation. :7

Have a blessed weekend, and please give Nancy and the rest of the worker bees in the shipping department a big hug for me! :)

I just saw the blog picture. Wow! How many boxes are y'all shipping? I have never seen so many packing peanuts! :eek:

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Party Time!!!!

What about the preorders through CK sales? Thanks

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and Turbo Jam junkie.

Yea!!!!! Great news! Thank you again for all of your hard work and all of your employees!

You have a great weekend too!

I trust that the DVDs will be shipped packed in CLEAN peanuts.

ar ar

But seriously folks . . .


I've had a string of good news recently, but this is one of the absolute goodest! I pre-ordered with the first day or two last September with next-day air shipping. I am going to camp next to my front door next week!

Oh my gosh...this is really, really GREAT news!!! With my dial up I was able to finally see the few few minutes of the clip for Drill Max. The part I was played perfectly and the workout looks so absolutely FABULOUS...can't wait to try these out! The set is it!!!

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