Shipping notice, anyone?

I didn't get the email either....but I checked UPS tracking and mine should be here MONDAY!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!....:)...Carole
Changed emails a week after I ordered, so I didn't get the email notice.

Checked UPS by using my phone number and got the tracking info.

I ordered on July 3rd or 4th and paid for ground shipping.

I live in PA, and mine are scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday.

I think they might arrive on Monday--usually things get here really fast! (Wishful thinking, perhaps!)

Mine are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday!!!! This is a nice thing to look forwad to after a totally horrid week.
I ordered, then cancelled, stupidly thinking that I had enough and should be a grown-up about it. Of course, later I caved and re-ordered. So ended up spending more AND losing my place in line! My number is 6801! x( Has anyone with a number even close to that received shipping notice?
I don't know what my order number is but I ordered on July 19th and I have not gotten my ups tracking number yet.
I ordered on July 4th. My order number is in the 4700s. Mine is scheduled for delivery on Monday. (Whoo hoo!)

Cool--another Catheite from Oregon.

Just checked--UPS has mine, but it is in New Jersey and is scheduled to be delivered the 11th. I wish I'd done the 2nd day air thing, but I guess I was feeling cheap.

I've waited 7 months, so I guess waiting another week won't kill me, but it feels like it will:p :p .

take care
I got my notice Feb 4 which is my birthday! Can it get better than that?????? I'm scheduled for delivery on Monday---the package is currently in Laurel MD & I live in VA. I ordered on July 4th----I'M SO READY!!!!

Hey Leslie, happy slightly-belated birthday! Isn't that amazing...their timing couldn't have been better!

Hey, if your package is in Laurel, which is about 10 minutes from me, I could go over there & get it for you......WHAT PACKAGE!!!:p

I was order #5280 & I ordered on 7/11. I haven't received a notice as yet...I imagine I will get it Monday, or Tuesday at the latest. I'm kind of hoping it'll deliver on Thursday, as that is my day off. But I'll take it any day!;)

Hi Ruth,

You are too funny!! Maybe my package is still in Laurel TODAY because you really HAVE picked it up! :p

Thanks for the birthday wishes--I'm more excited about getting the DVDs "for my birthday" than a kid at Christmas & I'm far from being a kid!!

Can't wait to get home from work on Monday & have that package at my door!!:7

Hi's so funny...I wasn't really getting "antsy" about it until I knew your DVD's were right here in Laurel! Now I want mine here! LOL
I think it just makes them seem more real.

Let us know what you think when you look at them.


I wasn't getting antsy either until I got the shipping notice!! I was trying to remain calm and adult & that went right out the window...My Hardcore is on the UPS truck RIGHT NOW ON THE WAY TO MY HOUSE!!!:9

Hi everyone,

I ordered on July 6th and my number is 5100. I haven't gotten an email yet and I think I've checked on that UPS page at least once every couple of hours!!! But still nothing!! Hopefully later today I will able to track my order. I can't wait!!

SNM posted on this board that all the orders packed Friday night thru today will get notices this evening or tomorrow. They will upload everything to UPS late today. Yea!

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