Shin splints!!


Hey everyone,
I am about to start my second week of Cathe's Bootcamp rotation and I got shin splints in my right leg! Today is my rest day but I'm supposed to start back up tomorrow. They aren't the worst shin splints I ever had but I don't want them to get worse. Any one have any good remedies? Thanks.
the only thing I know is rest.

But you can do those ball pushes with the tops of your feet to prevent them in the future.

You sit on a step or chair, and put the stability ball on top of your feet, and pulse your feet towards and away from you. Cathe does them on a few of her videos, I forget which ones!

Wrap your calves. This came from my cousin who is a physical therapist. I tried rest, ice, heat, massage, etc... nothing was working for me. Then, she gave me this. It makes sense, if you think of what shin splints basically are.

Take an Ace bandage (or the like) and wrap your calves where you feel the pain. Not too tight, just enough to put pressure on the area. It will prevent the muscle from pulling away from the bone while you are working.

I used to have horrible shin splints for years, and then I started doing this - the pain stopped immediately.

I just got over pretty bad shin splints, which I usually get from running on pavement and not taking anough rest days (because I am an idiot). I took 1 weeks off completely, took painkillers and iced my leg 3x/day for 15 minutes (recommended by my doctor). After the first week, I substituted cycling for running, but my problem is that I have to take my dogs for walks, shinsplints or not, so the leg just wasn't improving. This went on for about a month.

Then, a friend told me about this:

(Ignore that Amazon review - I have tiny shins, and I am able to tighten it up so it doesn't go anywhere. I don't really know what that person's problem is)!

I started wearing the compression wrap whenever I walked or did any other kind of exercise, which used to aggravate the shinsplints. The compression thingy kept me pain-free during walks and apparently prevented further irritation. Now my leg is back to 100%. It won't instantly cure you or anything, but it definitely helped me to speed up my recovery!

I'd recommend massage with ice frozen into a Dixie cup and/or foam rolling (roll on both sides of the tibia, but not over the bone itself). Also use the foam roller to help prevent the shin splints in the future.
Lauren.. I'll just add my two cents...

R.I.C.E. (an old recipe)

Compression (when working out)
Elevation (when resting)

From Pete Egoscue's "Pain Free" book:
1) foot circles and toe point/flex while on back and stretching hip flexor by pulling knee to chest.
2) hamstring stretch - lying on back, lift straight leg to about 45 degree angle with strap around the ball of foot and stretch hamstring and foot at same time.
3) hamstring stretch - lying on back, lift straight leg to about 90 degrees with strap around instep - stretch hamstring
4) air bench - back against wall and squat to about a 90 degree angle, hold for one to three minutes.

HTH, Deb
:7 :7 :7

Actually, a few years ago I had terrible shin splints, and used to tie rice packs on my forefoot when resting and elevating, and did about 100 flex-point movements to strengthen the shins.


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