Serious problem..........please help me..about marriage


I just found out, (without a doubt) that my husband cheated on me 7 years ago, when I was pregnant with our first child. Now we have 3 boys, 7,4,2. What should Ido ? Confront him? I am so confused, I dont have anyone to talk to about this, that is not biaised(in his family). I was told this a few months after it happend, but did not beleive it, now I have proof, and a witness...........his friend was there when he got together with her, and my husband told him all the details. I drug it out of him, and promised him not to say how I found out . This girl had left DH a message on the answering machine, after it happended, and he told me someone was playing a prank. She said her name was Maria, when I asked Dh friend what her name was, he said Maria. I know it happened, but what now? What would you do? Sorry, I am rambling, but I need help desperatly.

Hi Joanna,

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I don't have any advice really...but, I wanted you to know that I was listening. I am heartsick for you.

You ask what I would do? I would confront. That is my nature and all good sense would tell me to do so. I don't know you or your marriage, so, I can not say what is right for you under your circumstances.

At second thought I do have this advice:
I would to try to remain calm for the childrens sake. Remove them from the home or leave them with a sitter if you must confront him. My parents divorced and I remember vividly at the age of 7 many tense discussions that happened at a whisper when they thought I wasn't listening or couldn't understand. It was very painful and confusing.

Hang in there, do what is right for you. Know that many of us here feel for you. deb

My thoughts are with you. :( :-( :-(
RE: Serious problem..........please help me..about marr...

I am truly sorry Joanna for what you're going through. Besides the fact that you want him to admit he had an affair 7 years ago, what else do you want to find out? If he has done it again? If it meant something? Why did he do it? All of the above? If you want to confront him you have to make sure all your questions and doubts are answered. Otherwise you will always have doubts in your mind.

There are several ways to deal with cheating and every couple that has gone through this situation deals with it differently. Would I confront? Of course I would and I would have a list of questions to ask him just like the ones I wrote. If it happened 7 years ago and it never happened again I would give him a chance (if he's TRULY sorry) just for the sake of the children. If it were a cheating boyfriend and there were no kids involved I would dump his a**, but with a family is different. People make mistakes and sometimes if the relationship is worth it you can give them a chance. He would have to proof to me that I should trust him and I would let him know that I am mad and hurt and he better not do it again. I agree with the previous reply, if you want to confront him you have to do it alone. I would hate to be in your position right now. I wish you the best and hopefully all the confusion and feelings of betrayal that you're having will go away eventually. Don't hesitate to seek counseling (for yourself or for both of you) if you feel you can't deal with the situation.
I am so sorry. That is so painful. I too think you will have to address this or it will eat at you and explode sometime in the future in one way or another. I agree with dmd's advice about the children.

Wish I could give you a hug and cry with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

RE: Serious problem..........please help me..about marr...


Infidelity and marriage...tough and serious challenges.

I feel you anquish and uncertainity.

Here are some words for thought:

1. What do you see in your future? Your Dear Husband? Being together? divorce? working it out? What do you want to do?

2. Do you still love him? Not like a brother, sister, or even a friends...I mean hot passionate and growing old together.

3. Do you still trust him? Can the trust be re-built?

This is not an overnight decision. It takes time and some level of energy. Please considered taking to a helping professional (i.e., therapist, counselor, etc..).

If you confront him, he may be defensive and over-react (upset). This may lead to a big fight.

I suggest...get your emotion in check..think about your plans for the future and whether you can stay in this marriage knowing that he cheated on you.

When you decided to approach him, it is going to be a difficult conversation and suggests to buffer (protect) your children from this conversation as best as possible.

The best way to tell any children that parents are divorcing is for the parents to tell them together.

Gosh I am rambling on and on..Good luck and take care of you in all this mess!

Mrs. HTK

To have an affair, no matter how short, while your wife is pregnant is extremely low. It doesn't say an awful lot about his character. It is a despicable action.

However, two things:

1) you have since gone on to create a family together.

2) people grow and change. Can you be sure he is the same man today that he was then and vice versa?

Before rushing in to do anything you might regret, spurred by the betrayal, anger and hurt you feel, consider how much you have with this man, what your family is worth, what your relationship is worth, how much you may or may not cherish him and your family, and what you could be putting in jeopardy by opening up wht will be a horrible can of worms.

That's not to say that you and your husband should not have a discussion about this and that you are not entitled to make him answer some tough questions.

But, perhaps seek comfort from some female friends and family members before your discussion. You need to not "confront" full of anger and hurt. That sounds like a potentially explosive situation that could get out of hand with unpredicatble and potentially harmful results.

People backed into a corner defend themselves and lash out. It could get very nasty, maybe violent (verbally if not physically) and his defence may obscure truths that you need to know.

Also consider that he may himself deeply regret what he did and may never have repeated his indiscretion. Think what good it would do to revisit this past action if he considers it buried and that his love for you is unblemished since then. Of course, the opposite is always there as a possibility: if he was unfaithful once, has he been so many times? Is he now? And this you would need to know because if he were a repeat offender, that undermines your entire relationship with him.

None of us can know the extent of his infidelity. Only you know your husband, even though you may now be doubting whether you know him at all. Think about the years you have been together. Have they been happy ones? Has he been committed to you and the kids? Visible, tangible commitment doesn't leave a whole bunch of time for fooling around. So, only you can know these thngs about him and think about your lives together and determine for yourself what the likelihood is of this being a case of repeated unfaithfulness versus a momentary indiscretion.

I think what I would do in your case is first of all consult a therapist/social worker. I would need to rant and rage, get a whole bunch of emotions off my chest and explore with the therapist exactly what questions you need answers to and why, what the possible scenarios might be as outcomes to your discussion with your husband and how you might feel about them. To the extent that it is possible, and I know this is asking a lot, you need to have your discussion with your husband when you are feeling more composed and in control of your emotions, more "rational" if you like, though I always hate the phallocentric notion that women are not "rational beings." I'm not sure that women who rant and rage at their spouses gain a whole lot: if you can maintain a superior, calm upperhand, you may make him feel like such a lowdown piece of #### that he will see you as deserving of the truth and not a cover up.

This is a truly horrendous situation you are now thrown into. I feel dreadful for you and angry for you. But, what I want to do most of all is support you and channel some of my energies into you so that you can have a productive discussion with your husband and not a ranting "confrontation."

And after you do, you may want to have that discussion again in your therapist's office. A more controlled, constructive setting for truths to emerge perhaps?

Good luck, a huge hug and thinking of you,

Thanks again ladies for all of your input and advice. I am going to sleep on it (or try to at least). I value my family more than anything, and I would never want to put my boys through this. I am not thinking real straight, so thanks for the advice about making sure the kids are not around. I will make sure of that, when the confrontation takes place. The first couple of years were rough but, once we had kids, he changed A LOT........I dont think he has done it again, and I dont see where he has even had the opportunity to do so, but in the beginning, it does not really surprise me. If I find out that it was only then, and not since our children were born, I will give him another chance, but if this has been an ongoing thing, he is gone....for me and the kids, I dont want them growing up around this thinking it is acceptable. I will let you know what happens.....thanks again. It is nice to have someone to talk to during times like this........all of you are great.

Joanna.....getting ready to go to bed, and decide our future.....
Joanna - I really don't have anything else to add that these wonderful ladies haven't already told you except to emphasize about not confronting him in front of the kids. And to give you a big hug and tell you how sorry I am that you have to deal with this. I hope at least you'll get your questions answered and perhaps eventually this will make your marriage even stronger. It will be very difficult to forgive him and get the trust back but it's worth it to give it a try for the kids' sake.

Big hugs to you. Keep us updated.

I would confront him. This is something that won't go away and will only get worse if you let it fester inside. You probably will need some counselling. With 3 kids, you may not want to leave him. Every time I feel like I'd like to split with my husband, which is not frequently - only when we haven't been communicating, I think about my daughter and how much that would affect her. But, if it's something you'll never forgive, then you have a decision to make.

I would give him a chance to redeem himself. But definitely make him come clean. And kiss your feet for forgiveness!;-) Good luck.
Joanna, I don't often suggest this, but for a problem of this magnitude, I would consult with a marital counselor (by myself) to sort out my own emotions and what I hope to accomplish before deciding whether to confront the spouse. This I'm sure has come as a severe shock to the system, and I think you could benefit from some steady professional input before you make any decisions about how to address this with your husband.

My hugs and thoughts are with you!!!! You must be sick right now!!! The same thing happened to my best friend and they went to marriage counseling and are now expecting another baby. Just remember not to blame yourself and stay strong for those wonderful babies.
Take care and many hugs,
RE: Serious problem..........please help me..about marr...

I'm so very sorry you are going through this. I've gone through it in my first marriage and that's why I'm not married to him anymore. It was just something I could not live with.

Follow your heart and your gut. That's really the only advice I can give you.

There is a website dedicated to this sort of thing at There are message boards there with lots of nice people going through the same thing you are going through.

Be strong. Your happiness matters too.

My heart goes out to you Joanna, it really does.

I don't know if I would so much "confront" your husband, but you definitely need to talk to him about it. Explain to him that you found out (and be honest about how you found out), and that you don't doubt that this affair really happened. Explain that what he did has hurt you, and that you want to know you can trust him. Tell him that you need to express to him how you feel and you need to hear from him why he did what he did. MAKE HIM TELL YOU "WHY"....don't let him say "I don't know why I did it." I mean, of course he knows why he did it. Maybe he was feeling afraid of having a child. I mean, if nothing else, he most definitely got sexually excited by this woman, and if that's the only reason why he did it, then he at least needs to own up to that and say, "Yep...I just got horny...and I did a stupid thing by sleeping with her."

This happened a long time ago, and he may be hoping that you'd never find out because he KNOWS that what he did was stupid and maybe he has held his guilt inside all this time, hoping it would go away.

Make sure you open up to what he tells you and if you go off or get upset, make sure you don't go off on "him" -- go off on "what he did". Does that make sense. If you go off on him, you're chances of open and honest communication will become slim, but if you focus on the behavior, he will feel more secure to open up to you. At least, in theory.

One thing's for certain: This has upset you, and you need to release that frustration. Don't hold it inside where it will eat you up.
Counseling is the best idea yet. You need to get these thoughts together. I found that there is nothing better that a professionsl to help you. Once you see the counselor, the path may become clear.

Good luck. Know that it will be a tough road whatever you decide. You will need to take one day at a time; some days will be better than others. However, try your best to still be there for your children( I know that can be hard to do.) If you need time to yourself enlist the aid of others.

Marital counseling, can help tremendously.

Good luck!
I like A-Jock's advice. That's a great idea. The counsellor will help you to figure out HOW you want to approach him about it. If you do it wrong, he'll probably get defensive and try to turn it around so that it seems like it's your fault.
RE: Serious problem..........please help me..about marr...

Okay, ladies, I’m going out on a limb here and am going to share a very personal story because this subject is very near and dear to my heart!


I know how you feel because I have been through this. Five years ago, our son was born with Respiratory Distress Syndrome. He was critically ill and had to be moved to three different Neonatal Intensive Care Units, where he remained for 3 weeks until his condition improved. For the next several months after we were allowed to take him home, my son (and daughter, who was 5) WERE my world. I was so obsessive about every little detail about him, I even slept with him on my chest in a recliner in our den because I was terrified he’d stop breathing and I wouldn’t be there. During this period, I failed to see the writing on the wall, so to speak, and completely missed the fact that my husband had begun to have an affair. When I finally figured out something was wrong (I still had no idea that it was an affair, mind you) I sought help from friends. My family was very active in church, and it was difficult for me to reconcile “kicking him out” with my faith. At this point, someone recommended James Dobson’s Love Must Be Tough. This is a wonderful book that does NOT insinuate that Christian wives need to be doormats for their husbands, as so many Christian “self help books” seem to imply. To the contrary, reading this book caused me to take a desperate measure. I went to the local hardware store, bought brand new door handles and locks for my doors, and changed them. I still didn’t know that an affair was beginning, but I knew that something was wrong. So, my husband moved out for about 5 months.

Finally, five months later, I found a letter from this young lady. It devastated my world. Yes, we were separated, but he still came “home” 3-4 times a week, and in my heart of hearts, I just didn’t believe that our problems were that serious. To make a long story short, when I found out, I consulted a lawyer to draw up the separation papers. During this time, my husband came back and begged for forgiveness. We began counseling. Through counseling, I learned that sometimes when families go through traumatic events (the near-death of our son) horrible decisions are made. We continued with counseling, and unfortunately we stopped a couple of months later. It was unfortunate for me that we stopped because a couple of months later, I went off the deep end and did something that is definitely NOT in my character to do. I proceeded to begin a 2 year “emotional” affair with a co-worker that proved to be every bit as destructive to our marriage as my husband’s 6 month sexual affair. Every time I would begin to feel guilty about my feelings for this man (who IS married, I am ashamed to add), I would rationalize the fact that we hadn’t had been physical with one another, even though the emotional side of it was very strong.

Finally, 5 years later my husband’s affair and 3 years after my “emotional” affair, my marriage is better than it ever has been. We’ve been through the ringer, so to speak, but I do have a few points to offer:

1) Everyone is absolutely right in saying NOT to address this subject in front of the kids. There were several very tense conversations that I am ashamed to admit my daughter heard when she was five, and I’d give anything in the world to be able to erase her memory regarding that.
2) Talk to someone objective. If you have any thoughts at all that you want your marriage to work, be very careful about giving YOUR family intimate details. I made this mistake, and my side of the family remains biased against my husband. We can find it in ourselves to forgive what others do to us, but when you’re talking about your parents, they may not be so willing to forgive.
3) Get all emotions out and do NOT let them fester. I was so “nice” about everything, I ended up seeking revenge on my husband through this co-worker, and that was wrong on MY part. No matter how much I wanted to blame my husband for my involvement with this other man, I can’t. I am an adult and have to account for my own actions.
4) Find some ladies who have been through this before and develop a support network. It’s hard to talk to friends who have never been through this because sometimes they just don’t understand. I’ve had several friends say, “Well, I never would have taken him back,” and that would just make me feel like dirt. These little quotations would make me feel so bad about myself, I almost felt justified in going out and doing what I did.

Finally, I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Please stay in touch with us and let us know how things are going.

RE: Serious problem..........please help me..about marr...

You need to speak to someone impartial about this. This counseling should not be with your husband...but on your own. I would suggest a professional counselor...more specifically, I suggest a female counselor in this case. If you can't afford one, if you are a member of a church they should be able to put you in touch with someone. Also, many communities have counseling services that will charge you based on what you can afford.

1) You need to vent the emotions that are eating away at you right now. I would imagine you are extremely angry and have every right to be. You need to discuss your feelings so you don't internalize them.

2) You need to do this with someone that will remain objective.

3) You need to discuss and review all the options you have at this point. A good counselor will come up with some that you haven't thought of.

P.S. I don't think why he did it is that important. The fact is that he did it at a point in your lives where you were very, very low.
Joanna, I'm so very sorry I feel your pain . I Try not to tell people of my past with my X , As it is so painful . I was very married very much in love with him 2 kids ,10 years into our relationship ... Anyhow he was very very jealous ,As time went on I found out it was easier for me to not have any friends as he was even jealous of well anyone .... Something was always missing for me though . I could never really put a finger on it though . Shoot I remember coming home from the hospital with my second child ,and my X had car oil on his neck ,he claimed he couldnt wash off !!! A few days later sitting there next to him with baby at my breast ,looking at him and noticing the oil had faded ,I said "You Have hickies on your neck "" Well it all got twisted and by the time he was done with me I believed him that I was a nut case !!!! Anyhow it was right there in front of me and I didnt see it !!!!! Denial !!!! Huge ... years went by .... I met someone at work ,he was bad mouthing "Some Cheater" that he over heard bragging ... Turned out to be my hubby !!! Well I was gonna leave but insisted on counsoling first . I felt I could save us ... Well in consoling it came out ... He had been with over 60 plus women during our marraige !!!!!!!!! Thats when I New what was missing !!!! It always felt like "Just Sex" no real LOVE there I was just another F... !!!! to him !!!!! Heres a wierd thing he never had a girl call the house he never stayed out late !!! was always home for dinner !!! etc etc !!!! Well I left him .It broke my heart !!!! I went to tons of consoling !!! Well that was 12 years ago when I left him BEST BEST thing I ever did for me and my boys . I'm now remarried to a great guy . With a son of our own !!!! My X well hes alone !!!! has been thru many many more women too!!! And does the same thing to each one he has a relationship with ...IT WASNT ME !!!!!!!! Just like this is not you !!!! I dont know what you should do here but you will figure it out ...Hugs to you Have you been in Denial ????? I hope my story doesnt make you feel worse ..I just could go on and on !!! Keep venting keep talking and DO be READY for his answers if you confront him . MEN that cheat have symptoms,you just gotta go with your gut and heart I feel ... Good luck Hang in there !!!
I guess I'm in the minority here. If it were me, & I was happy w/my marriage & family, & I knew he didn't do it again, I'd let it go. It was a really long time ago, it was probably a pretty scary time for him & he made a huge mistake, but you guys have built your lives around each other, so I would just consider it water under the bridge.

That's just my opinion, & only if you're truly happy w/your life. But if you have suspicions he's still wandering then you should talk to him about it.
To me, this is a severe betrayal of a relationship. Not only risk your partner's health or life with a sexually transmitted disease is just awful, IMHO.

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