We don't know for sure he will be separated (country club prison) or he will be in the big house. I hope he will be in the big house. Big boys don't like people like Scott. I HOPE he will be in the big house. Not every HIGH profile cases/murderers are in a separated prison. Take serial killers for example, MOST of them are in a maximum security prison with the rest of the guys. Edmund Kemper is in a regular maximum security prison. He's EXTREMELY tall, 6'8" so I don't think too many guys would screw around with him. Charles Mason is VERY small, about 5'1, 5'2". David Berkowitz is in a regular maximum security and he was a high profile as well. I think a lot of people are too lenient nowdays. Prison is about punishment, PERIOD. I love that warden in Arizona, he makes his prisoners work in the field in pink underwears. He doesn't allow tv, gym or anything. He makes them work. That's the way it should be.

I think too many people got rich from OJ's case. I think the whole case was a mockery if you ask me. Even the prosecutors were stupid. The police was somewhat stupid. At least no one else died in OJ's hands we know of.

About the press, I agree they should ignore but I don't agree they should ignore. It depends on the situation. If a serial killer is on the loose, they should announce it just for people's safety. If they mention the evidences, etc in the paper, then that is WRONG. The police shouldn't say that. Serial killers are extremely intelligent so they get away with A LOT. Baby killers like Peterson is a moron. I don't really pay attention to what the press says about a lot of things because who knows if the press is telling the truth about so-so, etc. SMART cops do not explain the case or the findings because it ruins everything. Smart cops will say Yes, there's a nut on the loose, etc. Unfortunately a lot of cops want a circus around. Ruins a lot of things in my opinion.
oops ... sorry ... had a brain blip. Didn't mean to post here.

There has been quite a bit of speculation whether he will get the death penalty or life in prison. The experts believe he will get life in prison since this is his first offense. However, David Westerfield received the death penalty after killing Danielle Van Dam in San Diego and this was his first offense. so, who knows?

I wish I wasn't on travel this week as my local news discusses this case daily since the Peterson family lives in the San Diego area.

It will be interesting to see who does and doesn't speak during the penalty phase.

>I wish I wasn't on travel this week as my local news discusses
>this case daily since the Peterson family lives in the San
>Diego area.

Hi Lorrayne, usually has info on this case daily. I check it all the time. :) There's an evidence gallery, complete file coverage...everything. They even had all the recorded phone conversations between Scott and Amber Frey you could listen to, by date and in order.

Have a good week!
It's interesting that it appears this guy has no past behavioral problems. At least I haven't heard of any. You just don't wake up one day and decide to kill your wife and unborn child and then act quite cool about it afterwards.

This guy must have an anti-social personality but by all accounts, he and Lacy were "HAPPY". I don't buy it.

It's just good he'll be off the streets.
A fairly somber statistic: according to one study approximately 1200 women per year are murdered by their current or former intimate partners (married or not). And in the work that I do (prosecution of domestic violence crimes) I routinely see that pregnancy very often has the effect of triggering more intense violence by the intimate partner on the woman.

One of the TV journalists after the Peterson verdict was announced predicted that Peterson would not get the death penalty because, interestingly, domestic violence murders are deemed less serious than, say, parental murders of children or stranger murders.

I too predict that Peterson will get life in prison - and I predict that scores of women will want to become his next wife.

Life's a funny old dog sometimes.


But to be so cold and removed of such a violent act afterwards. Do you also see that kind of behavior?
"We don't know for sure he will be separated (country club prison) or he will be in the big house. I hope he will be in the big house. Big boys don't like people like Scott. I HOPE he will be in the big house. Not every HIGH profile cases/murderers are in a separated prison. Take serial killers for example, MOST of them are in a maximum security prison with the rest of the guys."

I hope he goes to the big house too!! Guys like him deserve to be someone's b*%ch!!!!}(
Candi - I see that kind of behavior all the damn time.

People for the most part simply do not understand the personalities of violent criminals in general and the domestic / intimate partner abusers in particular.

Scott Peterson, I'm sure, feels not one shred of guilt for what he did. Laci and their unborn child were inconveniences to him, nothing more and nothing less, and disposing of them was only a logistical problem for him, not a moral or even an emotional one. And if he feels bad right now, it's because he was caught, not because he had something to be caught at.

What I see - and I review domestic violence crime reports on a daily basis, as well as investigate certain of these reports for criminal charges against the abuser - is that the abuser feels entirely justified and right in his conduct. (And approximately 87% of the time {conservatively} the abuser is a male and the victim is a female.) Abusers are fairly gifted at mouthing the right words to the police, the judge, the probation officer, to give the appearance that they feel bad about what they've done if they even ever bother to acknowledge it (this usually happens when the other evidence is overwhelming).

From everything I've seen, including professional on-the-job experience as well as extensive training by law enforcement, prosecuting authorities and medical personnel, the domestic abuser is a personality type that is as distinct and identifiable as any other in the DSM. It's not an "anger management" issue, and it's not an alcoholism / chem-dep issue, and it's not a socioeconomic deprivation issue, and it's not a victim-deserved-it issue. Abusers have a psychological need to abuse their intimate partners, and the abuse is emotionally gratifying to them. Until society truly understands that, combating domestic violence from a systemic level is often a thankless and sometimes futile effort.

Why do you guys think I work out so hard?

How do you shake it off at the end of the day, A-Jock (e.g, when you're lying in bed at night, not working out)?
Susan - it's taken a lot of time and effort to develop the coping skills necessary in my line of work. Intelligent, consistent and intense exercise coupled with (fairly) good eating habits helps. It also helps to be married to my soulmate, who is also an absolute mensch; what also helps is to NOT talk about my cases at the end of the day. Sobriety also helps.

It helps to know that I'm very, very good at what I do, and I can only be responsible for the input. That being said . . . sometimes I can't. Sometimes I feel like there's a train wreck in slow motion going on somewhere in my jurisdiction, when I'm working on a case involving an absolute nightmare freak. Sometimes I just shake with rage that, in spite of ever-evolving sophistication in terms of the laws addressing domestic violence and the safety options available for victims, there is no such thing as perfect safety especially from a man intent on terrorizing, brutalizing or murdering his woman. And . . . sometimes names I've seen in my piddly little misdemeanor police reports become the names we see on the news and the paper, now murdered by their men. That's happened to me five times since I started in August 1999, and it's gonna happen again.

I know we're talking about men here but what about women who abuse men? That is around definitely but men don't report it as much as women because they're embarassed. I don't hear you talking about women who beat their boyfriend/husband. I know majority of abuse cases are men beating/murdering their SO.

Men don't need to be anti-social to be abusive. I've seen quite a few prominient men beating their wives or hire someone to murder their wife. It doesn't matter what background you come from. You're either psychologically messed up or not although most abusers come from an abusive background. (so they say) I don't believe everything perpetrators say anyway.
Hello, Zero Tolerance: yes, there are women out there who are physically violent toward their male intimate partners but from what I've seen they are distinctly in the minority. There are also gay men and lesbian women who are domestic abusers.

That being said, I say again that overwhelmingly domestic violence is a man on woman pathology. The 87% figure I quoted earlier is, if anything, conservative. Underreporting is a fact of life in domestic violence for a whole host of reasons, including embarrassment on the female victim's part as well. I've worked on a few cases - a very few but very real cases - in which the woman was the perpetrator and the man was the victim. It is simply not so that this is an equal-opportunity or equal-occasion crime with men being underrepresented in terms of victim services.

I'm not sure why people are so reluctant to believe that domestic violence is overwhelmingly a male-on-female pathology. Maybe it's hard for us, in an egalitarian society in which women are increasingly empowered, to accept that misogyny, that the hatred of and the need to control women is still a profound emotional and social and political dynamic.

The sad fact is, women are in far greater danger from the men who say "I love you" than from the stranger jumping out from the bush or the drive-by shooter. And again, until we, especially we women, accept that reality we will continue to labor under a very false and dangerous delusion that domestic violence is an even-stephen (pun intended) affair (pun intended).

I know the ratio is bigger with men on women. Of course. Majority of men are bigger than women so they're physically capable of hurting the woman more than a woman hurting the guy. That is a fact. I don't know where you got your 86% from...I don't know if it's national or locally as you are from Minn. I do not believe all men are abusers. Yes, a lot of people have a hard time accepting the abuse situations. I KNOW they know it's wrong for the man to abuse the woman but they don't want to accept the fact. There's a difference between knowing and accepting. A lot of women KNOW it's wrong and they should leave the relationship. Oftentimes the woman is too scared to leave the relationship because 1. She has no/not enough job experience, 2. not enough money saved especially if they have a child/children 3. Scared of the man coming after her/them and kill them although that doesn't always happen, 4. Some, not most women believe the man will change (rolled eyes). A VERY few men will/can change through help. Most don't give a damn. What angers me is if the guy abuses the woman and their children, the woman stays because "she loves him". Makes me feel she doesn't care for the kids even though she does. It angers me even more if the man abuses their kids. Kids don't do anything. They're more innocent than anything PLUS some of them will think it's ok to abuse their spouse/SO as well.

I do know a lot of female cops who are abused by their own husbands/boyfriends and they don't do a damn about it. I don't know why. Like I said, difference between knowing and accepting. A lot of people think it's the norm. Whatever. Besides, to be frank with you, anyone who abuses their spouses, SO, kids, etc.... They're COWARDS. They just need to feel better about themselves because their self-esteem is MUCH, MUCH lower than the abused.

Back to Scott Peterson, I would not be surprised if he was "abused" himself as a kid. You never know with people. They appear to be happy when they're not. They do a good job of acting. A lot of people appear to be normal but they're could be a nutcase. I would not be surprised if women propose to Scott either. (GAG) For some reason, a lot of women love perpetrators even serial killers. Some even married serial killers while they're in prison. PATHETIC.
Actually, women on men abuse is quite prevalent in this society. I certainly do not condone abuse at all. It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear of this kind of stuff, especially men on women because typically the guy is much stronger and as we often see, the results are disastrous. From what I have read, during the mid nineties anyway, men on women abuse declined while women on men abuse rose. It's not widely reported in the media because it's not PC for one thing. Especially in the last 5 to 7 years when white males have been blamed for everything under the sun. From some articles I just skimmed a few mins ago, they claim women are just as bad as the guys, it's just that the guys are better at the killing part. Note I am just repeating what I read. So the abuse is out there from both sides.
I think there are many many factors involved in this phenomena than just having a screw loose in the mind. Alot of the crap in our present "modern society" is to blame as well.
Regarding women as domestic abusers: as I said earlier, it happens and I've worked on cases of that kind. But as Zero Tolerance pointed out, domestic abusers are coward who tend to pick on persons weaker than themselves, and - feminists and Catheites, don't hate me - men are overwhelmingly just plain stronger than women. Thus, women, not being stupid, usually will not try to take on someone who can pound them into the ground. I worked on one case in which the victim's ex-girlfriend drove his own car into HIM, knocking him to the ground and then taking off with the car. I worked on another case in which the victim's ex-girlfriend had stabbed him, gotten arrested and charged with 2nd degree domestic assault, and then the charges had to be dismissed because the victim underwent a change of heart, recanted his story and cause the body of evidence to collapse.

Where I see women "gaining ground" as it were in domestic violence crimes is stalking and harassment crimes. With the advent of more and more communications technology, harassment of ex-boyfriends and ex-husbands is on the rise. People usually commit bad acts because they can, and harassment is easier and easier all the time.

I work on cases as they come in the door, without regard to the gender of the victim or the suspect. But I say again - it's overwhelmingly a male-on-female situation. I am the last person to say that all men are abusers or even that most men are abusers. But - most abusers are men, and as a policy standpoint we have to dedicate resources that do the greatest good for the greatest number.

What's really, really sad is how much people yawn when a woman is murdered by her man, especially when the victim is black and poor. If Scott and Laci Peterson had been poor, black and homely, there might have been a squib in the local section of the jurisdiction's paper. But, when the victim and murderer are attractive and middle or upper class, that's when People Magazine, Court TV and the Cathe Forums sit up and take notice. It would have been even sexier, I'm sure, if Laci had murdered Scott in cold blood; then people could have cheered and said, "See? Toldja! Women kill men too!"

We posted at about the same time before A-Jock. Thanks for sharing your experiences in this area.....I certainly cannot and would not argue anything you have said. And I definitely agree with your comment on the publicity thing. I am not a fan of Magazine shows, court shows, reality shows...I find it to be trash. And maybe an indirect cause of some of this stuff we hear about.
T. :)
You are right. Women are catching up to men criminalwise. Some prison is overflown with female perpetrators. Most are poor, different race, etc. Some just don't care. Some prisoners find jail their home. I know some perpetrators who was in jail for a few yrs commited a crime again just so they can go back to jail. Some even commit a severe crime so they can stay for life.

Frankly, I do not believe statistics are accorate. People can still add/subtract the numbers so I don't really buy statistics. True, some are CLOSE to accuracy.

Don't flame me either but I do agree with Aqua about men being MUCH stronger than women. Men have much stronger upperbody than women thus severe damage to the woman. It's the way our physical makeup is. Why do you think a lot of women use objects to beat the guy with? True, a small percentage of women are stronger than an average male but it's a VERY VERY small percentage. Some women are trained to defend themselves i.e cops, etc as I mentioned and they still don't use their training to get the guy off of them physicially. When you're scared, you're scared. You could be a female bodybuilder and you can still get the s**t beaten out of you by your guy if he be an average joe or a meathead himself.

True, if you're black or hispanic, the press won't bother because it's more common and these people rarely go to the police to report it. A lot of women change their mind about reporting, pressing charges, etc because they think with their emotions more than their head. Why? I have no idea. Me, if I was in their situation, I'd MAKE SURE they're put away for as long as possible. Frankly, I think a lot of people are nutcases. :p

I don't know if any of you ever read or heard about this, scientists say people kill or hurt others because their chemical imbalance is off. I think it's a BS. Something about a small part of their brain being smaller than an average brain. I don't find that true. Rich, middle class and/or poor, there's an abuser in any class.

Thanks for your perspective. You must be a very strong woman emotionally, not just physically, to cope with your line of work.

Having lived with an abuser for 21 years, I agree, men do it because they get away with it. It took years for me to gain the confidence, through counseling, to set my boundaries. Thankfully, Florida had just adopted the law which protects family abuse victims. All I had to do was call the police and explain what happened. I did not have to show any bruises or marks. The minute I had my ex arrested the first time, he stopped abusing me physically. The control he showed physically just shifted to even more verbal abuse. During that time I set up a solid plan for leaving and followed through. I found out there is life after living through hell.
Candi - yours is a sobering story, and it took guts for you to post it here.

I'd like, for other readers, to emphasize a point you made in the last part of your post: HAVE A PLAN FOR LEAVING AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.

There is a very concept in domestic violence analysis called "separation violence". When a long-term domestic violence victim finally decides that s/he wants to leave that relationship for good and all, that can be the most dangerous time for him/her. Remember - abusers need to abuse, they need their punching bags, they need to control their victims, and when they perceive that their victims are truly out the door, that's when homicides can occur.

Be smart, be level headed, get some good systemic support in your corner, and do what you need to do to leave the relationship SAFELY. There is life after a relationship of this kind, but never underestimate what an abuser is capable of, even if s/he doesn't plan it like Peterson did.


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