CHARLESTON DISTANCE RUN IS DONE!!! yay!!! The first 10 miles felt great! Even going up Capital Punishment Hill!!!! But....they ran out of Gatorade after the first few miles and there was only water. I was sooo mad at myself for not taking my water bottle! Note to self,,,,,,,never, ever, rely on them to supply the Drink of Choice!!! It was very, very humid today (88% humidity). I started cramping after 10 or 11 miles. I was drinking water and using my AccelGels. But I have never cramped in my quads before today. First my feet started cramping......another couple of miles my calves started cramping. But the last mile mile my quads were also cramping. I was so mad at myself. I had to take several walk breaks. My time was 2:48 minutes and some seconds (don't know official time yet). I didn't realize how bad the conditions were until my family and friends told us that several people collapsed and had to be put on gurneys and some just walked the lap around the track finish line. Seemed like everyone was having really bad cramps.
Anyway.....I did it. That has been a goal of mine for around 30 years! I have never done that race. I have always been petrified of the hills. Okay.....sorry for going on and on!
Carole - Oh my gosh! Your poor mom! I hope she is okay! The break was bad enough, but to have an anomoly on top of that. Hope your sis doesn't behave too badly! Hope you are able to get in your KB and that you have a good day. I know it won't be really good....but sending you good vibes and hugs that everything will be smoother!
Cathy - Thank you sooo much! I got the Cytomax! I didn't use it today, because I was afraid to try something different...but I wish I would have went ahead and tried it! Sorry you had a rough day with your tooth yesterday, but glad it is doing better today!
Wendy - Oh my! The gas line explosion sounds awful! That is sad about the person dying of the heart attack! It is amazing no more people were killed, though. Sorry Joey gave you a hard time!
Jackie - I am not sure if Dumb Training used heavier weights or not. I have Kitchen Sink and the BBD. That is all that I have. I really need to try DT. I have had it for around a year and never tried it! I like him a lot! His laugh cracks me up! There was no damage to our house from the explosion. Some homes directly across the river from the plant had windows blown out. Great job on your outside run!
Christine - Sorry your ride got postponed! I understand about the wine and Indian food,though!! So you saw our explosion on the news?
Gloria - Glad your student liked the gift!
karen - Good job on the iClimb! Awww...Fantasy Football time of year again! My SIL is nuts about that!
Shelly - Yes, it was very scary! It happened Thursday night, but I am surprised you didn't hear anything about it, too! I know when I Googled it, I saw a lot about it on the internet. Rumble really sounds good! I am sure I would have not noticed the glitch, either.
we have to go to my SM's for a get together and cookout. I have to leave in just a little while. I am not quite feeling ready for that....I am a tad in pain!
I think it is from the few mile of steep downhill. Oh well.
I will try to bbl! Hey to everyone!!
It is pouring the rain now! Wish it would have rained during the race!