Runner's check-in Wed. May 31

Thanks for the thoughts on the lean rotation. Which one would you recommend? I see what you mean about the body parts. I don't have it in front of me, but I'm thinking that maybe in weeks 5-7 there are other tapes added? I'm not sure though and this is a good thing for me to think about .

Did you do your Tempo Run on the treadmill? I am 5'9", so I get what you mean about the Clydesdale feeling. Do you set the treadmill on any incline?

If you do an interval (say .25 miles on the TM, how fast do you go? -- I ask that because I set my Tempo Run speed relative to the "fastest" interval I can run and make it slower than that by at least 30 seconds. (So if an interval speed HYPOTHETICALLY is an 6 min mile, Tempo run at least 6:30 sec. mile or a 7-min. mile -- LOL )

Also, it depends on the treadmill. One game I have played with the treadmill, is to put a towel on top of the screen and then just do it "by feel" by hitting the arrow key to speed up and see how you feel. Then when you settle in to what a good clip feels to be: remove the towel and see what your body has told you?

At runners world there is a pace calculator that tells you what your pace should be for a Tempo Run, interval run, etc. I have to rush off now, but I have that saved somewhere. I'm sure others will have great advice for you!

Wow, I'm not sure I can keep up with all the action these threads get! *lol*

1. WHO is Mr. Yummypants?? Did Hugh Jackman break into the exercise video business?? ;-) :)

2. Wendy--funny that you find it easier to run on the tread than out on the road. For me, it's the exact opposite. I rarely run on the tread now...just can't last on that thing. I think it might be boredom (not being able to be out in the fresh air, taking in the scenery, fighting monster hills!)

3. My DVDs have arrived...they are: Core Max, Imax2, KPC, and Slow & Heavy. So did my German passport...I now have dual citizenship. Love getting GOOD mail, too!

Well, I'm going to go catch a few last rays of sun, then do GS CT, and preview my new toys!

Have a great night, everyone!
Barb - most people I know are doing the classic rotation. I do try to do everything (Plyo or an IMax, and some kind of kick boxing, and yoga), but I don't always do it in the order he suggests.

I actually need to do the "towel game". I think I limit myself on the treadmill because I think I can't run fast. I'll do that next week when I'm on my treadmill run. I'll bet you it's around 6.0 - or a 10 minute mile. But the good thing is even my long runs are getting faster.

For this tempo run I left the treadmill flat. I have been doing Cardio Coach, and those have hill work, and I go up to an 8 (it goes up to 15). I can look for it in Runner's world. Thanks for the advice Barb! I really appreciate it. I just hope my long run feels as good as this one did.
Cathy - Mr. Yummypants is Bryan Kest - he does yoga videos. :)

LOVE getting mail like that, and so many new reasons to get out of bed in the morning to workout! HAVE FUN with your new workouts!!! And your dual citizenship. :)
wow there are alot of check in's today!!
elaine yes , I have a 5k this weekend, so hopefully I will be able to perform well.

barb, I bet you cant wait until your half. I am excited for you!!!

sarah I like that thought about the hills. I never looked at it that way!!!

I cant wait, I work tomorrow and then have the rest of the week off,YIPEE!!
I will keep everyone posted on the garmin. I am suppose to get it next monday!
By the way - I am now OFFICIALLY signed up for the Wine Country Half Marathon... *shakes in shoes*

Laura - good luck on your 5k!

Barb - I'm stoked for your half, too!
This is July 16th - but fear not, Carole is pushing for another one for me in October, and I'm afeared she'll wear me down... So, I'm sure we'll get to train together!!!
Hi ladies! Wow, this is my third day out of lurkdom. It must be the high that I got from the 10K. I mentioned when I posted last night that I did get new shoes and I am going to try them out tomorrow. I did get them fitted by a specialist. I ended up with Asics Kayanos, which the guy told me was for bigger runners. Nice, huh? Oh well, at least I am trying!!

Thomasina – How was the hilly run and also how was Bryan Kest? I am eyeing up some of his DVDs at the deep discount dvd sale this month. I really need to stretch more.

Cathy – Great job getting up early for a run and then doing GS CT after work. I never have motivation to workout both AM and PM. I am impressed. What new Cathe DVDs did you get?

Sarah – your run does sound kick arse!!! Way to go.

Jess – I have to adopt your attack the hills mentality. I fear them!

Marcia – How are the new shoes? Did you start breaking them in?

Laura – I hope that you are feeling better. I know that it is hard to slow down, but sometimes we need to.

Barb – 4 days!!! Woohoo! Which half marathon are you running in on Sunday?

Carole – You always impress me with your workouts. Just when I am thinking I don’t feel like doing anything, I think of you and make my lazy butt do something!!

Karen – Sorry that you are having knee issues. Did the stretching help? Did you like the SM segment with the bands? I actually found that one pretty nice. Also, sorry about the scratchy throat. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t get worse.

Pamela – Glad you had an enjoyable run!

Judy – Good to hear that your first experience running in heat went well. I am such a baby! I get up at 5am to beat the heat or I just melt.

Mattea – Sounds like you had a great run too! I really like the ankle weight work from L&G.

Amy – Awesome job on the treadmill workout last night. Don’t you love it when you impress yourself with your speeds???

Elaine – Wow, just reading your workout for today made me tired! How did it go?

Wendy – Terrific job on the TM run. 38 minutes straight, you go girl!

Christine – Glad to hear that you signed up for the half marathon. You are going to do great!!!
Oops, one more thing I forgot to add. Don't you guys sometimes wish that Cathe's Stretch Max DVD was set up by body part so that you could do all the leg stretches after you runs???

Karin, I love that idea of a Cathe body part stretch. Generally I don't do stretch max I usually opt for yoga but once in a while I like to throw it in especially since the bands were already out from my gymstyle workouts. Right now my nose is starting to get a tad stuffy so maybe it's finally breaking though and the throat will be gone tomorrw. She says with her fingers crossed tight. Thanks for your well wishes. I can feel healing vibes my way.
Karin, I really like segment 1 of Stretch Max for after a run. It gets into the legs good. It's got sort of a yoga flair to it. If you take a look at Sarah's picture trail, some of the stretches she has there are in that segment. I've tried the other two and really prefer the first one. If I'm short on time I just do the leg stretches from the DVD that I know are most effective for me. But when I do have time it's relaxing to do the whole 20 minutes so I look forward do it.
barb what is the slideboard thing that you are talking about? Is it one of those flat pieces of board that you wear footies over your shoes and go push yourself side to side?

amy g. where is your half in july at?

karen I to had the IT band syndrome and everyone is right, rest,ice and listen to your body. I worked through mine, it gets frustrating. I ended up getting it from jumping mileage too fast. I managed to pull through it right before my first half marathon 2yrs ago.

chat with you all later!
I just ordered Mr. Yummy Pants' Power Yoga collection and Jari Love's Ripped dvd from deepdiscount! Now I'm excited!:)

I was going to get Slim and Lean by Jari but Ripped was the only Jari available at deepdiscount and I was able to get both dvds for just over $20.00 w/no shipping charge so it was worth it! If I like Ripped I will purchase Slim and Lean in the future ofcourse!}(

I also decided not to wait on Mr. YP after all...for what I paid it's worth takin' the chance!

Wish me luck with Mr. Yummy Pants, girls! Or should I say...ENABLERS!!!}( }( }( If I can't do these dvds I'm comin' after all of YOU!:p


Have a great night ladies...I just had to share my joy!:+

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