Runner's check-in Wed. May 31

Good Morning Cheetah's

Today was gymstyle back shoulders and biceps and I through in some abs from Karen Voight for good measure. Then I did stretch max with the bands and added in some specific stretches for the it band from Sarah's trail and some ones I found in a book. It feels fine today. I am not going to run today even though I was going to do 2 easy miles. I will ice it today and just do what I already got done and then maybe again this evening do some more stretches. I don't want to irritate it because it doesn't hurt at all today.Thanks for all the good advice. Yes, it is hard not to run today.

Barb- 4 days and counting. I can't wait!!! I'm doing the stretches.

Sarah- Miss you. Your picture trail is coming in very handy for me.

Chritine- I have to get p90x. It sounds like the way to go.

Carole- Yes, our run yesterday was nice. I was amazed to read that the it band affects beginners as well as seasoned runners. I really thought about it last night and I know that one hill triggered in on that 5k two weeks ago. Then I did 10 miles on top of it the next day. I should have stopped at 6. All a learning process. I'll get it.

Marcia- Good luck breaking in those new shoes.

Wendy- Let me know how you like Jari Love. I think this may be my next purchase.

jess- I hope you get gymstyle. They are completely priceless.

Laura- I know the feeling to come back from a cold. You'll be back to 100% soon.

Thomasina- Glad you had a nice weekend.

Cathy- Hope Your run goes well. Enjoy your new toys. Oh dvd's. Same thing.

Pamela- Gald you got the run in before the heat. good work

As for my throat. it's still scratchy but nothing I can't deal with. I am downing the garlic. Karen
Carole--have a great workout today. 5 miles and Musclemax sounds hard to me, but I love it that this is your recovery week workout. I didn't realize you had prior ITB injuries. It's great you can run as far as you do and not have a recurrence of problems. I'm amazed at the overlap between the PT exercises I got and what is available to do on home DVDs. I will check out the TLTs soon. When I did the Firm, Tracie Long and Jen Carmen were my favorites.
Get rich quick scheme: Garmin with a built in cattle prod signal for DHs who are "helpful" around the house, but sometimes do it marching to their own time drummer? The garmin 5000-plus. My DH and I are always finding the yin-yang balance between our mutual percpetion of what "get it done soon" means.

Wendy--thanks the "awe" compliment. When my kids were your adorable son's age, I would not have been able to do this much. And it's still a challenge now with older kids. I don't do everything at once -- and got into doing the multiple things on a single day partially for rehab reasons: the extra time warming up thoroughly and doing some weights before a run really helps keep me injury free. Also, this came about from me wanting to exercise more and working around my duties with kids in the a.m. The early, early 5:30 a.m. is usually my main exercise time or warm up time or a run, then I am with my kids from 6:30-8:30 and then after the kids go to school, I can do an additional segment and I have a slot in the afternoon for "whoops" I didn't do it all in the a.m. I work part time and on those days, tend to use the "whoops" time more.

Jess--that's great about your TV debut. That must have been a treat to be filmed. It's terrific you know the workouts by heart. I got my DH P90x and he loves it. I am liking what I am seeing. There is a feature on the tapes, something like "Music and Cues" where you can turn off Tony's chatter (which doesn't annoy me, actually!) I used to do Pilates daily when I first got out of PT and was building up my mileage. I had some Karen Voight tapes and Stott tapes. But if I ever meet you, I'll get you to autograph them! ;-)
BTW my race is a half, my first, and I'm not really shooting for a time goal, just doing it as a novice to complete it and learn about myself in a racing situation. I've only run one 5K before, but have run for many, many years (20+) for fitness......

Christine -- have a great workout today. How do you find running after a P90x workout? When I did slow and heavy, I was really tired afterwards and the next day and found it tough to do as much running .

Karen -- hang in there with the not running. It sounds like you are on the road to recovery and in charge of your resting, but still working out the guns. A little rest now is way better than a mandatory longer rest later.......

Pamela--sounds like you had a great run and p90x, too? Go, girl go!


:) :) :)
I see there are many early cheetahs checking in today. :)

Today was a 6.5 mile run at a moderate pace. It was my first expreience running in heat, so I wanted to be cautious. It went well enough, but when the kids are out of school, we will run earlier. Now, we are limited by the morning schedule of our kids.

I agree about the running shoes and getting fitted by people who do it for a living. I could never run in cross trainers, and didn't realize it was the shoes that made avery big difference in how I felt.

"Hello" to everyone of the Cheetahs here!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Karen-So sorry to hear about your injuryx( I just read about IT Band injuries in the Runner's World Book last night, so you'll definitely want to reread that section if you haven't already. I think you've gotten great advice, just wanted to send healing vibes your way! Also, my best suggestion on the yeast infection is to make sure that you shower and change as soon as you are done working out and that you use a blow dryer on set on 'cool' to make sure you are completely dry in that area after the shower. This helps tremendously especially in this steamy weather. Bacteria can't thrive in the drier environment. The more raw the garlic the better for your throat, also you can try gargling with wine or other alcohol if you have any in the house. I keep rum in my cupboard for this only (have had the same bottle about 3 years as I don't usually get sick,lol). This will burn, but it works wonders on knocking out bacteria in the throat.

Karin-Again, congratulations on the 10K!! Sorry about the residual soreness, and I'm with everyone else, the shoes PLUS the abrupt switch of running surfaces. New shoes, gradual introduction to a variety of surfaces, and consistent stretching will most likely clear things up very quickly.

Thomasina! Your post put such a smile on my face this morning! I'm actually into dill pickles lately, but found some at my local Wegmans with reduced sodium (Shout out to Wegmans! Judy will know what I mean!) Hey, maybe Wegmans has something to do with the "hill killer gal" title! Thanks by the way, and believe you me, it's also not always a choice.

Pamela-You also sound like you're in a great mood! I could never swing the low carb thing very well, but you know traditional "bread" is not your only option, you can take extra firm tofu, slice it thin, and then broil and or bake it until crisp/firm and use it for 'sandwiches' or 'toast'.

Cathy-Enjoy the new DVDS! What is getting delivered? Glad you were able to beat the heat today.

Laura-BC sounds tough! Way to go on running in this heat:) Hope you enjoy the Garmin! I love gadgets:7 Just take it as your body can give it and your endurance will be back in no time.

Elaine-Thanks! I can't wait to try some others on race t-shirts this summer. I've tried the website you suggested, but they keep telling me that they don't have a zoom level for where I live--ah, the joys of small town life and back roads!

Sarah-Oh my goodness! ROTHFLMAO! "Take each hill one at a time and make it your bi#ch!" That is going to get me up even more hills!! I love you!

Jess-Another hill sister! I also sometimes 'power up' even though I know I shouldn't on some of the longer runs. There is one particular hill about 1 mile into the 'long run' loop that is over a mile long and takes about 10 min. to get to the top, power is not really an option, but, making it my bi#ch, hmmmm:+ I'm sure the dog incident will blow over and make a nice story to laugh over someday soon. So cool about the Winsor Pilates!

Marcia-Enjoy the short run to break in the new shoes, hope they feel like running on clouds!

Wendy-Enjoy the long run, hopefully air conditioned! Yeah, BC tends to have that effect on a lot of people. Friggin' deceptive is what it is. Most of the cardio and weights start out manageable and then, "The minute gets kind of long..."

Barb-I'm almost more excited for your race than my own! What time does it start? I'm sure you'll be amazing, you are training so smart and strong--your body will thank you for the extra rest:D I am SO PUMPED for my 5K! Tomorrow is my last speedwork session and then it's a little step to cross train and then yoga and light walking the day before. Thanks for the encouragement, I really feel excited about the challenge! I'm about halfway done with the Runner's World Book and feel like I've learned so much already. I can't wait to read more today. It's also a great way to keep busy in this heat! You'll love the garlic tip, but others might not love you! The more raw the garlic the better, this is sometimes hard to do, but good ways to get it down are in hummus, in salads, in a sandwich. My DH can pretty much eat it raw on just crackers--which would just about kill me.

Christine-"Valley girl", LOL-Have you noticed how much more rotations are starting to look like Carole's? We might have to come up with a bionic label for you as well;-)

Carole-I managed to beat the heat this morning, started about 8:30 and it was only in the upper 60's. Where do you usually end up getting your shoes online?

Today, was up early to take DH into work, so I beat the heat outside, and did a 5 mile run (included w/p and c/d). Then came home and did the ankle weight work from L&G, and abs from KPC. Today I'm off to buy plants and then more reading! DH calf is feeling better, but he's still babying it so as to be as fully recovered as possible for Sunday!
Have a great day to anyone I missed, hopefully we'll have more storms today to cool it off a little this evening.
Mattea- Thanks for the great advice. I never heard of the rum thing but I'm going to give it a try. I feel like it wants to become a cold but I'm fighting it and right now I feel pretty good. I am just getting ready to go outside to finish reading my books and ice my knee. I have speed work planned for tomorrow and then Firday will be legs, yoga and abs and hopefully an easy run depending my my it band after tomorrow's speed work.. Sat I am going to rest before the 5k Sunday. I am so pumped too. I can't wait. I 'll meet you here Sunday with our race reports.

Gayle - Where is Gayle???? Come back Gayle we miss you.
Karen-Hope that you feel 100% for Sunday! Are you worried about working your legs so close to the race? What kind of legs are you doing Friday? Also, what will your speedwork be like tomorrow? I was planning on actually going to the track again and doing about 3 miles total 1 mi. w/p 3X800 at LT pace with 400 jogs in between and then a mile to cool down. I'm loosely following a training schedule off of Runner's World and had a hard time making myself run "easy" today, lol!
Tomorrows run will be the one I posted that Sarah gave me. If you don't find it I can email it to you. It's a treadmill run so I build up speed starting at 7 and then 7.5 and them basically do interval of speed 8 mph for 2 min and then 5mph for 1 min. I do this like 5 times. The total workout is around 40 min and covers I believe close to 5 miles. The leg workout for Friday is Gymstyle legs or I was thinking of doing legs and glutes. I was even toying with the idea of using Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout the lower body potion which uses ankel weights. Kind of like the end of legs and glutes. I'm still up in the air but favoring gymstyle. I don't really mind doing legs Friday since I am doing nothing Sat. or maybe yoga.

What do you think about me doing legs tomorrow with an easy run and then saving the speed work for Friday. Any thoughts??? karen
Good morning!

Thomasina, I'm so happy to see you! Your posts always crack me up! Do you know how to say bi*ch in French???

Cathy, Which DVDs are you expecting? For me there's always something extra special about a day when I'm expecting something in the mail!! Have fun previewing.

Sarah, Good morning! Your posts also crack me up!! Not to mention giving me new ideas. You know, the whole make the hill your bi%ch thing? I have another area where I can apply that concept!

Marcia, You are busy today! Hope it's not too awful hot when you get your afternoon run in.

Wendy, You won't be sorry with Mr. Yummypants. What is the Jari Love DVD like that you mentioned? (Here's your chance to become an enabler!)

Jess, I hope the solar cover on your neighbor's pool is not damaged! From someone who has neighbors with an obnoxious dog and clueless owners I can say that it seems like you should be quickly forgiven since you seem genuinly sorry about what Mikey did. Wonder why he jumped in the pool? I hate watching infomercials but I'll be trying to catch the one for Winsor Pilates now. I'll bet that was a fun experience.

Laura, I hope you are feeling 100% soon. Do you have a race planned in the near future?

Barb, So the 1/2 is this weekend!! Are you excited? Everytime you mention the slide board I think that not owning one myself I'm missing out on something. But they cost so much that it would be a difficult to have the purcahse just blend in with all my other monthly expenditures. Maybe I'll put it on my b'day or Christmas list. (Here's *your* chance to become an enabler!)

Christine, I agree, your workouts are incredibly ambitous and it sounds like you are well over your quarterly set back! So you've got a pool huh? Luckeeeeey!

Carole, Since there are a couple of steep downhills at St. George the ultra way of doing hill repeats might be a good thing for me! MM and 5 miles??? It's amazing, but I can tell that this is your recovery week since that's a workout a normal person would do!

Karen, So, is your IT Band still hurting when you run? I hope it's better real soon. There's not much I hate more than being injured and having to scale back the workouts.

Pamela, Another P90X user.... I should use mine more often. Sounds like you had an awesome run this morning.

Judy, With all that running you do I'm wondering why you don't enter races? Have you ever? They are so much fun!

Mattea, Did you come up with your own idea on the t-shirt alteration or did you have instructions? Bummer on the not working for you. I love it and use it often to change up running routes and to figure out how long they are without having to drive them. I also like that I can print out the maps to take with me so when I'm doing a long run for the first time I won't make a wrong turn somewhere.

Karin, WOW!! What a turnout for the Boulder Boulder. I'm sure it was fun. Glad you got new shoes. Did you have them fitted? Any more races in the near future? Glad you came out of lurkdom!

OK. I think that's everyone! My workout is PLB, core and elliptical. Maybe PlyoX.

See ya'll later!

ETA: Thomasina, I assumed your name meant that you were of South American Indian descent, as in Inca!!! Meatless Inca? LOL!!!
Hi all! It has been a few weeks since I've posted... because I haven't been running much at all!!! My foot and blister situation has been quite strange... right about the time the skin finally healed (it took 2 weeks for the skin to grow back), I had an odd chiropractic adjustment and I swear the chiro subbing for my normal doc didn't get my hips correctly... so I had been walking funny for 2 weeks with a sore foot, then continued to walk funny with my left leg feeling like it was facing the wrong direction, LOL!

BUT, last night I did a treadmill workout at school (I realized I can do a gym workout on a treadmill/elliptical/bike at school!! Yay!! I'm much less concerned about hurting myself with too much running, now!) and I was on the treadmill for 30 min (all I had time for) doing intervals. My 60 second recovery was at 5.5, and my 90 second interval was at 7.3. I can't believe I made it through all those 90 seconds at an 8:13 minute mile pace!!!!! THANK YOU CATHE was all I could think of. :) :) :) I was so proud of how far I've come! I might be a 9 minute miler someday! I spent years thinking I'm a 10 minute miler- which I think I am if I'm not paying attention, LOL!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing really really well and I'm so psyched about the half in July!!! I get to MEET some of you!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
Mattea--thanks for sharing the excitement about the half. I'm excited, too -- it's like walking the plank, only better. I will choose when to eat more garlic carefully, so I can keep away only people needing to be at an arm's distance. It sounds like you are in good shape and good control of trainining leading up to your race. I hope your DH can join you, but it's smart he's playing it safe with the calf. My friend who is a long-time very fast runner and has recurrent problems with her calf. (She's also done yoga seriously for years, so it's very frustrating for her.) Oh, gargling with rum? great idea. I'm going to do that next sore throat I get!

Amy -- good job on that treadmill workout, especially after being out of the running groove for awhile. It sounds like the blister was really bad....I'm glad you are feeling strong, resilient and bouncing back. Your race in July with the other ladies here will be great.

Elaine---ahhh, an opportunity to enable?}( Well the slide board can be stored up against a wall on it's side, so it takes up no space. It's cheaper than a treadmill (ha) but more than a DVD...Are you missing something? I don't's not really something I am doing for fun, it's purely for conditioning and injury prevention. I in no way would have bought it without the injury -- but it has worked wonders for strengthing by outerthigh-glute area and prevented injury for me, I think by keeping me from having overdeveloped quads. Depending on "how low you go" on it and how you push off, you can condition different areas of your leg. If you use it as an interval tool, I think it counts as the type of leg drill Matt Fitzgerald is calling "explosive power drills." I know you have an injury you have successfully worked around, so it may not be a purchase worth making without some input from a sports medicine person or PT who is helpful. (My memory is that you didn't see doctors who were very helpful..)

Karen-- I hope your injury continues to feel better. You have a lot of tough decisions to make about how to train with all the different stuff you do:
with weights --what kind, how much and when in relation to a running workout or a bigger running goal,
with working on speed intensity and wanting to run a fast 5K this weekend,
with wanting to increase your long distance run over time and train for your half in October
monitoring either a blip with your knee or a sign of something that could be more serious...hard to know...

It's hard to know what the right thing to do is or what is serious or what is a blip. I sympathize with the pickle of not knowing what to do and what is right.

I agree with Elaine that there is nothing more maddening than not being able to train like you want. It's also maddening to be sidelined by an injury.

I know you will figure out what is best for you. :)

Elaine...LOL! You are too funny! The Jari Love DVD I want to buy is called Slim and Lean. She has a couple other ones as well but I chose this one because another poster here has it and really likes it. :)

Amy...Great job on your interval TM run! I have never run faster than a 7.0 minute mile and this is an all out and short lived sprint for me!

Mattea...Are you sure your DH isn't faking his calf injury just to get out of running with a "Crazy Catheite"??? }( :p ;) :7 :+

Judy...You mentioned your first time running out in the heat...I picked a FINE time to start wanting to take it outdoors, huh? LOL Sounds like you did okay-Good for you! Do you find you can go longer on the TM than outdoors?

Pamela...I will be looking into GOOD running shoes eventually as well. I find running on the TM to be much easier than the road, personally. It's gonna take lots of practice for me to catch my road running up to what I can do on a TM! Sounds like you have road running down. Any plans on a race perhaps? }(

Barb...Your welcome!:)

Karen...OOOh OOOh...between you and Elaine maybe I really CAN have my turn as the ENABLER! LOL }(

Carole...Enjoy MM. That is an EXCELLENT work out IMO. It's my fave full body weight work out of Cathes for sure! Have a relaxing run as well. :)

I got in my 3.5 miles like I wanted....
.5 warm up
3.5 run @ 5.5...38 mins...about 400 cals burned
.5 cool down
4.5 miles and 55 minutes TOTAL :)

When I got home I actually did StretchMax on the ball. I am sooo bad with stretching. I am going to use that and see if I can use it 3x per week after my runs for a couple of weeks before purchasing Mr. YP. I just want to know that I'll use the DVD before I buy it. LOL
Mattae - Okay, I am TOTALLY flattered that y'all think my rotations are starting to look like Carole's and that I may earn the "Bionic Woman" label as well, but I would not go that far at all! If you notice - I only do her short days... :+

Barb - it took me a bit to get used to doing the running along with the P90X, and it's not easy, but I find they compliment each other very well. I did start the first week with any running (or other cardio except what's in P90X), then I slowly added running. It is tough on the body, so go slow.

Amy - HUGS!!! Hope you're feeling better soon! You have to run with us!!!

Elaine - yeah, I love the pool... I'm really looking forward to my recovery week next week! The heavy weights and running does take a toll, but the good thing is I don't have to be as careful with what I eat. :p
Wendy.......great treadmill workout! That's a lotta calories burned. Good luck getting out this weekend. I heard it's supposed to cool down a bit -- or I'm hoping that's the case!

Christine.....thanks for the p90x running info. What you said makes sense, to ease into it and see how it blends with running. I'm thinking of starting the lean rotation which uses Core Synergistics, Shoulders & Arms and Legs and Back after I have some rest days after the race. I previewed Kenpo (which looked hard), but not the Plyox tape.
WEll, kind of a long story about meeting. We actually just met for the first time on our run yesterday!!! It turns out that she has run 5 marathons & I think she said 6 half marathons??? And she only lives about a half mile from me!!! Crazy, huh? (small side note, we live kind of in a country subdivision near a small town) But she never runs *my* route so we've never seen each other. Her dd goes to the elementary school & her 5th grade teacher is my usual weekend running buddy, Erin. I guess somehow her dd had mentioned that she ran marathons & he told her that he had neighbors that ran, etc. Anyway, she got ahold of Erin & then Erin gave her my # so we could see about running together! So I think we'll start running at least a couple times together during the week, but I'm finding out already that I'm a much faster runner. But that's ok because I'm sure she could outlast me, my longest distance is 14 miles.

Aren't you happy you asked??? ;-)
Winsor Pilates......

Barb & everyone else- it was really neat getting a free trip to CA to film the infomercial! It was a year ago April that I went & my Mom went with me (my dh was an awesome dad & took care of the kids).

I had sent in my before/ after shots (from about a 12 to a size 4, although it says 2 in the infomercial because I was wearing a skirt that was a size 2) in March & was shocked 3 days later when they called & wanted me in CA in a month!! I love doing Pilates, it's so gentle on your body & it's really helped tone me up! Buns/ thighs is one of my favorites & I do love the sculpting circle. My Mom's had great results too, she's gone from a 16/18 to about a loose size 10 now! (and she looks great too!) I was even posting on the pushup challenge that she can do 10 pushups now!

Anyway, ask away if you have any questions about it. I'm loving the variety of adding Cathe workouts to my routine too.

Karen- I haven't had an IT band injury, but have read a lot about it! A couple friends of mine that are runners have had it & said it's terrible. Definitely rest, ice, and ibuprofen!! And don't push it if that's what it is!!

Barb - the only problem I have with the lean rotation is that it doesn't hit all body parts every week. But I still think it would be a good workout. Kenpo X isn't really that tough - it's more what you put into it. Plyo X can be. Especially if you're doing a lot of leg work. The squat jumps get me sometimes!

Wendy - you are doing so well!!! I'm so impressed with you girl! WAY TO GO!

So, I have a questions for you smart ladies... I did a Tempo run today, and me, the Clydesdale, decided to start at 5.5 mph and work my way up to 6.5 and on down. I don't want to say it was easy, but it wasn't as tough as I thought it would be (6.5 mph was easier than 6.3 - I think it was because I could open my stride more and at 5'10 I have a stride - but I still found it odd). When I do this again, should I start at 5.6 or should I just bite the bullet and warm up at 5.5, then go to 6.0 and up to 7.0? I don't want to hurt myself, but I also don't want to just languish...

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