Good afternoon/morning sexy cheetah ladies!
Thanks for the congrats on my DD. I'm just so darned proud of her! She was shocked because we have a highly competitive school and so many of the kids have been taking music lessons, dance lesson, voice lessons... since birth (or there abouts) and for her, who has had only a few years of voice and guitar lessons, win this award, is amazing. She deserves it - she's a natural ham and has a wonderful voice - but the competition was fierce. Bless Mr. Arnold for seeing the light in her. Many teachers see it as something else.
Marcia - 2 hour power walk? And that was an "easy" day? I bow down before you!
Judy - oh, I hope you enjoyed your sleep in - doesn't it feel incredible? I so look forward to the days I can sleep in.
Karen - thanks so much! Hope your work out was wonderful!
Jess - sorry to hear about the solar cover! Glad Mikey is behaving himself! I play the sax (what I majored on in college), clarinet, baritone (mini tuba), some piano and some guitar. I've always wanted to play the flute and I especially envied the piccolo players during Stars and Stripes forever!!
Hey Granny Cheetah (aka Shelly) - I so admire you being able to fit everything in AND work in 12 hours shifts. Puts the people who can't even find 1/2 an hour to workout to shame! Way to go!
Wendy - I get like that - ponder my video collection to see if the workout I really want to do jumps out at me. I usually start one, then decide I don't like that one, and do something else. The IMaxes are wonderful for runners, by the way - I try to do a plyometrics workout (IMax 2 or 3 or Plyo X) once a week. So enjoy...
Carole - If I did skip the Half, I could never show my face around here again! I'd feel too bad! You especially have given so much encouragement, advice... that I have to at least attempt to run it. And if I attempt it, I'll finish just because I'm stubborn as a mule. *winks* I'll bet your getting excited about the pacing! That's so cool.
Barb - LOVE the photos!! How cool! And extra sleep! Sounds like a great day! Enjoy it!
Elaine - I don't exactly have perfect pitch - I have relative pitch - it's learned as opposed to something you're born with. But close enough...

But, I'm excited, very excited, about meeting everyone, too! I can't wait!
Mattea - I'll try not to freak - it's just so tough when my legs are toast and I'm not in the best frame of mind. I decided to go really easy this week to rest the old legs. We'll see how that works... But thanks! It means so much!
Thomasina - That's wonderful!! Is DS going with World Strides? My DD is heading to DC with them in two weeks. She would kill to see a Broadway show! He'll have such fun! Her trip instead is going to DC, Fredricksburg, Baltimore (hanging out at the Inner Harbor for a while), and Philadelphia. Tell him to have fun!! And Happy Graduation to him!