Hi RoadTrippers
How is everyone?
Today is going well, eating has been clean, which is always a good thing...
Here is my meal plan for today;
B - Protein Pancakes w/ S/F Syrup ( 1/2 Oats, 1/2 Cottage Cheese, & 3 Egg Whites - I also throw in a dash of cinnamon )
S- Eas Lo-Carb Bar - Chocolate PB ( I really need to stop w/ these bars, this one has 7g of fat )
L - Turkey Sandwich on W/W Bread w/ lettuce & tomato
S - Cottage Cheese w/ Strawberries
D - Chicken Breast, brussel sprouts, & brown rice
Lots & Lots of Water - I try to drink a Gallon a day
Imax 3 on the agenda for today. Probably just do the 1st (5) intervals, or maybe Blasts Only. Since I'm following HIIT...
Waiting patiently for my son's CT results to be faxed in to the doctor's office.
So, what's planned for everyone's weekend?
Take Care - BBL for personals,
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"