Roadtrippers! Post here when you're signed up!!!

Hi everyone!
I am going.. I just had a baby so i have some work to do to get back in shape!! Im #40

Tracy :)
I'm not going...I went on at 12:35 to register and saw the sold out post. :-( Somehow I totally forgot about it...I can't friggin believe I forgot! It must be all of the slime in my head from this stupid cold! ARGH!;( ;( ;(
I signed up at exactly noon and I am #71. A few minutes later I signed up my friend and was #153..Rats!! How many people actually sign up then drop off because of conflicts?

Oh no, Wendy!!! That sucks!!! :(

I cannot believe how fast this sold out!!! I thought for sure it would be like last time, and it would take a few days. Cathe has really gotten quite a following in the last 2 years!
I have invoice #145, so unless Cathe made a typo when she said it was limited to 105 people (and she meant 150), I'm not in. (I registered about 5 after the hour).
YAH!! I'm so excited!! I got in #62. I can't wait to go. I've wanted to go in the past but always chickened out. This time I decided to just do it. I can't wait to meet everyone and especially Cathe. I feel like I know her already working out with her for over 10 years.

Jacque:) :) :)
I'm so excited about all of you who made the cutoff. But I'm soooo bummed about those who didn't. Laura, Wendy and Kathryn, I was so looking forward to see you guys.
<I'm in! #15! And I had to go back a couple of times and fix my mistakes, I was trying to go too fast! I think SNM said it sold out in 3 1/2 minutes.>

Ah-ha, I see Miss Uber Excited Melissa made it in! Congrats! I look forward to meeting you!
I got in!! #29! (at 12:01)

I'm a little confused though. At least one person signed up 2 people on one invoice. Does that mean that the person who got invoice #105 is actually (at least) person #106 and won't get to go? I wonder how many people signed up more than one person on a single invoice?

My friend registered at 12:05 and is #111. :-( Hopefully it'll all work out in the next 5 months and she'll be able to go too!

See everyone in August

Okay, let me NOT be a sore loser here and wish everyone who is going on the Road Trip this year a FABULOUS TIME!!!!!! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!!:+ :+ :+ :+

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