Road Trippers 4/3

I'm loving the snippets of info too! We are going to learn some very interesting things about each other, like Michelle growing up in Alaska, Brrr and Mona's um flip flop fetish (hehe)..and WOW ShellyC an opera singer! You're definitely going to have to sing for us now. I have a feeling I'll run out of interesting things by the time August comes though. :)
Hi Road Trippers! I haven't checked in in a few days. Have been sick (bad head cold) and crampy (you know). Struggled through MIC last night but survived. Nutrition today already took a nose dive though with a trip to McDonald's for lunch. I was as good as I could be at McD's - had a baked chicken wrap (ok, I had 2) and a yogurt parfait. I resisted the temptation to get fries and a hot fudge sundae though, so for that I am proud of myself. ;)

Anyone else been shopping around for some cute workout clothes for the RT? I've been everywhere but haven't really found much yet. I've done some browsing online, but I'm always afraid of getting the wrong size. Anyone have any good sites they buy from?
Hi everyone!
Went to a 90-mintue power yoga class this morning -- lots of hip openers so my hips are screaming at me now. Was scheduled for Step Blast for April rotation today but wanted to lay off the step for a few days with my achilles tendon being so sore. It hasn't been bothering me too much the past few days -- I haven't done any hard cardio since Thursday so that's probably the reason.
Something about me ... I grew up in LA till I was 14 and we moved to Dallas. Spent my childhood outdoors on roller skates, skateboards, and bikes -- it was great!! I miss those days -- so much so that I am getting a pair of roller skates for my birthday next month!! You know the the ones with the white boot and the 4 big, colored wheels, and the foot stop on the front. My husband and kids say I should get roller blades but I used to love my roller skates! Anyway, I'll be the dorky mom roller skating around the neighborhood with a big smile on my face!!
Hi RTers!
Okay I completely missed the comment this morning about adding something personal. I am a needlepoint fanatic!! I'm sure I have over 100 needlepoint items in the house. If we have a fire, I am in big trouble! I guess I must have an addictive personality because when I get into a "hobby" I really go for it (like exercise).

Hi everyone!

I was just referred over here. It's nice to meet you all! My name is Brooke. This will be my first Cathe trip and I am sooooo excited! I hope to get to know you all a bit before August!
Good afternoon ladies...

Gotta make it a quick one

Did powerhour this morning and did Step class at lunch.

Kathy love your idea...My thing is that I love musicals. Will see them anytime.


B eggwhites spinach
S orange and kashi heart to heart
L lean cusine pizza and cup cake
S hummus and carrot chips
D last bit of seafood stew, salad, popscicle

Thanks for inspiring me today

Hi all,

Glad to have found this thread since I will be attending the RT this year! I am so excited to meet everyone. My name is Vicki...

So, I will just start out with something personal and jump right in... almost 6 years ago I lost 125 pounds and have gone from one extreme to another. I am now almost done getting my certification as a personal trainer and teach cardio/sculpt classes 5 days per week. I found Cathe's workouts a few years ago when I needed home workouts that were more intense than what I was doing, and I was hooked!! I love to live healthy now and help others reach their goals as well! It feels so good to have turned it all around. I am even dancing again ( at 40 years old... since giving up dancing at the age of 21 and then gaining all the weight) and acting at a local community theatre. I have three boys 15 and under and a wonderful husband who has supported me through thick and thin.

This morning my workout consisted of Cardio Fusion and just the combos from Kick Max.

My husband surprised me with a trip to Cathe's gym last October for our anniversary as we are about 3 hours away in new York. I took a kickboxing class ( wowie!!) and got to meet Cathe and speak with her. Cathe is the real deal and sweet as can be. It was a great trip and I look forward to being there once again.

Now I'm off to a jazz class and then a ballet class ( busy night, I know!!)

Can't wait to get to know you all. You are all so very inspiring! Be well!
Wecome Vicki - KUDOS on your weight loss and commitment to health. Cathe is amazing isn't she? I'm sure we all look forward to meeting you and getting to know you here as well as in August.

Popped back in for a second to say I'm pretty much spent today. BUT (hope you all don't mind as I post periodically on my 60-mile fundraising - if you do please let me know and I'll refrain) I got like $450.00 today from total strangers!!!!! I don't know these folks, but DH circulated e-mails to colleagues at CWRU where he teaches, etc. and lo and behold there it was! I'm so jazzed that I'm headed out to do a 6-mile training walk before the rain and cold hits! Have a great night fellow RTers.


I'll be walking the Komen 3-day (60 miles) the week after Cathe's RT. Here's my webpage.
Welcome Brooke and Vicki.

Wow, Vicki, your story is quite an inspiration. I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone.

Lorrie, great news on your fund-raising.

So Phyllis, I guess you just don't have any fat to insulate your poor cold muscles and bones. Will you be wearing gloves to the RT? That will one way we would all know you.

Colleen, I love the picture of you as the dorky mom with the roller skates. Good for you.

ShellyC, opera. Wow. I don't like opera, probably because I don't really know a whole lot about it, but I do know opera singers REALLY know how to sing. I'm very impressed, mostly because I can't carry a tune in a bucket.

Well, I'm out of time. My DH is nagging me to email a friend who lives in Thailand, and he's right, so I have to get going. I'll have to think on what fascinating tidbit about myself to share tomarrow.
Robin - How great that you are celebrating 30 years of marriage in May! My husband and I will be celebrating 31 years in July. I must say that I agree with you about Jari Love - I have four of her workouts and they are good, but her Barbie Doll look and her breathy voice go hand in hand. It kind of drives me crazy!

Something personal about me I am a DVD workout junkie! Ha-Ha!! Who on this site isn't right?

We own a cottage about 30 miles north of our house. The pun is cottage. Whenever anyone comes to our "cottage", they are amazed, because it has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. People envision a little cabin on the lake. Well, what would they expect when they know that we have ten children.

I did Low Max with a 3# medicine ball with the Leg Blasts this morning.


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