Road Trip Monday... 4 more days!!!


Good Morning.

Just getting us started today. I have a client coming in a few minutes so I'll BBL.

It's getting exciting now!! :7 :7 :7
Good Morning!

No workout for me today. The excitement is really building now:7
And my only dilema- am I going to check my bag or carry it on? I picked up some of those ziploc quart size bags, you know, the ones that are supposed to hold all of your liquids on a carry on. Those bags are SMALLLL! And all your liquids have to be under 3oz.?? I can't find any saline solution under 4oz.! So today I am going to try and find little containers to hold some of my face wash...suggestions from frequent flyers are welcome :)


Good Morning RTers!

It's getting so close!:) :+ :7
Today I ran 3 miles and then did p90x Core Synergistics and Stretch Max #1 and tonight is yoga class.

Jennifer--I prefer Baron Baptiste's yoga videos to any others. Some people like Bryan Kest better. I checked one of his videos out from the library and did not care for his style at all. Just personal preference. Actually my first preference for yoga is a live class.

Michelle--I will not be taking just a carry-on. But DH and I are staying Thurs.-Tues. I would rather carry-on a few essentials (workout gear and a few toiletries) and check in the rest.

G'Morning :) Getting Exciting !!! :) I can't believe it's 4 days away!!! Nerves are setting in :)

Today is S&H Chest/BM Chest...Interval run on Treadmill at lunch.
Great Tri workout last night, feeling the DOMS today :)

My sister surprised me with a early B-day party last night. Feeling a little sick today....too much cake!!!

BBL, Better get some work done. In today and then off the remainder of the week :) YAY!!!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Morning ladies! Can't wait to see all your smiling faces! I am so ready for this trip. Yesterday I did my own mini-bootcamp. My girlfriend and I did a hike up Kennesaw Mtn. and then when I got home I did GS C&T. I am feeling it today.

As far as luggage, I'm going to check a smaller size rolling suitcase. I don't want to deal with the limitation. Must of my stuff is travel sized, but between all the makeup and hair products, I'll be overflowing my ziploc baggie.

Have a great day ladies.
Hi guys! I just got back from 2 weeks of vacation out west, so I haven't been on in a while. I am super excited about the trip this weekend though although I still haven't wound down from getting back from my other trip. I have a ton of RT related e-mails to catch up on and I need to look up the old check-ins. Hope everyone has been doing good! I feel like I have been gone for ages! :/
Michele -I originally posted that I was just bringing a carry on. I had everything in mine (I limited myself quite a bit). I ended up measuring it and it was 11/13/21 and the limit is 9/13/21 - so I decided to bring more accessories and check it in. I hope I am making the right decision. I love my shower creams and lotions. It is too hard to limit everything to 4 oz. and under.

I did LIC with the bonus cardio 2 times. I love this 90 minute workout!

Good morning everyone. I'm in a state of disbelief that the BIG event is only a few days away!!! I had a very successful long run yesterday of 14 miles and even managed to run the second half faster, doing it a marathon goal pace.

Vicki- Hope your client session goes well. How many regular ones do you have?

Michelle- Count me in the the check-in crowd. I don't want to try to limit myself and deal with the whole "liquid" issue.

Gin- I'm not much into yoga but Baron Baptiste is one of the few instructors I can tolerate. Wow, quite a workout for you today with a run and CoreSyn :eek:

Jennifer- I'm impressed that you can get in an interval run over lunch!!! Doesn't this make you tired for the rest of the work day? Or does it just energize you? Anway, that run should take care of that cake!;-)

Tess-I remember visiting Kennesaw Mtn once.... isn't is a civil war battlefield site? Anyway, that was an impressive hike!

Liann- welcome back! Wow, you just returned and now getting ready for another trip :eek: Your head must be spinning! Where out west did you vacation?

Time for me to get moving. I'll be doing IMAX3 and MuscleMax:7

Hey Again,

Just procrastinating before my w/o!

Shelleyc: I have 6 steady clients right now, all but two are twice per week. Problem is that I only charge them 20.00 an hour because they all started when I wasn't yet certified so eventually I need to start charging more if I continue to work from home. Still trying to figure it all out!

Liann: Welcome back! You were missed around here. How did all your creatures/animals do while you were away? Hope you had a blast!

Okay, off to do KPC and possibly Cardio Fusion if I'm still motivated. I may do KPC and then some elliptical instead. I'm going to see how the mood strikes me. Either way, here I go!

Have a great day girls!
ShellyC- We flew into Spokane, WA, and spent several days there and in nearby Idaho (Lake Coeur d'Alene). Then we drove down to Yellowstone National Park with my DH's family and spent several days there and a day down at the Grand Teton National Park. After that we drove back to Spokane and left for his families cabin up in the mountains of North Idaho. Spent that week boating, water skiing, tubing, etc... The weather was perfect and we had a really good time. I wanted to hang myself this morning though when the alarm clock went off. My body is still on Pacific time. :(

Vicki - Everyone survived. ;) My mom did a good job taking care of all the kids and the new babies. Montana and Cheyenne were really glad to see me, but Dakota is still pouting over not being taken on vacation. He gave me the cold shoulder until last night, when he decided I had been punished enough and went to sleep by my feet as usual. ;)
Shelly~ Actually when I force myself to get to the gym at lunch, I feel so much more energized the remainder of the day!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Vicki~ Hope you are having a Great Day!! It's getting exciting, isn't it, I can't wait to meet everyone!! :)
Wow, Cardio Fusion & KPC in one Day!!!! :eek: I'm lucky I can get through the entire Cardio Fusion DVD... :)

Michelle~ Enjoy your rest day! I hate to pack, I ALWAYS bring way more then I need. :)

Gin~ Thanks for the suggestions. I will have to p/u Baron Baptiste's yoga, any one of his that you would suggest more than others?

Tess~ Sounds like you had a awesome workout yesterday. Can't wait to meet you!! :)

Liann~ Welcome back!! How was your trip?

Off to the Gym!!

Enjoy your MONDAY!!! :) :) :) :)

Hi Ladies! Just wanted to drop in for a second...busy at work today!

Liann- what a cute little daschaund!!!! OMG, absolutely adorable!

I'm taking the Amtrak to the road-trip and I believe my dear hubby is more nervous than I am....I told him he could always come with me;-) Figured that would calm him a bit.

Tonight is MIC step only protion and segment #3 of Coremax (August rotation).

Not much longer now...........
All you ladies doing double workouts!! You all are amazing:)

Well, I think I will pack my gym bag with my workout essentials and check the rest. I was thinking it would save me some time not having to wait at baggage claim.

Gin- excellent idea :)

Tess- I know, my little bag was busting at the seams with just my make-up:)

Cheryl- I remember your post, I was inspired by it to think I would be able to squeeze all of my stuff into a carry on;)

Liann- welcome back! Sounds like a beautiful vacation you went on!

Shelly- muscle max and Imax3?! My legs hurt just thinking about it:+ :7

Tina- my hubby is nervous also...but, it's because he will have all three kids to take care of:7 :7

Hope you all have a nice afternoon!

Well, I was just about to shut down the computer for the day and thought I'd pop in here and say HI!!!!! I'm excited to finally meet you all in just a few short days.

I am planning to pack a carry-on as well as checking luggage. DH and I are staying in Philadelphia through Wed, so I don't see any way possible for me to fit everything in one carry-on. I can do that for 4 nt business trip, but not for a 5 night vacation with gym gear required.

This morning's workout was Leaner Legs and I'm really starting to feel it. Maybe that's the real reason I'm posting. Trying to avoid having to get up and walk to the parking garage! :7

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