Road Trip Checkin Tuesday July 24


Just getting us started since I didn't see one yet. I'm back from my trip, had a great time. :) I missed y'all!!! Gonna get back to the swing of things workout-wise this week. I'll be back later for personals.
Good morning fellow RT attendees! It was another beautiful wet morning here..... love it:) I slept very soundly last night. I did some cycling later and with my long run I was pretty spent!
For today it'll be HSTA and a fun step workout. I'm thinking along the lines of RS.

Tess- it didn't seem like you were gone that long! Did you get alot of rain in Florida?

Kim- I'm training for my second marathon in Dec so my runs will start to get much longer. Anyone can do long distances!!! Yes, you can too! It's all in the proper pacing and strategy.

Mona- I was amused by your HOA drama. I don't know why but so many HOAs are like that. Alot of power struggle and backbiting. Kudos to you and your DH for putting up with that. I've never had the courage to become involved. I simply pay my dues and follow the rules.

Lara- I thought you were getting married before the RT. WOW, I can't believe you're fitting this in in the midst of all the wedding plans and parties. You must be so frazzled!!! I guess this RT might be a nice break for you though.

Time to get movin now! It's back to work for me tonight so I need to start the workouts so I can get in a nice nap!

ShellyC :)
Tess - it is good to have you back. Did you have lots of fun? How was the weather?

ShellyC - WOW- you are fantastic with cycling and running long distances and today you are doing HSTA and maybe RS. I love to work out lots, too. I don't think I could do as much as you. I cannot run because I have arthritis in my left hip - I actually have a bone spur on the front of the hip and a bone spur on the back of the hip. I am looking at a hip replacement in the next couple of years. I do lots of step and weight training and kickboxing and I can do plyometrics and some high impact - but running is out!

Today, this morning I did All Body Attack and Low Max. Last night I did Scrambled Eggs and B & G's.

Lara - I thought you were getting married before the RT just like Shelly did - I thought you said that this would cut into your honeymoon. I thought what a wonderful husband to let his wife go on the RT for her honeymoon! HA - HA!

Good Afternoon RTers!

Today I did LIC cardio and Blast Off add on then Stretch Max#2 with the ball. I really feel like a slug listening to you guys with your two-a-day workouts!!:eek:

Tess--Welcome back. How was your vacation?

Shelly--What marathon are you training for? The last one I did was Chicago in 2003. Lots of fun and fabulous crowd support. I'd like to think that I have another one in me, but we'll see. The last 2 years I have been injured trainig for half marathons.:-(

Cheryl--I cannot believe you did Scambled Eggs AND B&G last night! You are not allowed to workout next to me on the RT!!;-) I'll be the wimpy one.

Hello Ladies,

This morning was KPC-fun workout! I am ready for another Blog update, it's been 4 days!!:7

Shelly- glad your getting some much needed rain where you are.

Cheryl-I'm with Gin- scrambled eggs and BG! Good job!!}( :D

Hi to Gin and Tess:)

Have a good afternoon everyone.

Hi everyone!

Just a quick checkin to say hi to everyone today. It's been another full day today and I'm ready to get away from the computer now. Hope everyone is doing well. Hard to believe we're only a few short weeks away!
Hello everyone.

Today was IMAX Extreme and Back work from GS and MM. I started the day off feeling so energetic, but I just got home from work and I can barely keep my eyes open!!!
Yes, I am getting married before the RT, and I am leaving my husband-to-be a little early for the RT (you were right Cheryl). He will drive back from Florida as I am flying to Chicago (first) to see my sister and then to the RT a few days later. We are having our wedding reception/party on August 25th when I get back from the RT, and we are "officially" taking our honeymoon in December. I think we are really just trying to stretch this out as long as possible:) I know, this is really confusing to me. I can barely keep my plans straight!!

Tess...Glad to hear you had a great time in Florida!! I hope you had lots of time to relax.

Shelly...I like the sound of your workout today. Maybe I will try something similar tomorrow. You are right, I think the RT will be a nice break from all of the planning! I can't wait to meet everyone!!

Cheryl...I agree with you, I have a great husband-to-be. He really doesn't mind that I am taking off after our wedding without him. I did ask if he wanted to come along, but he really didn't show much interest. My birthday present from him is my plane ticket to the RT (and Chicago). It looks like you had some great workouts the last few days. Do you like All Body Attack? I have done it once, and I liked it. I just reach for Cathe a lot more though:)

Gin...I just wish I could say I had run a marathon!! I really want to, but I just feel like my body doesn't do long distances well. Maybe someday though:) Sorry about your injuries.

Hi to Michelle and Mona!!!!

Okay, off to eat (or make) dinner:9 See you all tomorrow.
Good evening ladies,

Just got back from a mandatory fun work event. UGG!! I feel really good that I got grilled fish with the sauce on the side. If only I had run longer I could have had the bread...

Anyway today I did STep and Intervals and then I did a step class at work.

Bye for now


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