"I’m still curious to know if you would still like the music louder feature, or if you really are just looking for that sound to be as perfect as possible."
My $.02 to this question is: Both!
I really like the "louder" option on cardios, such as SB and KPC. I always use it (once I learn the workout). I kinda miss the option on the Intensity series, but the sound is good and I enjoy them as is.
I have a problem with the sound on Low Max, HSC and Kick Max; while I can hear everything fine, the sound has a sharp, artificial quality to my ears that is really bothersome. It is for this reason that I haven't purchased the Gym Styles yet, even though they have rave reviews. I rarely reach for any of the HC series unless I have to in order to complete a rotation, but I like the workouts in and of themselves. Just can't bear the sound.
Thanks for asking our opinions!