Yes, it most definitely is!! I've had the blender since day 1, like back in 2013 or 2014, not sure, but some
time around those years.......most of mine are in the 20 to 40-ish minute range, but I actually do have some
45 min. to an hour. but those are few & far between. The more different chapters from different series'
I can put together, the better I like it.....after all these years, I pretty much can blend one very quickly,
cause I can go to what I want quickly and whip them up fast! At this point, my blender operates on
high speed !

I actually have some where I pick a warmup only that I like and that's it. Alot of YT
workouts I do, have no warmups to speak of, so I will do my Cathe warmup, then switch to the other
workout I want to do.....or if I do cardio, say a treadmill or elliptical workout, then afterwards, I will
switch to my blender workouts and do a specific add-on, like kickbox, body part weights, etc. My
add-ons do not have a warmup, but I do end them with a stretch. So much fun!