Reviews for Body Parts in STS2.0?

Back! With bonuses! Loved this one. Can we all say PENDLAY ROWS, OH MY! :) I could really feel those! The older Total Body Stretching #2 on the stability ball was needed after this workout! Great way to finish it off.

BTW, my "posterior chain" was talking to me a bit today after yesterday's Legs, so that TBS helped there too. I think those hip/glute thrusts work, or maybe it was that hip hinge single-leg move, or a combination. I like feeling worked ....:)
Did Legs today. Wow! I mean, LB #1 and LB #2 are challenging, too, but something about this one really hit my legs good. I'm still thinking I'm going to rotate between all three lower body workouts during the remainder of this 12-week rotation, but I know I'm going to be feeling today's workout for sure.

I also purchased a set of those DMoose wrist hooks and they really came in handy, especially for the deadlifts. I did one set without the hooks and a second with them. Same with the static lunges. They helped tremendously. I think I'll use them in that manner through all applicable workouts - a set without them and then a set with so I'm still challenging my grip strength.

I found they're easy enough to put on inside that 1-minute break between sets that Cathe provides.

Shoulders with the bonus is tomorrow.
Can we all say PENDLAY ROWS, OH MY! :)
Yes, I did these the other day, and they are tough. I even used 3 risers rather than 2 to make it a bit easier but I was still struggling by the third set. Putting this together with the shrugs was challenging my grip strength too. All my muscles are talking to me for the next couple of days following these workouts. I'm making good use of the recovery workouts in between.
I also purchased a set of those DMoose wrist hooks and they really came in handy, especially for the deadlifts. I did one set without the hooks and a second with them. Same with the static lunges. They helped tremendously. I think I'll use them in that manner through all applicable workouts - a set without them and then a set with so I'm still challenging my grip strength....
Thanks for the idea. I was also concerned about losing grip strength by using them, & decided to only use them for lifts 25# and over for Dbs (& not for all 25 if they aren't super-setted). They do help!
Yes, I did these the other day, and they are tough. I even used 3 risers rather than 2 to make it a bit easier but I was still struggling by the third set. Putting this together with the shrugs was challenging my grip strength too. All my muscles are talking to me for the next couple of days following these workouts. I'm making good use of the recovery workouts in between.
I think I saw stars after each set o_O . Lol.

I go lighter on shrugs ... in the Pure Strength series Cathe says something to the effect that built-up traps are not "attractive on a female" ... so I've been a bit surprised at the weights she uses for shrugs in this series. I have gone heavier than I use in PS tho.

I find I have to do something for recovery after almost every weight-lifting session. I'm thankful for those shorter extended stretches in other series, but quite often reach for the TBS dvd. Easy to add on the end of a workout.
I'm definitely going to use mine for Tower vertical pullups and maybe the vertical chinups
too, but I may continue to do chinups with the tubing option.......that underhand position
on the tower does feel weird to me......but better doing it in the vertical position.
Although I know it all works the same muscles, it feels like, to me, that the horizontal
position for pullups/chinups are more like "inverted" overhand/underhand rows. The
seated vertical pullups/chinups where you pull straight up feel more like the traditional
pullup/chinups to me. But...that's me. I also enjoy the hooks with my rowing
machine and will use them on straight longer rowing workouts. It took me awhile to
get the proper grip on the rowing handle before the hooks and I don't want to lose
that, so I plan to alternate with/without them. but, gee, I feel like I can pull so much
stronger with them...amazing! They seem to really help with wrist support too.
I also purchased a set of those DMoose wrist hooks and they really came in handy, especially for the deadlifts. I did one set without the hooks and a second with them. Same with the static lunges. They helped tremendously. I think I'll use them in that manner through all applicable workouts - a set without them and then a set with so I'm still challenging my grip strength.
That's a neat idea!
I'm definitely going to use mine for Tower vertical pullups and maybe the vertical chinups
too, but I may continue to do chinups with the tubing option.......that underhand position
on the tower does feel weird to me......but better doing it in the vertical position.
Although I know it all works the same muscles, it feels like, to me, that the horizontal
position for pullups/chinups are more like "inverted" overhand/underhand rows. The
seated vertical pullups/chinups where you pull straight up feel more like the traditional
pullup/chinups to me. But...that's me. I also enjoy the hooks with my rowing
machine and will use them on straight longer rowing workouts. It took me awhile to
get the proper grip on the rowing handle before the hooks and I don't want to lose
that, so I plan to alternate with/without them. but, gee, I feel like I can pull so much
stronger with them...amazing! They seem to really help with wrist support too.
Where i noticed the biggest difference in using the hooks was with rows ... I know you're using them for your rowing machine too .... but I felt much stronger in lifting with them too ... I actually was astonished at how much easier rows felt so I can increase my weightload with more comfort. :)
Yep, totally agree.......It almost feels like a "cheat" to least rowing.....and I'll take it.
It helps me too to keep up with the strokes per minute they're doing, but sometimes I need
to dial it back.....because I am pulling stronger & faster and getting higher in the SPM than
they are! :)
I purchased some weightlifting hooks, mine are the Rimsports brand which I purchased from Amazon Australia. I read a review by a woman that said they were a smaller fit and suitable for women or people with smaller wrists. I used them yesterday for Legs, with squats, deadlifts and static lunges and found I could use dumbbells 2kg heavier than what I normally use, and my hands weren't sore afterwards. I wasn't sure if I could use them with my powerblock dumbbells because of the design, but I can. It's a bit of a tight fit though.
Today was Biceps and Triceps, both using the No Repeats premix, and both with the bonuses. Xtrain's both UB sets combine Bi's & Tri's, but this combo was a bit longer. Removing the repeats made this a definite "no dread" workout for me. I liked the change of pace the band exercises produces. There was a little trial & error figuring out the best combo of bands for me for each exercise but next time it should go smoother & quicker.

I have yet to do Chest ... anyone do it yet & care to share their thoughts? :)
Today was Biceps and Triceps, both using the No Repeats premix, and both with the bonuses. Xtrain's both UB sets combine Bi's & Tri's, but this combo was a bit longer. Removing the repeats made this a definite "no dread" workout for me. I liked the change of pace the band exercises produces. There was a little trial & error figuring out the best combo of bands for me for each exercise but next time it should go smoother & quicker.

I have yet to do Chest ... anyone do it yet & care to share their thoughts? :)
It’s funny,as I just opened my workout journal to the day I did Chest!I liked it-to be honest,my least favorite excercises are usually chest and triceps but I liked this one/I don’t lift very heavy due to previous injuries and I don’t own weights as heavy as Cathe-I also don’t like using a barbell due to limited floor space-I used my 6,10,12 and 15 pound weights and my red resistance band-I use my larger stability ball as a bench rather then a step
I'm definitely going to use mine for Tower vertical pullups and maybe the vertical chinups
too, but I may continue to do chinups with the tubing option.......that underhand position
on the tower does feel weird to me......but better doing it in the vertical position.
Although I know it all works the same muscles, it feels like, to me, that the horizontal
position for pullups/chinups are more like "inverted" overhand/underhand rows. The
seated vertical pullups/chinups where you pull straight up feel more like the traditional
pullup/chinups to me. But...that's me. I also enjoy the hooks with my rowing
machine and will use them on straight longer rowing workouts. It took me awhile to
get the proper grip on the rowing handle before the hooks and I don't want to lose
that, so I plan to alternate with/without them. but, gee, I feel like I can pull so much
stronger with them...amazing! They seem to really help with wrist support too.
I haven't tried mine yet. Didn't want to start with them doing a DVD so I am hoping to be able to experiment with them tomorrow and get the feel before I start using them in a workout. Thanks for the review, aqua girl!
I purchased some weightlifting hooks, mine are the Rimsports brand which I purchased from Amazon Australia. I read a review by a woman that said they were a smaller fit and suitable for women or people with smaller wrists. I used them yesterday for Legs, with squats, deadlifts and static lunges and found I could use dumbbells 2kg heavier than what I normally use, and my hands weren't sore afterwards. I wasn't sure if I could use them with my powerblock dumbbells because of the design, but I can. It's a bit of a tight fit though.
I am two days after BP Legs and my legs are still sore. Again, not quite sure what the magic was with that workout in comparison to LB 1 and LB 2, but wow.

I did Shoulders yesterday. I think I kind of cheated myself on that one because I was pretty conservative with most of my weight selections. I've noted for the next time around I need to increase my weights. That said, my shoulders were getting kind of grumpy with me this morning while washing my hair (I remember predicting washing my hair would be difficult after the Shoulders workout!)

Today was an active recovery day, then tomorrow is Back.
I am two days after BP Legs and my legs are still sore. Again, not quite sure what the magic was with that workout in comparison to LB 1 and LB 2, but wow.

I did Shoulders yesterday. I think I kind of cheated myself on that one because I was pretty conservative with most of my weight selections. I've noted for the next time around I need to increase my weights. That said, my shoulders were getting kind of grumpy with me this morning while washing my hair (I remember predicting washing my hair would be difficult after the Shoulders workout!)

Today was an active recovery day, then tomorrow is Back.
It's been two days since I did back ... today my traps were giving me grief, not yesterday, but today - so definitely a delay in DOMS. My biceps were calling me out today too from yesterday's workout. So today was a walk and a recovery yoga workout. Have some fun with those PENDLAY ROWS ;), but take care with the shrugs - those snuck up on me :rolleyes:
Really enjoyed Back today. My back felt really full afterwards, and a good sore - not my usual "oh I hurt something" sore. I remember seeing all these body parts workouts and initially thinking 40-some minutes was an awful lot of time to focus on one body part, but I get it now.

I really enjoyed the pendlay rows. I did stay pretty conservative with my weight selection on them because I have lower back issues (used 20# dumbbells). But I thought these were great. I was really forced to engage my core big time to protect my back and prevent myself from tipping forward. I don't engage my core quite so much with typical bent over rows or rows where i'm at a 45-degree angle.

I appreciate her giving us a moment to catch our bearings before taking on the shrugs. My head was definitely swimming after the rows. The shrugs weren't too bad, but again, probably because I was only at 20# weights.

I don't have a fit tower or anything like that, so all with the other such exercises I utilized bands and the door anchor.

Next time I am going to see if I can go a little heavier on the pendlays/shrugs.

I didn't do the bonus so I missed those gorilla rows - those look fun, too. Next time I do this workout I'll be including the bonus.

Great workout.
Really enjoyed Back today......
Next time I am going to see if I can go a little heavier on the pendlays/shrugs.

I didn't do the bonus so I missed those gorilla rows - those look fun, too. Next time I do this workout I'll be including the bonus.

Great workout.
Glad you liked it too! See how your back feels after a couple of days.... sometimes DOMS doesn't show up for a couple of days like my traps did yesterday, they're fine today as are my biceps. Cathe said, I thought, to go lighter with Gorilla Rows, but I wished I hadn't ... next time I'm going to lower my step a bit & use heavier weights as I didn't feel it so much on the set-up I chose.

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