Returning TV Shows...


What shows are you looking forward to coming back this season?

For me it's Grey's, Boston Legal, Shield, CSI Miami

I miss Cane, that was a good show!

Does anyone know if Nip Tuck will return?
Nip/Tuck HAS to return because they can't just leave Sean laying there all stabbed!!!! I'm looking forward to The Shield, whcih started last night, Reaper, and Supernatural.
I'm looking forward to Lost, Heroes, ANTM and Dancing with the Stars (those last two are 'guilty pleasures').
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American Idol!

I'm looking forward to cable shows...Dexter and The Tudors. Last seasons on The Tudors Ann Boleyn was beheaded. I cried my eyes out.
Definitely Heroes, Dancing With The Stars and Dexter. BTW the Dexter books are awesome. I actually read them before the series came out, so I kinda know what's going to happen already!

Ooh, I almost forgot Pushing Daisies!! Good thing we have DVR!!!
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I watched 90210 last night and I have to say that I liked it.
I'm not really looking forward to anything coming back but I do want to see if Kath and Kim is any good. The commercial look funny.
Oh I take that previous sentence back. I am looking forward to House coming back.
One Tree Hill started Monday, I love that show and I'm so excited it's back. I also can't wait for Smallville and Supernatural. 24 whenever it comes back on.

I taped the new 90210 but haven't watched it yet. I hope it's good but I'm not so sure I will like it.
24!!! I can't WAIT for that one! We got screwed last season with the writer's strike so it didn't air at all. I'm going through Jack Bauer withdrawl!!

I also am excited for Law and Order: SVU, The Office, Medium, and American Idol.
Damages, if it hasn't been cancelled. Rome. The Tudors (Cynthia, I cried too, even though I despised that skank ho--why did they make the character do a complete 180 like the day she died? :mad:).
I will probably be the only one on the boards to say "Dirty Sexy Money." There is a serious storyline behind it but otherwise it's just a bunch of guilty fun. Other fav's: House, American Idol and Private Practice.
Lost, The Office and Dancing With the Stars. I know DWTS begins some time later this month, but does anyone know when Lost and The Office start?

I taped the new 90210 but haven't watched it yet. I hope it's good but I'm not so sure I will like it.

Oh Debbie & other 90210 fans, here's a subject line from my local message board: "90210 is horrible and I can't stop watching it." :D Sounds just like the old show! LOL! :p

P.S. I recorded too & haven't watched yet. I seriously doubt I'll make it through the full 2 hours, but I will watch for the sake of watching.
Damages, if it hasn't been cancelled. Rome. The Tudors (Cynthia, I cried too, even though I despised that skank ho--why did they make the character do a complete 180 like the day she died? :mad:).

I despised her through the entire season and couldn't wait for her beheading. Then, I cried when she was beheaded. I thought it was so sad how her father, brother and Henry used her. They pimped out their women back then, and she was just a victim.
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Oh Debbie & other 90210 fans, here's a subject line from my local message board: "90210 is horrible and I can't stop watching it." :D Sounds just like the old show! LOL! :p

P.S. I recorded too & haven't watched yet. I seriously doubt I'll make it through the full 2 hours, but I will watch for the sake of watching.
I watched all 2 hours last night. I thought it was good, and it really did remind me of the original.
Ugly Betty, Pushing Daisies, and my ultimate obsession, Dancing with the Stars :).

I'm not sure if Men in Trees is coming back, but I'd put that on my list too if it were *sigh*
24!!! I can't WAIT for that one! We got screwed last season with the writer's strike so it didn't air at all. I'm going through Jack Bauer withdrawl!!

I also am excited for Law and Order: SVU, The Office, Medium, and American Idol.

I think 24 wasn't on last year because Keifer was in jail. I could be wrong, though.

Oh Debbie & other 90210 fans, here's a subject line from my local message board: "90210 is horrible and I can't stop watching it." :D Sounds just like the old show! LOL! :p

P.S. I recorded too & haven't watched yet. I seriously doubt I'll make it through the full 2 hours, but I will watch for the sake of watching.

LMAO! I'm honestly not so sure I want to get involved in this 90210. I was all excited when I heard it was coming back but lets face it, it's just not the same. :(

I'm surprised no one mentioned "Desperate Housewives". Has that show run it's course?

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