Random annoyances...

I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when I saw a woman talking on her cell phone while riding a bicycle on the sidewalk! It looked ridiculous, not to mention dangerous.
Boybert...I hear your pain and feel it! :)

Here is a dose of those trivial items which send me for a loop...

1. Cashiers who comment on each item you are purchasing...Actually had one ask me what clam juice was for...I replied chowder and she looked at me like I was crazy.

2. People who gawk at you and when you meet their gaze actually have the nerve to give you a dirty look. Hello! I want to scream "you are the rude one!"

3. Mean people in general.

4. Family which only wants you around when there is "gifting" going on...showers, birthday parties, weddings, Christmas.

5. Spiders...why do they insist on building webs above the front door?

I could probably go on but these were the ones which popped in! :)

Paragonah, UT
Why do people walk down the middle of a parking lot? There are cars driving there, walk closer to the parked cars so those of us driving can get by! But they amble along, oblivious.

Service calls that give themselves a window of time of several hours. Only to call 10 minutes before their time is up to say they are running late and need to reschedule. Or when they don't show up and you call, you're told that the person came to the front door and was told the service call was cancelled! (he certainly didn't come to MY front door!) Or my favorite... having ordered and paid for furniture and waiting all day and no one shows up. I call and am told that my address doesn't exist! (Who would pay for furniture and give a phony address? - and along that same line of thinking, if they couldn't find my address, why didn't they call - did they think I gave a phony phone number too?)

I haven't read all of the reply's yet so I hope I am not repeating.
annoyance: people who stand beside you(or behind you, or staring at you in front of you), waiting for you to move!!! not saying "excuse me." just waiting, standing there,waiting!!
Once I said "excuse me"(sarcasm) and the guy says- its okay!!! Hello, HE should have said excuse me to me!!
Sorry - I also have a sick child home today and am going stir crazy!!!:)
My #1 annoyance is somewhat icky...Women who squat to pee in a public restroom then leave the "sprinkle" all over the toilet seat and floor! Try to help a toddler go to the restroom under these situations! x(

How about the drivers who think that it's okay to drive on the shoulder to bypass traffic? Why can't they wait their turn like everyone else? And don't get me started about the ones who don't use their turn signals...or the people who swerve into the right lane to make a left turn. On Monday I saw a man using both his hands on his cell phone while driving a semi tractor trailer. Was he steering with his knees?

I wish the police would issue everyone a dart gun to shoot at these idiot drivers as they go by. Then all the police would have to do is pull over and ticket the ones with the most darts stuck in their car. Issue 'em a ticket for just being stoopid.
"- why do people whip out in front of my car, causing me to hit my brakes, when there are no cars behind me and they could have waited two seconds and pulled out after me?"

And then they drive soooooo slow.

And then when there is a lane closure coming up and everyone is merging except those last few #$(#&#&*@#&@ who go flying by and then try to squeeze in right at the last second! I hate that!!! I don't let them in x(

....Cops who zoom past me 20 miles over the speedlimit for no reason but give me a ticket if I drive 1/2 a mile over the speedlimit.

.....Someone in line in front of me too busy talking on their stupid phone so the checker/sandwich maker or whatever has to repeat their questions 50 times.

.....People who drive slow in the passing lane. Hello! It's called a passing lane, not a coasting lane!

.....Parents who brag non stop about their perfect children and any trouble is someone else's fault and never their child's.

......Having an appointment of any type and waiting for more than a few minutes. Why did I even bother to make an appointment?

Good Lord, I need to stop, cause I could go on forever.
>I wish the police would issue everyone a dart gun to shoot at
>these idiot drivers as they go by. Then all the police would
>have to do is pull over and ticket the ones with the most
>darts stuck in their car. Issue 'em a ticket for just being

I like that idea!
>I'll play a bit. I'm a bit testy at times... *winks*
>Why does the phone company feel that an appointment that
>mandates that I remain at my house between 8AM and 7PM is
>acceptable? That's my job tomorrow. Wait by the phone,
>literally. Thank heavens for Cathe!
>Why is it so danged impossible to speak to a human when you
>call a big company? I spend 20 minutes on the phone to the
>phone company and never once spoke to a person. *sighs* But
>I do have an appointment - oddly enough.
>Okay - a non-phone company related one...
>Why do people think that turn signals are optional? Do they
>think I can read minds and can sense that they want to turn
>left at that 4 way stop?

The cable company also does this, I think they believe we have nothing better to do than to wait for them.
Why is it that when you call your bank, credit card or insurance company, you have to punch in your acct. #, access code, zip code, last 4 digits of your ss# and then when someone actually comes on the phone, you have to repeat all the info to them that you just punched in??? Argh!!!


Gotta stick up for police here (since I'm married to an officer). Just because an officer passes you without his lights and sirens on doesn't mean he doesn't have justification for driving over the speed limit. How do you know he was driving fast "for no reason"? DH wanted to know if he had a sign out his window. Most state laws give law enforcement the authority to disobey (within reason) traffic rules in performance of their lawful duties. How quickly would you like them to arrive if you needed help? For example, let's say 2 people, husband and wife, are in a heated argument but it's not yet physical. In some states that would not rise to the level of running with lights and sirens, but that doesn't mean that the officer's presence isn't needed quickly. Another example is that you're home alone and someone is knocking on your front door. You look out and you don't recognize them, you won't answer and they won't leave and they keep knocking and are looking in the windows. How quickly do you want the police to get there (this actually happened to my sister when she still lived in LA and I had already moved here - she called 911 and they kept her on the phone while they had an officer on the way - and I hope that he was in a hurry - she later found out there was a rapist in her neighborhood doing exactly what he was doing - praise God for that speedy officer!!!)?

In our state, for example, if somebody is being threatened with a gun, somebody is inujuring somebody with a deadly weapon, somebody is in your house chasing you around, etc. - those are situations where lights and sirens would be used.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but I always hate to hear people talking negatively about police officers who put their lives on the line daily to protect us. And just coming off of a very difficult week in the loss of one of our officers, I feel the need to stand up for all they do.

I would suggest you do a ride along with your local police department so that you can get a better understanding of what they do and why. It really opened my eyes when I did one years ago.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

O god Shelly you are too funny:+

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Ok, I'm preceding this with the note I just spent time with my DS in the hospital while he had major surgery:

While in the hospital:

--why does the IV infusion run out with a LOUD BEEP just as your DS who has been screaming in pain finally screams himself to sleep (and he of course wakes and begins screaming again)

--why does the mother with the infant across the hospital hallway carry him out into the hallway EVERY time he begins to scream -- yes, you guessed it, just as my DS who has screamed from pain for hours just passed out...of course, he wakes again and screams in pain for hours more

--why is it time to check DS's vitals and give meds just as he...yep, screamed himself to sleep for the umteenth time?

--why does my mother call the hospital room phone (ringer could not be turned off) and not my vibrating cell phone and wake my DS who is in horrid pain just screamed himself to sleep yet again?

--why does my DS have an unbelievable tolerance to hard drugs and nothing will make him fall asleep and stop his pain?

There's more, but I think you see the pattern I'm establishing.
Melody, I just want to cry for you and poor Wil. I'm so sorry--you've been through quite an ordeal. There's no doubt about it--hospitals are not and never have been conducive to rest. Thank God you're home!
Another vehicular annoyance (which happened to me yesterday):

Impatient drivers!

I was at a stoplight, going to turn left. The light turned green, but there was a line of cars coming straight, so I didn't move up too far yet, because there was no use, and I wanted to keep the intersection clear for uncoming left-turners. There were still about 4 cars left to come straight (and I planned to move up after the first two had crossed) and the b*@$#@ behind me HONKS AT ME TO MOVE! For some reason, that just really p(R$U me off (probably becasue I knew what I was doing, and it made sense).

I wanted to let you know that there is a minority of officers in my area (county sheriff and highway patrol) who have been caught speeding and disregarding traffic rules when they were not acting in the capacity of law enforcement (not on duty). We also had a Utah HP kill most of a family when he hit a minivan in Las Vegas. After the accident was investigated, it was revealed that he was not on duty and had no official reason to speed.

So, I understand that you want to stand up for the good guys but the good guys are not always doing the right thing.

Tell your husband that we all appreciate the guys who work in his capacity who care about safety and would never engage in this kind of activity.

Have a great weekend.
One reason I know the cops speed when it is not necessary is because I used to date a state trooper who laughed about it. Also, a friend's husband is an officer and he says they all do it around here. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate our police and fire workers so very much. They put their lives in jeopardy everyday for us. I love that you stick up for your DH also! That is really sweet! He is obviously one of the good guys.
I sure do appreciate anyone who puts their life on the line to keep me safe.

Except for the cop who told me he would give me a ticket if I said one more stupid thing. How humiliating...and a little frightening.

The police around these parts put their flashing lights on if they're going over the speed limit, which makes sense,'cos then the rest of us can see them coming.

Susan L.G.

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