Random annoyances...

Ok, I had to think about this for a little bit. I haven't left the house yet today, so I haven't ran into an annoyance yet.
* People that drive around with their turn signal on? Drives me nuts!
* People that drive slow in the left lane and refuse to get over.
* When a small child (well behaved!;) )looks at someone and says hello, and the person completely ignores the child.

In my old jobs where I had national sales territories, it always cracked me up how someone would leave a message saying, "This is so and so, you can call me at 555-1234." and NO AREA CODE.

Kelly G
Oooo - just thought of one! When someone at the store is staring at you and you smile at them and they just stare and then look away. HOW RUDE! If you're going to stare at me, smile when I smile or don't look at me!

Another one - that sound that people make when they get to the bottom of yogurt - that scraping sound. Drives me nuts!

People chewing crunchy food within earshot. I know, I know. I can't help it. And people who chew on ice in a meeting that is pretty quiet. Aaaack!!!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

>People chewing crunchy food within earshot. I know, I know. I
>can't help it. And people who chew on ice in a meeting that is
>pretty quiet. Aaaack!!!
People eating with their mouths open, so you can hear all the chewing, smacking, tongue-moving sounds! Makes me want to puke! (I had a collegue who would do that, and I couldn't be near him at receptions or other food-related events. Please keep your bodily function sounds to yourself!)
Okay. I grumble at telemarketers calling at late hours. Sometimes they hit redial when I don't answer and keep trying. I have answered long enough to say "buzz off" a few times ;)

Also, why do people always seem to call me when I'm in the bathroom or on bath duty or something like that? People are psychic I swear.

Oh yeah, why does the CIA have a commerical now? Does anyone else find that a little weird?

Age only matters if you're cheese.
Ok, I've thought of another.
When you go to the theater to watch a movie and now there are commercials before the previews?!! I thought I was paying extra money to not be bothered by commercials when I am going to see a movie. And the movie industry is wondering why there are more people waiting for movies to come out on DVD?
1. People who lick their fingers in restaurants (do that at home!)
2. People who snap their gum
3. People who don't say please and thank you
4. People who think librarians get paid to shelve books all day, read books all day, and are shocked to learn that we have graduate degrees and are qualified, competent professionals (at least most if us anyway!), and people who are shocked to learn that not all librarians work in public libraries or with chldren all day.
Sorry...it was that kind of day

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