Random annoyances...

I think the biggest "doesn't really matter" annoyance is my life these days is when spoiled celebrities lecture the rest of us on how to live. They blather on about we should be helping the homeless, saving the environment, working to end poverty and exposing the evils of corporate excess. Meanwhile they are:

- driving huge SUVS
- living in homes so large it takes a small fortune to heat, cool and light them
- spending lavishly on shoes, weddings, clothes, as well as buying $10,000 totes for their dogs
- flying to environmental events in fuel-guzzling private jets
- investing their bajillions in the most successful corporations they can find.

Please, some one make them shut up.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Melissa - I was talking about officers on duty. Totally different thing.

Amber - Yikes - if that's truly the case I'm glad I don't live there!

Unfortunately there are bad apples everywhere. As long as you have humans doing jobs, you're going to have people doing the wrong thing (priests/teachers molesting children for example). All I was saying was that just b/c a police officer passes you going over the speed limit doesn't mean he is doing it for "no reason". If you think that's the case and it concerns you, call in that car number to their supervisor and they will know based on the time and date whether or not that officer was responding to a call. And if that highway patrolman does that and laughs about it, he should be reported.

DH says I shouldn't even respond b/c people don't have much good to say about police officers anyway. He's used to it. He always jokes that he should have been a fireman b/c firemen can do no wrong, policemen can do no right, no matter what the situation. :) No kidding!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

OK, I waited until I was good & thoroughly PMS-ing before responding to this post...lol.

THANK YOU, Amber -- I was waiting for someone to mention the lollygaggers who clog up the passing lane. Jersey (and PA) drivers are notorious for this.

-constantly being asked if I want to open a store credit card...and then, "Are you sure? You can save 10%."

-those little roller skate shoes all the kids are wearing -- take 'em outside kids -- you don't need to be zipping around Target at Mach speeds

-celebrities trotting around with those swag bags full of freebies -- how 'bout giving those items - or the monetary equivalent - to charitable causes or those who are truly in need?? The excess is just obscene

-really crazy spellings of words (sorry, I'm an English teacher)...I'm not talking about abbreviations or typos...Here's an example of what I mean: spelling the word "girls" like "gurlz." My students do this, and it drives me nuts. It takes the same number of characters to spell that -so what is the point??

-people who don't say thank you when you've held a door open for them
>-celebrities trotting around with those swag bags full of
>freebies -- how 'bout giving those items - or the monetary
>equivalent - to charitable causes or those who are truly in
>need?? The excess is just obscene

That may stop now, since the IRS is now taxing them.

I think it's the Academy Awards that has decided to do away with them completely.
I'm going to add on a specific one, "josh" at the grocery store who this morning thought it a good idea to put a 5lb bag of onions on top of my grapes.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>those little roller skate shoes all the kids are wearing --
>take 'em outside kids -- you don't need to be zipping around Target
>at Mach speeds

OMG, I agree. I going to stick my foot out one day as some kid zooms past...}( :eek: And none of them ever say "excuse me" when they bowl you down.
That reminds me of another grocery store peeve:
When cashiers (most of them these days) give you back your change bills first, then coins on top, so you have to juggle the money to get it into your purse. Back in the day when cashiers could actually do math, and counted your change back, they would give you the coins first (which nestled in the palm of your hand), then the bills (which you could grab with the fingers of that same hand) making it easier to open the purse with your free hand, and put the money where it belongs.

Another peeve:
littering students
This year, it seems like all the student partiers decided not to clean up after themselves. On the street drive down to go to and from work, there have been plastic beer cups on front lawns for over a week! I finally called the police (since there is a city ordonance against it), but it still hasn't been cleaned up (just 2-3 cups per student rental yard, but my God, you could pick them up in about a minute instead of leaving them there!)
Why, oh why, would a business NOT have an answering machine to let you know of their hours if they're not there or IF they're closed on a holiday???? To me, this is just common sense as I would WANT my customers to know when they could come, or not come, to my establishment.

On the other hand, why, oh why, if you DO have an answering machine would it NOT say the name of your business so you know you have reached the right place instead of having the automated response saying "No one is here to take your call right now" and then not stating anything else so really you're no better off than if you didn't call.

And one more, }( , why, oh why, (sorry to be so redundant but I guess I'm a bit peeved right now. Betcha couldn't tell :p ) if you do have the answering machine, you wouldn't update it to say that you'll be closed on a holiday instead of just leaving the standard message with your regular hours so you really don't know if they're open or not because someone may not have been able to answer the phone at the time you called. ARGH!!!!!!

O.K. I feel better now! :)

>How about the drivers who think that it's okay to drive on
>the shoulder to bypass traffic? Why can't they wait their
>turn like everyone else? And don't get me started about the
>ones who don't use their turn signals...or the people who
>swerve into the right lane to make a left turn. On Monday I
>saw a man using both his hands on his cell phone while driving
>a semi tractor trailer. Was he steering with his knees?
>I wish the police would issue everyone a dart gun to shoot at
>these idiot drivers as they go by. Then all the police would
>have to do is pull over and ticket the ones with the most
>darts stuck in their car. Issue 'em a ticket for just being

How about LATE MERGERS?? I hate late mergers. The ones that are in the right hand lane that is OBVIOUSLY ending, merging into the left lane - all towns/cities have these areas where everyone knows the lane ends but these $(*#)$@*#%)@#%* jerks stay in that lane WITH NO LEFT TURN BLINKER ON and just keep going and ASSUME YOU WILL GET OUT OF THE WAY FOR THEM AND THEN THEY DON'T EVEN 'THANK YOU' FOR SLAMMING ON YOUR BREAKS TO LET THEM IN!!

Kelly G
How about people that have call waiting and then refuse to answer calls? Or people without call waiting so you can get a $(#)*)@$( busy signal for hours when you are trying to get a hold of them??

OR people that have call waiting that goes right into voice mail if they are on the phone and then they don't listen to their messages so they never call back??

Kelly G
I've got to stop.

People that eat yogurt or ice cream and instead of taking the whole spoonful, they gum off half the spoonful leaving the other half sitting on the spoon. I really REALLY hate that. It's a spoonful; eat the whole spoonful!!

ALSO people that don't rinse out the toothpaste spit in the sink. Very Very Gross.

Also men that walk around with a toothpick. Is this a fashion statement?? The toothpick is not DOING ANYTHING except being a choking hazard?

Kelly G
Last one.

The celebrity stuff really makes me want to throw up.

It makes me most sick around award show times to hear all these celebrities talking about their shallow obsession with what $10,000 dress they will wear?? Ohh rats how to decide? Who cares? Really?? Who cares what designer Lea Remini is going to wear and how long it will take her to get ready?

Then the stuff that these exhorbitantly rich people get for FREE boggles the mind.

They said that Britney Spears walked out of some booth with $80,000 worth of freebies....this woman could buy Texas and she earns a bunch of free stuff equal to someone's yearly salary or even two peoples salaries?? HOW??

Kelly G
>I actually get annoyed by call waiting. I think it's rude to
>the person who was originally on the phone.

ITA! We don't have call waiting. If you get a busy signal, call back! Actually I hate being on the phone in general and screen all my calls. To me one of the most horrible sounds on the planet is a ringing phone.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
>I actually get annoyed by call waiting. I think it's rude to
>the person who was originally on the phone.

ITA! We don't have call waiting. If you get a busy signal, call back! Actually I hate being on the phone in general and screen all my calls. To me one of the most horrible sounds on the planet is a ringing phone.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Children who are flat out brats and rude and parents who think it is ok. Ex: While at the Dr the other day and (waiting for 1 hour) a child screamed and hit his mother over a piece of candy and told his mother he "hates her and wishes she would die" and the mother, just stood there and said "it's ok, I am sorry". OMG...all I can say

Rude people. Where has kindness gone?

Bad drivers and bad teenage drivers.

People who park in handicap parking places and are not handicaped. Being an obese smoker who can walk perfectly does not make you handicap. Those spaces are needed for children and adults who really are handicap, why can people not respect that???? Makes me sooooo upset when I see that!!!
My neighborhood consists of one-lane roads. There are wide spots available to pass though. Whenever a neighbor pulls over to allow another to pass, we always smile and wave a "thanks" to one another. I always know when it's not a neighbor, they don't wave. Not even when I'm waving (and heck, I'm probably the one who backed up to the wide spot to let them pass!) I think it's kind of rude.

But a more annoying behavior is when people give you their cell phone number (or worse, their home answering machine directs you to call the cell) and they never have it turned on! And they never really intend to unless they have to call out. So if I've called the home, there's no answer and I call the cell, and still no answer, I have to call the home phone again to leave a message!


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