Goodmorning girls! No official workout for me, but I worked my bum off outside in the yard. We weeded our entire garden and then finished putting the rock borders on both sides of our house and partially around the back. The plan it to also put a patio on the back side of the house, but we will have to wait until we get back from vacation. Pretty much every muscle in my body is experiencing landscaping DOMS this morning.
Right now, I am waiting for the escavator to show up to level my yard off for my pool which is being installed tomorrow.
I'll be so happy for that project to be over!!! As soon as the pool is in, DH and I have to border it and backfill it with more rocks! If I ever shovel rocks again after this, it will be too soon! I should have some killer biceps by the RT though. 
Hope you all had nice relaxing weekends with some good workouts mixed in.
p.s. Public service statement - Don't forget to put sunscreen on your ears when outside!!! Mine are fried and they are burning - owie. :/
Right now, I am waiting for the escavator to show up to level my yard off for my pool which is being installed tomorrow.
Hope you all had nice relaxing weekends with some good workouts mixed in.
p.s. Public service statement - Don't forget to put sunscreen on your ears when outside!!! Mine are fried and they are burning - owie. :/