PYGFO's - Week of 7/21/08


Hi girls!!! Did you all make it over to the new forum??? Are any of you scratching your heads not knowing where to start like me? I love all the new options, but I'm a little slow with change. ;)
Morning everybody :)

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I just love this new forum. Right now I'm having fun with the workout manager. Anyone see the tutorial on the food manager thingy? Looks pretty neat, don't quite know if it's $99 neat though ;)

Liann-how is your new pool working out for you? We really enjoyed ours yesterday, it was verrrrrry hot and humid in this neck of the woods.

ok, well I'm off to explore some more. :)

Hi Michelle!!!! The new pool is doing great. Only problem I am having at the moment is that the pool water is actually TOO hot! ;) It's up to 90 and climbing. I love how they tried to sell me on one of those solar heating covers. Soooo glad I didn't get one! DH and I are going to start freezing water in milk jugs and use them as giant floating ice cubes in the pool. We're hoping to at least keep it around 85. ;) It's just too hot here in PA lately!

I almost missed this thread. Today I did 4DS KB/BC cardio and GS BSB. I leave Wednesday morning for Chicago. My sister is getting married on Saturday. I tried on my dress (I am matron of honor) and it fits pretty well and hides my little belly. I will be 35-36 weeks during the trip. I just don't want to go into labor on the plane!!!

Liann...Yes, I am still wandering around this site. I haven't had much time. Maybe when I get back from Chicago I can figure things out a little more.

Michelle...Yes, I love the new forums!! I haven't looked at the nutrition section yet. I am not sure about paying $99 right now though.

I hope everyone else will find their way over here!! I know the July RTers are getting excited!! I can't wait to hear about how awesome the RT was!!

Have a great Tuesday.
Good Morning PYGFOers!

I will be doing 4ds HIS/LIS this morning.
So glad you guys have kept this thread going.
I really want my old name back. I didn't want to be TXGin!

Liann~I had been wondering if you were enjoying your new pool. Hope the floating ice jugs work to keep you cool. Are you going to be able to come to the Friday class?

Michelle~ Great to see you here! How have you been stranger?

Lara~I wondered when your sister's wedding was. You'll have to give us a full report. I can't believe that you can hide your pg tummy in your matron of honor dress. You must be really tiny! Have a good time and a safe trip. Are you still able to keep up the workouts?

Have a great day!
I am trying to get all packed for our trip to Chicago.* I am about to fall asleep though.* I think I will have to finish in the morning.*
Today was LoMax plus blasts again.* I am hoping to use my sister's gym in her condo while I am gone.* I would at least like to walk on the TM.

Gin...The dresses are forgiving.* They have an empire waist.* I have gained 8 pounds total, but it is all in my stomach.* It is definitely harder to hide my belly now!!* I am working out about 5-6 days each week. I am sure this week will be a little less since we are traveling. Sorry you had to change your login name.* Are you all ready for the RT?

I will try to check in while I am in Chicago.* Have a great day!!
Good Morning PYGFOers!

Today was a running day and I will do LIC abs later. Tomorrow will be a rest day so I can rest up for the RT!:p

Lara~You have only gained 8 lbs? You will certainly get that off in no time. Not much longer until your due date. Is the nursery ready? Enjoy your sister's wedding!

Hi to everyone else that drops by!:)
Have a great day!
Gin - I'm still totally up in the air about Friday. I had to cancel my hotel reservation for Thursday night, because DH definitely can't come now because of work. My only alternative is to drive up early Friday morning (which is what I am doing for the August RT) and drive straight home after lunch. It shouldn't take me any longer that 3 hours to get there (2 1/2 if traffic is good). I just need to get myself psyched to get on the road at 5 a.m. ;)
Oh Liann, I sure hope you can make it Friday! What is 6 hours in the car to be able to work out with Cathe and all of your Cathe friends?!? You can do it!:)
Goodmorning PYGOers.

I'm excited about leaving this afternoon for the pre-RT. Liann, please, please, please be joining me!

Lara, I hope you post pictures of the wedding. Have fun and don't have the baby yet!!!

Gin, will I be seeing you Friday morning?

Heather, ditto?


I better get to work so I can leave early for my RT. Love to all.
Hi there ladies! Gin/Robin - I will be there tomorrow morning bright and early. I am armed with my new camera which I am loving. Be ready to pose a lot!

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