Push Pull - just don't feel satisfied


I did Push Pull for the first time this morning. I don't know...I just don't feel like I REALLY got a major workout. I'm doing Legs & Glutes on Friday and did SJP on Monday (tomorrow is Step Blast). I have Supersets on deck for Saturday - think if I do that one, I'll feel as though I worked hard on my muscle, or do you think I should do PUB instead?

Note: I haven't ever done Supersets before, so I don't know what I'm in for.
I did that workout yesterday with fit tv and have to say I didn't even break a sweat. I have only been doing Cathe vidoes regularly for a few weeks so I was very surprised. I did get my hubby to order the two beginner dvd for Xmas and can't wait for them to come in.
Don't ride faster than your guardian angel.
This one was in my rotation this morning. The best part of this DVD are all the great premixes! I didn't have the time to do the 80 minutes double PP so I just did PP as heavy as I possibly can, and I do get "the burn". The only part that lacks for me is the ab section, and I always add about 5 minutes of my own ab work at the end of the workout. I use this workout as a chance to use weight that I don't normally use, and I heavy up extremely high on this. If possible, use the premixes and I think you will feel be happier.:D
I traded away both Push Pull and Supersets because I didn't think either one gave me a good workout. I like Cathe's other strength tapes because I feel worked but these two just wasn't for me.

Thanks - I'll give a premix a try if I don't feel satisfied with Supersets on Saturday. (I'm a firm believer in not knocking something until you try it) If THAT doesn't do it for me, then I'll substitute PUB the next time. And I'll use SS and Push Pull if I've done a heavier workout earlier in the week.
PP and SS are my favorites! Maybe you could try using heavier weights next time. SS is tougher to me than PP ~ esp. biceps. One way I've used these workouts is using the Premixes together, meaning I'll do SS lower body blast followed by PP lower body. It's pretty tough. It does lack in the ab department though.
Susan C.M.:D
I really love this workout. It is really versatile for me. I can make it as easy or difficult as I want or feel like that day. I really heavy up to do as-is. Or I can do the pre-mixes and do more than one set of each...or make it a split routine. But I can't say enough about how much I do love PP & SS! :7

Just try to remember that we are all different with our body types and levels of exercise, some of the workouts that may make one person push harder, is a breeze for another.
I believe Cathe follows this concept so she is able to reach us all on some level with her workouts and no one is left out. For instance, some of the writers have said they like to do this workout with heavy weights and sometimes with lighter weights, but they use it because of it's versatility. This versatility works for all of us! Just some friendly information.
I sometimes forget that I can use the premixes to narrow the workouts down to my own specific needs, then I read the posts here and find great ideas from you all. Thanks and hope you enjoy the workouts!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
I find the multiple set premixes on push/pull and supersets give a better workout than the workouts "as-is." Try it and see if you don't feel like you got a better workout. Also, when doing the "lying on the ball" moves, keep your feet as close together as you can without falling over. This adds to the balance challenge and to the iintensity.
I only had the VHS version, I may have to look at the DVD version. Time to go check out the catalog : )

Can someone describe some of the premixes and how it is harder or what makes it different than the regular workout?
I like to use Push-Pull as an add-on workout split up between upper/lower body. I used to like doing all the upper body work from Push/Pull and Supersets together. Lately, I've been doing the Push-Pull upper body with HSTA upper body.

Same with Supersets for me. I don't feel thoroughly worked out if I do it "as is", but I love it as an add-on - especially the lower body work.

I agree that they aren't as tough as her other workouts, but sometimes it's nice to have an "easier" workout to use when I am just getting over being sick or just wanting to do a "lighter" strength workout. The premixes can be pretty tough if done as multiple set premixes as Kathryn said earlier. I especially love the upper body blast premix from Supersets. I think it's a great workout!!

I like to do SS, then add the first leg sequence (squats, presses, plies, static lunges) and abs from PP. Sometimes I throw in C & W abs as well. I also found that just the upper body part of SS is a nice complement to Legs and Glutes, for those (like me) who want a full body workout on the days they do Legs & Glutes (I also add C&W abs). I do SS-plus a lot, but I don't use PP as a whole very much. I used to do PP, then do a second set of the first leg sequence. Anyway, these are just ideas for how to get some good use out of this workout.
I enjoy PP for a change in variety. The nice thing is you know ahead of time that there only is one set of reps per exercise. This enables me to go heavier than I typically do on other strength workouts. I find that I am struggling finishing up the last couple of reps for a set! Push yourself and go heavier than you typically would (even if that means going heavier than Cathe).
i've only done this once since buying it, cuz i, too, was disappointed with it.. i'll have to give it another go with HEAVY weights!
I use the mix n' match menu, doing sets 2 or 3 times through, to get a good workout with PushPull. It's the only way it's useful.
I did Push/Pull on Monday and I am STILL sore! My tricepts, shoulders and legs both got it this time. I use heavy weights with this workout and am able to really feel it. I always end up with DOMS whether I do PP or Supersets. Love these workouts!
Debbie in OH
I agree with a lot of what's been said. I love P&P. As is for when I'm fried/sick/tired/whatever. Heavier for more challenge. Premix or add-on for even more challenge.
I love SS too, but for some reason P&P appeals to me even more.

Who has been fried/sick/tired & whatever for weeks now!x(
Hey! I never thought about that with my feet. I find that it's not really so hard to balance on the ball, but I have a pretty wide "stance". I'm going to try that next time. Thanks for the idea!
I have come to really like Push Pull over the past year. I thought that Supersets was longer, but when I timed it, you actually do more leg work in P&P! I think the trick is to use the heaviest weights you have. I don't think either is quite as hard as Muscle Endurance or Power Hour, etc. but they're still ones that I like!

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