The Kicker
New Member
How much variation do you all have in the amount of weight for these workouts? Doing PP and SS straight through, using "Heavy" weight provides quite a challenge. Like Lorrayne stated above...use even more weight than Cathe (if that is even possible??!!
) to really force out those last few reps!! Cathe does use a 40 lb Barbell for much of SS and PP, not exactly a "Light" weight. Good form also matters, and the moves in these are slow and controlled.
As far as gauging the barbell and dumbbell weights to use for a full-body weight workout, I like use my old benchmark: MIS. How do you all think PP and SS compare? It seems that most of you go "Heavy" here to make these worthwhile...including Susan C.J., Linda, Lorrayne, Liane, Debbie, Ruth, and Carolyn Jane. How "Heavy" is "Heavy" for you all??
~ The Kicker
As far as gauging the barbell and dumbbell weights to use for a full-body weight workout, I like use my old benchmark: MIS. How do you all think PP and SS compare? It seems that most of you go "Heavy" here to make these worthwhile...including Susan C.J., Linda, Lorrayne, Liane, Debbie, Ruth, and Carolyn Jane. How "Heavy" is "Heavy" for you all??
~ The Kicker