Good morning ladies! Last night my neighbor was sick (I really hope we didn't pass anything onto her) so she stayed home and I was able to do 4DS Low Intensity Step. Oh how I love that's so much fun! It flew by really quickly. I was going to hop on the bike as well but it was already late since I spent a lot of the night cleaning. Tyler got a really bad headache at karate so he went to bed super early. I think he woke up super early yesterday morning to play the Wii. I might start hiding the remotes again to prevent such things. He said that he learned his lesson because he felt so bad and that from now on he is going to stay in bed until at least 6. In some ways though (although of course I don't want him sick) it was nice to have some quiet time to get that cleaning done.
The apartment complex called me to tell me they send a letter to the food throwing neighbors. I thought I would be happy but I actually felt kinda sad that it had to come down to that. I think they can evict you if you get three notices a year. I told my neighbor about the pentagram story and she thought I was serious about doing it! I have to be more careful about the stuff I say because people don't always know that I'm just kidding (like having her sons dress like Captain America

My nephew is mostly here to stay. When he joined, it was as a reservist. Of course, he could always be called to go to active duty at any time. For the most part though, he is here to stay other than his one weekend a month and his one month of training per year.
I think your plan STS sounds great! I'm also hoping to have my BB rotation finished but just like you I am sure I will ditch whatever I am currently doing to try out the new workouts!
Spinning is so much fun! I'm glad you're loving the bike!
Welcome back!!!!!
Here is my day of least M-F usually:
Breakfast: Oatmeal or FAGE greek yogurt
Snack: 2 cups of coffee, after 2 cups I usually switch to tea or water. I will say though that I like cream and sugar in my coffee. It's one of my vices.
I might also much on an apple or orange or both depending on how hungry I am. I might also snack on some homemade protein bars.
Lunch: Salad or soup or cottage cheese with fruit. Lately I have been trying to just eat a green smoothie if I can. I pack at last one cup of spinach in each one. I might also have a greek yogurt.
Snack: Apple, orange or greek yogurt or homemade protein bars. If I can make it until I get home, it might be two slices of whole grain toast.
Dinner: This really varies...usually we have meat with some sort of vegetable and fruit. We do usually have dessert and almost always it's something I have made. We have been eating homemade sherbet with blended spinach, frozen fruit, and some juice. Very tasty!
Snack: Maybe some fruit or protein shake or whole grain toast. I work out late a night so it's usually a little bit before I workout out. Sometimes I'll have CCK's cheesecake mousse because it has 21g of protein. Protein fluff shows up around this time too!
I know that I don't eat as many veggies as I should which is why I am really trying to use Nutribullet as much as possible. I will say that since I have been eating more spinach, my sugar cravings have really decreased. It was interesting to notice that because in one of Cathe's articles she mentioned that you can eat spinach if you crave sweet things.
Wow! That sounds like one killer workout! How are you like HC?
I forgot to mention the other day that I bet the brown highlights look really nice. I have seen other woman do that and it is quite fetching. I keep thinking that one day I will put some reddish ones in mine but I never get around to actually doing it.
We were supposed to be starting BB this week but the third week in our rotation is just not going well. We have tried to repeat it three times and I don't think it's going to happen. I think no matter what happens this week, we'll move onto the fourth week next week and then start BB on the 19th.
Have a great day everyone!