Today was D4(Chest, shoulders, biceps). This is def a step up from last week. Drop set pushups starting at 14??? She's killing me...LOL!! I find that I don't like the pushups on the ball. I'm not doing something right and I'm not getting good chest work. I think I'm just going to do them on the floor. I was able to do some of the straddle pushups today...even if it was only four
I was trying to do bicep 21s with a 26# barbell, but I accidently put 31# on there. I did the 7 bottom half and the 7 top half before I realized my mistake. I was totally not going to make those 7 full range curls!! I change the weight quickly and finished. But this lets me know that I should probably got to 27# instead of 26#, which is cool.
Last night was Jasmine's cheerleading banquet. We were an hour late because I put the wrong time on my calander. BUT...I'm totally glad we were late. When I walked in I asked one of the dad's how long they had been there and he said...'it seems like we've been here forever already!!' That was just an hour in and it lasted like 3.5 hours
Jazz was ready to go about about the 2 hour mark. It was fun to see all the girls dressed up though. They were really cute!!
And OMG the food
It was sooooo good, but EVERYTHING was cooked in butter. You could just taste it. I lowered my portions, but I certainly had me some of that good food!!
My heart rate goes up with heavy #s also. I'm totally excited for you with your BB program. I can't wait to see results. How is the repetition in terms of workouts with the program? I know with P90X he did the SAME leg, Yoga, and ploy routine for 12 weeks. Got totally boring. BB seems to have a little more variety?
I really like the routines in STS abs. There are either 7 or 10. They range from 15-20 minutes and they are all very different. I like the HC, but subbing these in on days where my legs are tired or where my shoulders need extra rest is a really nice fit. And I'm totally not surprised your have sore abs today...hehe!!
I think eating real food that is balanced is the way to go. And for me the most easily maintained lifestyle. I'm doing this now and its absolutely working. Scale has not moved(could care less about that part), but my body is being reshaped. Less leg and belly fat and I can see a little more definition in my arms. I'm going to try to go a little bit further and then I'm going to call it a wrap. At a certain point it just gets too hard to maintain for me.
Good luck with class!!
Last night was Jasmine's cheerleading banquet. We were an hour late because I put the wrong time on my calander. BUT...I'm totally glad we were late. When I walked in I asked one of the dad's how long they had been there and he said...'it seems like we've been here forever already!!' That was just an hour in and it lasted like 3.5 hours
And OMG the food
My heart rate goes up with heavy #s also. I'm totally excited for you with your BB program. I can't wait to see results. How is the repetition in terms of workouts with the program? I know with P90X he did the SAME leg, Yoga, and ploy routine for 12 weeks. Got totally boring. BB seems to have a little more variety?
I really like the routines in STS abs. There are either 7 or 10. They range from 15-20 minutes and they are all very different. I like the HC, but subbing these in on days where my legs are tired or where my shoulders need extra rest is a really nice fit. And I'm totally not surprised your have sore abs today...hehe!!
I think eating real food that is balanced is the way to go. And for me the most easily maintained lifestyle. I'm doing this now and its absolutely working. Scale has not moved(could care less about that part), but my body is being reshaped. Less leg and belly fat and I can see a little more definition in my arms. I'm going to try to go a little bit further and then I'm going to call it a wrap. At a certain point it just gets too hard to maintain for me.
Good luck with class!!