Hi fabulous ladies,
It's Thursday and the weather has been crazy... back to mid/high 80s after high 60s/low 70s. I imagine everyone else is having the same kind of weather?!
Thank you for skipping the final product of PRS to make time for stretching
Wow, I can just imagine how amazing last weekend was! And the fact that the opportunity just happened to come up is even cooler

Going with a few other women always makes things more fun
Speaking of inspiring, Craig and I are taking a Staying in Love class at church and it talks about the 5 Love Languages which is a book but I can't remember the author's name. BTW, the languages could also be about employees so it's a recommended book for managers. It just helps everyone realize what each person needs to feel cared for - they language they speak and the language they understand could be totally different (which is very interesting).
I about died laughing because my "quality time" rating for what I want from Craig was only a 2 but his was a 7! That just means that he understands my love for him when I give him my time (but I'm so busy like we all are) -- but that's not what I need from him (I want affection and for him to do things for me like help me with projects). SO, that being said, we will learn each other's love language and understand each other better. The results were based on a test that we took; the test has 2 versions, one for the men and one for the women. It was fun and a real eye opener! We still have one more week of this class but Craig is going to a hockey game with one of his friends (he invited me but I thought he needed a "guys' night" and I wanted to go to our class; he was fine with that

)Anyway, all really is okay with us; we signed up for the class just because we thought it would be something fun to do together and it would help during those ups/downs that all relationships have -- and it really has been enlightening (and fun)!
Thank you for helping me encourage Heartymax to stretch; I think it is working
How are your achilles and foot feeling? Nice job catching MM on sale; it is a great workout
Have fun with your rotation! I do think that grip strength is often neglected but after watching American Ninja Warrior I realized that I would totally bomb; rock climbers have such strong fingers and forearm strength, and I know that I could go heavier with deadlifts if my forearms were stronger. And after doing Cathe's S&H I realized how much I need those curls. I've heard of Fat Gripz (which make the dumbbells thicker so you have to use more of your finger strength) but instead I just decided to add on a set or two every couple of days. High frequency = consistency = results, but of course that's just one method of strength training. Also, the side-lying external rotations are easier on my shoulder joint that doing the band pulls (standing, under-hand grip and pulling the band out and away). I wonder if it's because pulling a band with both sides at the same time is just too much for me to use proper form. Anyway, I won't ramble any more
Toni, Stacie, Tash -- thinking about you and wishing you well!
Have a great day, everyone!