programable DVD player


Active Member
I went to Best Buy today and asked for a programmable DVD player or recorder and the sales boy thought I was nuts. I saw this in another post but everyone is reluctant to say what they have. My DVD remote control does not say program anywhere. I have tried to chapter it and cannot. I have followed Cathes rotations religously since she started putting them on line. But on a day where she states cardio of choice I would love to chapter on of my DVDs. I have a birthday this month and would like to celebrate it chaptering my Cathe DVDs. What brand and model makes this capable? Please and thank you,

I'm glad you posted this because I had the same experience! Also at Best Buy and the salesman was a Dept manager and a friend of my husbands! He had no idea what I was talking about. To those with DVD players do you just do premixes? And if you just want to do the premixes can you just buy a cheap dvd player? I only will use this player for Cathe so I hate to spend alot!
I had the same problem when I went in search of my programable DVD player. I asked for the users manual so I could look to see if the player had what I wanted but they couldn't find it. I made them agree to take the player back if when I got it home and it did not have the feature on it. It didn't and I took it back to Best Buy and got another one. The one I ended up getting was a Sony 5 DVD/CD changer (DVP-NC665P). I'm not sure if you can still get this model though. Good luck! If you go to some of the company's websites a lot of times you can look at the users manual online and see if a specific DVD player will do what you want it to.
I have the same model as Sabrina, and I love it. I got it as part of a home theater system. One thing that I did that helped me pick the right model for me was to take a few Cathe DVDs (along w/ chaptering info) to a store w/ lots of models on display (I went to Fry's Electronics in Phoenix, AZ), and I tried programming the DVDs on the different systems in the store. B/c it wasn't obvious how to program players just from looking at the remote (at least not to me) and b/c the salespeople didn't know much about programming, I had them lend me a copy of the instruction manual of the system I was most interested in. I looked up programming in the index, popped my DVDs in, and tried several combinations. That way, I knew what I was getting. I haven't looked back since.
I work for RCA, and the DVD that I have is the RCA Scenium RTD101. I have not yet tried to program it, but my instruction manual includes information on programming. I work in the Audio/Video Dept. at RCA, and I actually asked our "DVD guy" if we had models of DVD players that were programmable. He said, Yes. I can't remember the other model numbers he said were, though.

What's really funny is that this feature is so obscure and little-used that even some of my marketing people that don't specialize in DVD's didn't even know it was available on our DVD players. So, if they didn't know, I can see why the folks at Best Buy didn't know, either.
Hi, Val this is Bri,

For Christmas my DH bought me a Sony DVP-NC675P it is totaly programable, easy to use, and the instructions are quite easy to follow once you read the manual and understand programing procedure.

You see you can program more than DVD's to play you can also program CD's MPV's etc. and each one might have a slightly different proceedure.

I know the sales people don't know what you're talking about, we are a rare and cutting edge breed, of consumers. Cathe has brought us as always along with her to the front of the fitness line.

Offering the best, with the best options!

The only thing I can't do yet is program across more than one disk,
if any one can do this, please let us know what model does this and how you do it , if this is possible. :) Bri
Hi Val,
I just bought a really reasonable one at BEST BUY. It was regularly 39.99 and had a rebate for 15.00. So I really end up paying 24.99. It's by Cyberhome and it say progressive scan on it. However when you read the direction booklet it tells you how to program.
I have the Sony 5 dics souround sound system, let me tell you how cool it is to hear Cathe through all those speakers! Oh I must be nuts but I think it is SOOOO COOL!! I have Cathe loaded in all 5 of course having to change out once in a while.
I haven't figured out this feature either and if I try my husband gets scared thinking I will crash his precious toy! HA HA!! He already thinks I am nuts with workouts. }(
I would like to figure this out someday. But to heck with it, they all are so much fun I can't even figure out my favoirte because they all are. So I end up just doing the whole thing through. Would be nice if I could chapter though.
So you are saying that you CAN program your cyberhome dvd player? Have you done it? How do you like it? I went to Best Buys website and looked at it I am looking for a small inexpensive player as it will only be for my work out area and needs to be on a hanger under my hanging TV so it needs to be small. Wondering if this model would fit the bill?! Does anyone else have players that are smaller size that they like?
Hi there,
It is very small. Smaller than a VCR, and it works well. I have not actually programmed it yet, however, they have a full discription in the guide book with pictures and everything about how to do it.
Thanks for replying! I would love to know how it works if/when you try to program it!!! I think this will be the one I buy! what an awesome deal.
Thanks!!:) :) :)
I just wanted to let you know,
That the programmer worked great with HSTA, but when I tried it with Step, Jump, and Pump, and Step Blast it didn't program them. For anyone with the Body Blast series, can you program the DVD's with two seperate workouts on them?
So did you try to program part of step blast and part of SP&J together? I've heard that some of the players wont do would be nice if they did!!
I have a Kenwood 5 disc player that is programmable. On the manual it says DV-605 and DVF-R5060 under it. I just set it up in my workout room, but have not tried programming it yet. We have had it for a couple of years but just watched movies on it. Maybe not taking the dvd's in and out as much, since I could put 5 in it would help save some scratches. I just sent my Power Hour dvd to to see if I could get a scratch out that is causing it to skip parts.
Diane Sue
Yes I tried mixing the two and would not let me. It would not let me program that DVD at all. I'm going to play around with it some more and see if I can figure something out. I'm thinking maybe it doesn't do it for the multiple workout discs, but I'll try again.
I've heard good things about rubberdisc. Good luck!
I'm still using VHS right now. I am saving to get a dvd for my workout area. The thing is it has to be small as my TV/VCR hangs on a bracket fom the wall. And also it is in a corner and my husband turns it to face the treadmill when he runs. They have an attachment that will hang a DVD player under the TV. That's what I will have to do!

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