Problems w/ wrist curls in S&H


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-02 AT 08:19PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-02 AT 07:49 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi! New to this forum. Not new to Cathe!

I've been doing S&H on and off for a few months. Lately I've noticed problems doing the last 2 exercises for biceps, esp. the wrist curls. When I did them on Monday, I experienced pain in the wrist and now I have a pins and needles sensation that travels from my wrist to inner forearm. I used only 3 lb weights. Does anyone else have this problem or could it be just me? I've had problems w/ carpal tunnel when I was pregnant.

Also when I do dead lifts I never feel it in my hamstrings, just my lower back. I keep a flat back and my shoulders retracted but should my knees be bent or straight?

Thanks for any advice!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 09:43PM (Est)[/font][p]I am not Cathe! But-I have 2 thoughts you might be able to use: when I do wrist curls, I sometimes do them behind my back with a barbell, down to the finger tips and roll up. Also, when doing them to the front I vary between standing and seated, but always use dumbbells. To the front I never use a barbell because it tweaks my wrist the wrong way.

When doing dead lifts, the knee is bent only to the level of comfort of the stretching muscle, the hamstring. When you're all the way bent over, the ham stretches. Therefore bent or straighten according to how you'd do it during a stretch.

Lighten your weight if the strain on the lower back to stabilize this stretch is too much.

Vary your deadlift form- use a wider stance, turn toes somewhat outward sometimes.

I have carpal tunnel/wrist problems and I just skip the wrist curls. If they are causing you pain and/or numbness you may just want to skip them.

Thanks for the suggestions and advice! I'll check out those sites Francine recommended. To be honest, I really don't see any benefit to doing wrist curls so I'll probably skip them from now on.
Some people may not see any benefit to wrist curls. However, they benefit me greatly because I use those muscles all the time. I'm a dental hygienist.

S&H has already helped me a lot in a functional way, even though I've only done it about 3 times. Looking forward to the 4th time next week!

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