Probiotic supplements


Does anyone take them? I've read that are very good for you for various reasons.

Can you recommend a reputable brand and where I can purchase them?

I know the best source would be from food, but I not a fan a yogurt. At least not enough to eat it everyday, so I think a supplement would work best for me in this case.

Thanks in advance.

DD takes Culturelle - I had seen it recommended in Prevention magazine. Stress really does a number on her and these do seem to help calm her intestinal distress. She also adds Lifeway Kefir (kind of a yogurt smoothie type drink) to her regimen during really stressful times like finals week.

A couple of months ago, she decided she didn't need them anymore and quit taking them. She went back on them after two weeks so they must do some good. We buy them at Wal-mart for about $16 for a month's supply.

There are a number of them on the market. This is the only one we have tried.
I also have to second the benefits of Culturelle. This brand is more expensive than the other ones, and it can be hard to find. The place I thought would have it, The Vitamin Shoppe, didn't, but my local pharmacy, CVS, did. It's about 18-20 a box for one month. You can go on their website and get $3 off coupons. If you buy other brands, just make sure to carefully read the storing directions. Some say to store in the refrigerator after opening.

I took other brands before and didn't notice any benefits until I took Culturelle. I have IBS, or some other stomach issues that the doctors prob. couldn't figure out and thus diagnosed me as having IBS. Who knows... but that's gotten better.
We all (even my kids) take Shaklee's Optiflora. Essentially, you take one a day for 30 days, and then one once a week - to maintain the healthy bacteria. Of course if you take a round of antibiotics for any reason, this wipes out all the little good guys, so you would repeat the 30 day regime and go from there. They have also discovered that probiotics can greatly help infants who suffer from colic.
My doctor recommended PB8 which I take, although I think I'm going to back off a bit since I was on it initially for antibiotic side effects (antibiotics kill you good gut bacteria) and probably don't need it any more. I may try the once a week thing to see if that works for me.

But I digress. My doctor recommended another one, too, but I can't remember the name and that one needed to be refrigerated. So the PB8 is just a bit easier since it doesn't require refrigeration. I find it at Vitamin Cottage.
I take Primal Defense by Garden of Life. I have been consistently taking this for 6 months and so far(knock on wood) I haven't gotten sick. Usually by this time of year I have had a sinus infection and or a cold. I teach school so I am exposed to alot of germs.

I order my supplements from Vitacost.
I take NSI's probiotic. I get it at It has been said that the best probiotic is one that needs to be refrigerated.
I've been on probiotics for two months now and they have helped a lot. I use Nature's Way brand but can't remember the exact one I take.

But - I have a question - once you are feeling better, do you still need to take them every day? I saw that is what Shaklee recommends - is that a good recommendation for all probiotics? I don't want to waste my money taking what I don't need.
take them on an empty stomach

I take them on an empty stomach so that the stomach acids released to digest food don't destroy them before they reach their intended destination. :D

I use them especially if I have a GI tract bug. They can make a tremendous difference. You want one with at least a billion bugs per capsule. The refridgerated kind are more likely to have more that are alive. The little bugs don't like the heat. Also, they help with preventing yeast infections. I highly recommend it.
I have tried Culturelle for the last week as I have battled IBS issues and the bloating was gone so soon! I am feeling very good I might add...:)
For those taking Culturelle, are you taking it on an empty stomach or with food? I know the directions say you can take it either way. I have tried umpteen million probiotics and I have a VERY difficult system and haven't found one that I can say I see a difference with but I keep trying to find the "magic" one that will work. I'm currently using Garden for Life and it really is a great product but my oh so uncooperative body isn't utilizing its benefits. *sigh* :(

I was talking with a local owner of an herbalist shop and she recommends rotating through your probiotics and add Reuteri in on occassion.
I'm sure I'm in the minority, but as a vegetarian, I have no issues with digestion so tend to think that pro/prebiotics is a crock and a waste of money. I'm just not convinced that it is something that anyone with reasonable digestive ability should bother with. Of course, I also think naturopathic doctors are a crock too. Also not wild about homeopaths and chiropractors. Love acupuncture, though!
Bam...I take Culturelle on a fairly empty stomach, usually right after my workout. I eat a half a banana and 1 T of peanut butter before my workout.
Bam...I take Culturelle on a fairly empty stomach, usually right after my workout. I eat a half a banana and 1 T of peanut butter before my workout.

Thanks Carole. The probiotic I'm taking now suggests taking it on an empty stomach. I take it when I get up then eat 45 minutes or more later. Again, Culturelle states that you could take it with or without food but sometimes it's hard to know if one way is better than the other. Thanks again!


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