Presidental Election

Sparrow - you sound just like my husband. He's also a die hard libertarian. Are you going to vote for the libertarian candidate (I know Ron Paul is technically a lib but I believe the party is narrowing down their choices)?
They have some interesting ideas and I find myself agreeing with many libertarian ideals (all those Reason articles I guess). Believe it or not, DH has actually changed his beliefs on universal health care though. I believe he thinks that a mixture of government/private is probably the way we're headed. It doesn't seem that our privately funded health care system is going all that well right now.

>Sparrow - you sound just like my husband. He's also a die
>hard libertarian. Are you going to vote for the libertarian
>candidate (I know Ron Paul is technically a lib but I believe
>the party is narrowing down their choices)?
>They have some interesting ideas and I find myself agreeing
>with many libertarian ideals (all those Reason articles I
>guess). Believe it or not, DH has actually changed his beliefs
>on universal health care though. I believe he thinks that a
>mixture of government/private is probably the way we're
>headed. It doesn't seem that our privately funded health care
>system is going all that well right now.

Hi Carolyn!

I agree with your husband, actually. While I clearly don't like UHC I also am not advocating a return to the days when "health care" meant that the barber came over with his leeches. :) So, I guess I would say that I would compromise with some very limited state, not federal, form of subsidized health care, one that everyone has access to and that people can opt out of with no penalty, if they so choose.

I read Reason too! :)

Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
Although I have issues with McCain, I am a conservative at heart so that's where my vote lies. I believe in less government intervention (no bailouts when it comes to mortgages, gas prices or healthcare). And interesting to me to hear people complain about where the country is at at this point . . . what would anyone have expected had they been handed the job and only to be dealt the blow of 9/11. Honestly, no one person has the power to pull the strings on everything from gas prices to social issues - it takes years to implement sweeping social and economic changes. I, myself, am in no worse shape . . . sure, I spend a more on gas - but no where near the rate in Europe. My DH and I work hard and make the necessary changes in our budget to accomodate our needs - I expect nothing less of my government. Just my 2 cents. If you are voting, do your homework - nothing pains me more than an uneducated voter.
>Although I have issues with McCain, I am a conservative at
>heart so that's where my vote lies. I believe in less
>government intervention (no bailouts when it comes to
>mortgages, gas prices or healthcare). And interesting to me
>to hear people complain about where the country is at at this
>point . . . what would anyone have expected had they been
>handed the job and only to be dealt the blow of 9/11.
>Honestly, no one person has the power to pull the strings on
>everything from gas prices to social issues - it takes years
>to implement sweeping social and economic changes. I, myself,
>am in no worse shape . . . sure, I spend a more on gas - but
>no where near the rate in Europe. My DH and I work hard and
>make the necessary changes in our budget to accomodate our
>needs - I expect nothing less of my government. Just my 2
>cents. If you are voting, do your homework - nothing pains me
>more than an uneducated voter.

ITA! Oh man, this thread looks like it's going to be fun today, but alas, I cannot stick around for the excitement. BOO HOO!

But...Sparrow's back!!! YEA! YEA! She's back!! Oh gawd, I've missed ya! :7
I agree totally about doing your homework. I always do. I also get very upset at those who make uneducated decisions. I personally blame the past four years on many people's uneducated decisions.

" And interesting to me to hear people complain about where the country is at at this
point . . . what would anyone have expected had they been
handed the job and only to be dealt the blow of 9/11."

I expected A LOT more. I expected someone not to start a war based on lies. I expected someone to actually put all our resources in finding Bin Laden in Afghanistan -- not Iraq. I expected to not receive tax cuts when we are heading into a recession with a trillion dollar deficit. I expected a leader, not a panderer quite frankly.

Geez... Hope I don't get flamed for all of this, but you asked!! :)
Those early tax cuts prevented us from going into a recession immediately following 9/11. Our economy would have fallen apart. The recent tax rebates are political fluff with really no impact as far as I'm concerned. And the war . . . well, it is more complex of a situation than this site would be able to accomodate. Nuff said. I best refrain from reading this post for the remainder of the day - I get pretty passionate about these things! Good luck to those who do - have a good day everyone.

OK my two cents. Not in the history of this country has a president ever, ever instituted a tax cut during a war. If anything speaks to incompetence, that is it. We are supposed to, as a country, pull together during war and make sacrifices together. Which means, you spend LESS (oh how un American). You do with less. Gas, lordy help us, gets rationed a bit so yes friends bye bye gas guzzling SUVs. We have a government that supports greed at all levels. And it is the most unpatriotic disservice to those who are making the ultimate sacrifice fighting this awful war, while the fat cats get fatter and the credit cards keep ching chinging along. We are in debt because the current government supports us in spending, not saving. Thank you mr president. a real patriot would have done it differently. how about those $600 checks going to improvements in veterans services for example?

As to who I will vote for, I will keep that to myself. But let's just say it won't be for the "business as usual" candidate.

Loving this thread! Why not ruffle some feathers! All you passionate folks - vote!

Fit Over 40
>OK my two cents. Not in the history of this country has a
>president ever, ever instituted a tax cut during a war. If
>anything speaks to incompetence, that is it. We are supposed
>to, as a country, pull together during war and make sacrifices
>together. Which means, you spend LESS (oh how un American).
>You do with less. Gas, lordy help us, gets rationed a bit so
>yes friends bye bye gas guzzling SUVs. We have a government
>that supports greed at all levels. And it is the most
>unpatriotic disservice to those who are making the ultimate
>sacrifice fighting this awful war, while the fat cats get
>fatter and the credit cards keep ching chinging along. We are
>in debt because the current government supports us in
>spending, not saving. Thank you mr president. a real patriot
>would have done it differently. how about those $600 checks
>going to improvements in veterans services for example?

I was going to stay out of this thread, but I just wanted to say that I love the post ^^^^. Beautifully written. And I couldn't agree more. :)

>OK my two cents. Not in the history of this country has a
>president ever, ever instituted a tax cut during a war. If
>anything speaks to incompetence, that is it. We are supposed
>to, as a country, pull together during war and make sacrifices
>together. Which means, you spend LESS (oh how un American).
>You do with less. Gas, lordy help us, gets rationed a bit so
>yes friends bye bye gas guzzling SUVs. We have a government
>that supports greed at all levels. And it is the most
>unpatriotic disservice to those who are making the ultimate
>sacrifice fighting this awful war, while the fat cats get
>fatter and the credit cards keep ching chinging along. We are
>in debt because the current government supports us in
>spending, not saving. Thank you mr president. a real patriot
>would have done it differently. how about those $600 checks
>going to improvements in veterans services for example?
>As to who I will vote for, I will keep that to myself. But
>let's just say it won't be for the "business as usual"
>Loving this thread! Why not ruffle some feathers! All you
>passionate folks - vote!
>Fit Over 40

Nicely said. My problem is that with all 3 of the major candidates it will be business as usual. They all pander, and they are all slaves to special interests.

As for the tax rebates, I love the fact that the gov spent millions of taxpayer dollars to send us mailings letting us know we're getting tax cuts. Lordy....


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
>As for the tax rebates, I love the fact that the gov spent
>millions of taxpayer dollars to send us mailings letting us
>know we're getting tax cuts. Lordy....

ROTFl!!!! Good point, Sparrow. Here is to fiscal responsibility :p

I don't think we will get Universal Health Care, even if Hillary or Obama are elected. It's nice to hear all the proposals and promises of all 3 candidates. It would have to pass Congress and I doubt it will.

The current private health care in the US is a disaster!! I am pretty leary of the health care plan that Hillary proposes. Sounds like a federally run HMO - and I hate HMOs. I'd love to get something like the German health care, it is mandatory but the insurance companies are not run by the government but regulated, the premiums are a percentage of your income and split by employer and employee. Anyway.

I think it was mentioned before that Hillary wants to roll back the raises of military. I have never read that. As far as I know she wanted to cut spending on U.S. military contractors, such as Blackwater. I think it is outrageous that Blackwater contractors make six figures for a few months work, while our own soldiers make peanuts and many of them are not taken care of when they come back from serving the country under great sacrifice.

I really don't understand why 9/11 keeps being blamed for our current economy. It was almost 7 years ago. Other than 9/11 being used as a crutch to justify the invasion of Iraq. What HAS devestated our economy is the incredible fiscal irresponsibility of our current administration. It doesn't take a Havard MBA to know that you cannot spend money you don't have!

What gets me more than anything though is the fact that we keep paying for the reconstruction of Iraq, not taking care of our own people at home, running trillion $$ in deficit (just the interest payment for that is 7 times the amount we spend on education, the education budget is $ 56 billion) while Iraq has a $ 25 billion surplus and with higher oil prices, their surplus continues to increase while we are footing the bill. I vividly remember Cheney stating that the oil would pay for everything. Now that worked really well, didn't it???
Sorry, couldn't resist . . .

". . . not taking care of our own people at home, . . ."

That being said - for those of you that feel this way, how many of you will be donating your tax rebate to charity?

<<That being said - for those of you that feel this way, how many of you will be donating your tax rebate to charity?>>

I'd love to! Unfortunately DH and I will be using ours to pay our property taxes...and fuel oil.
Good question Mo! I am not getting one of those checks since it has an income cut off and we don't qualify. But I do donate a good amount to charity. And I drive a 10 year old car because it gets good gas mileage and doesn't pollute the air so much (it's a Honda, you just can't kill those suckers) which I think is a good deed as well. For those on the road offended by the site of my Honda, I can't blame you. It is ghastly.

Also have to add the "Oprah will run the country if Obama is elected" comment was funny. Doesn't she already run the country? She is everywhere!


Fit Over 40

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