I'm all about Obama and proud to say it!!!!
I've read his book - his background is actually fascinating. He's about as much a terrorist as anyone on this website (here's hoping none of you are). The terrorist stories were started by the oh-so reputable Fox News and were rapidly and soundly denounced as false. Apparently he should have known better than to go to elementary school in Indonesia when HE WAS FIVE. The people who are still trying to spread those rumors are quite simply racists. There is no there there! I've been watching him for several years now and the thing I find most admirable is his consistency. His message hasn't changed in 10 years. Sometimes things are tweaked, but sometimes gaining knowledge about a subject can have that effect. If he gains knowledge and then adjusts his opinion accordingly, I view that as a strength. He also didn't call anyone a hick. If you actually get to hear the COMPLETE quote, coming out of his mouth (not some frothing at the mouth "reporter" on Fox), you will see what he stated wasn't out of line at all. It was actually quite accurate.
And that's where Hillary comes in. I used to be a huge supporter, but she's run her campaign rather poorly - on every level. The behavior of her husband has also been very disappointing. If she's the nominee, however,I will vote for her - I do believe she is a very strong policitian and would be good at the job. I just feel Obama would be better.
As for McCain, he's too old and too much of a war-monger. I also do not like his position of having switched to supporting/being supported by Bush, Falwell and Robertson. I don't subscribe to the hate agenda's they do, so can not back them. Additionally, their economic policies (do nothing) are crap. And he consistently makes mistakes about Irag - he doesn't seem to understand the difference between Shia and Sunni (a rather important distinction).
I encourage everyone to check your sources thoroughly, get your information from various sources, and whenever you hear something - absorb it, take a breath and think about it before judging the spin put on it by whatever the delivery system. Lastly, let's also remember - we are electing human beings - with all their flaws. I don't know of a single person who hasn't made a misstatement, stumbled over their words, or who can account for the complete backgrounds of every human they've ever come in contact with. Ask yourself - can you vouch for every friend of each of your friends? Every person who's ever come to your home? Every person you've ever worked with? Who pays you? Can you speak to the policics of the CEOs of your companies or where they donate company funds? Of course not - so why do we expect that of our politicians?
(stepping off soapbox)