This DVD features two workouts on the same DVD and includes 14 premixes. Each exercise (interval) is individually chaptered making it easy to skip an exercise or go anywhere in the DVD you would like to go.
LOW IMPACT Hiit One Premixes:
Premix #1: Extreme – Low Impact HiiT #1 - Double it
You will repeat all of the high intensity intervals in Low Impact HiiT One for an extreme workout. Includes warm up and stretch.
Premix #2: Extreme – Low Impact HiiT #1 and #2 Combined
You will do the warm up and all of the high intensity intervals from “Low Impact HiiT One” followed by all of the high intensity intervals from “Low Impact HiiT Two”.
Premix #3: First Half of Low Impact #1 and Last Half of Low Impact #2
After the warm up you will do the first half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT One followed by the last half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT Two.
Premix #4: First Half of Low Impact #2 and Last Half of Low Impact #1
After the warm up you will do the first half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT Two followed by the last half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT One.
Premix #5: Low Impact #1 + Abs #1
Includes the entire Low Impact HiiT One workout plus Bonus Abs One. The stretch follows the ab routine.
Premix #6: Low Impact #1 + Abs #2
Includes the entire Low Impact HiiT One workout plus Bonus Abs Two. The stretch follows the ab routine.
Premix #7: Scrambled Mix #1
This premix scrambles the high intensity intervals from both Low Impact HiiT One and Two. Includes warm up and stretch.
LOW IMPACT Hiit Two Premixes
Premix #1: Extreme – Low Impact HiiT #2 - Double it
You will repeat all of the high intensity intervals in Low Impact HiiT Two for an extreme workout. Includes warm up and stretch.
Premix #2: Extreme – Low Impact HiiT #2 and #1 Combined
You will do the warm up and all of the high intensity intervals from “Low Impact HiiT Two” followed by all of the high intensity intervals from “Low Impact HiiT One”.
Premix #3: First Half of Low Impact #2 and First Half of Low Impact #1
After the warm up you will do the first half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT Two followed by the first half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT One.
Premix #4: Last Half of Low Impact #2 and Last Half of Low Impact #1
After the warm up you will do the last half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT Two followed by the last half of the high intensity intervals from Low Impact HiiT One.
Premix #5: Low Impact #2 + Abs #1
Includes the entire Low Impact HiiT Two workout plus Bonus Abs One. The stretch follows the ab routine.
Premix #6: Low Impact #2 + Abs #2
Includes the entire Low Impact HiiT Two workout plus Bonus Abs Two. The stretch follows the ab routine.
Premix #7: Scrambled Mix #2
This premix scrambles the high intensity intervals from both Low Impact HiiT Two and One. Includes warm up and stretch.