Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2


Does anyone know how to get your hands on these? I was actually able to find #2 on e-bay & won it - after getting in a bidding war! It should be here soon, can't wait to try as I've heard from many posts that 1&2 are the best. If anyone can help me find how I can purchase #1 I'd really appreciate it.
that is what i thought also but had the same trouble you are having... made me so mad! I also found them at homeworkout.com & can even get them in your shopping cart but when you go to checkout it says they aren't available - THAT made me even more angry, I had my hopes up and was so excited only to be let down!
I ordered these about 2 months ago, you have to go to the website, look up under contact info and email Ilaria personally. She will get back to you with an address to send a check to , once she gets the check in the mail from you , she will send out your videos. I am sorry, I did not keep all the info , but just go to the contact info on the site and email her , she will email you back with all the info.
Wonderful, thank you so much. Just e-mailed them so I'll keep you posted on the progress! Now I wish I hadn't of bought the one from e-bay but oh well- live & learn I guess. I know I paid like $10 more than it's worth but I didn't think I had another option to get my hands on it so it was worth it at the time!

Have you done 3 & 4 also? If so, do you agree with most people that they aren't as hard as 1&2?

I love Cathe but like to try to change things up often b/c with working out at home 6 days a week it can become boring if you do the same ones too often! I did the Cardio & Leg premix from Drill Max today, it was fun but wow my heart rate didn't come down much at all the whole time, got to love a good sweat!
Coincidently, I just ordered PS Mil. 1 & 2 yesterday. I emailed Powerstrike at: [email protected]. They confirmed they had a few M1 & 2's left. I mailed my check out right away to them. I was getting worried I'd lose my opportunity to get these 2 great workouts. I haven't even been able to find them on Ebay.

I don't know why they are making it so hard, you'd think if there is a high demand for 1&2 as there seems to be that they'd want to continue to produce them & sell them... just doesn't make sense. [email protected] is the address I sent an e-mail to today so hopefully they'll get back to me soon & I'll be able to get #1! Thanks everyone for all the advice!

If you know of any other great cardio, non-step workouts that are advanced, I'd love to know. I like basic moves, more athletic style but I tend to bulk easily if I don't watch it in the lower part of my body, don't get me wrong I love the muscle but at 5'5"-5'6" and my legs being short too much muscle doesn't look good- at least in my opinion!
I think their store had closed down for some reason. Now the only way to get 1, 2 and I believe 3 is through Ilaria personally. I know they are only selling what they have left in 1 & 2 and no more copies will be made, that's why I finally decided to treat myself and get them for christmas. I had the hardest time convincing myself to pay over $20. for a VHS tape, but, I'm sure it will be worth it.

Jen, have you tried Tae-bo? I really enjoy the Live Advanced series and the get Ripped series, but I know a lot of people don't care for them. I do get a great workout from them though.

Ilaria bought Patricia out and she is sole owner of powerstrike. Patricia is doing her own insati ? (spelling) yoga thing. So I think Ilaria can only sell what ever was left of 1, 2, &3. I have her new one and I like it. It has alot of kicks in it. I like it for low impact days. I don't breathe heavy but am soaked after the workout. It is all about what you put into it IMHO
Merry Christmas!
Wow! I had no idea. I'm so glad I got 1-3. I don't like 3 as much as 1 and 2, though.

I just wish I would have gone back and bought the DVDs.

Although, I do own a machine that copies from VHS to DVD. Hmmmmmmm
Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

YIPPEE! I just checked my e-mail and had a reply from Ilaria, I have copied the information below! The e-mail address to contact her is [email protected]. I just replied to her to confirm my order & will be mailing my check tomorrow - they won't be back in the office until Jan. 2nd so I know it won't ship until then! Thanks everyone for your help on this!


here’s how to order our workouts, please note that the office will open again on Jan. 2nd.... Happy Holidays!

We are now selling the Powerstrike and Forza workouts directly through our NY office.

Powerstrike with Ilaria #4 is the latest kickboxing workout produced and created by Ilaria Montagnani, it is easy to follow but it includes some advanced karate moves and it is an intense workout 1 hour long, the beginning includes an explanation of the techniques used in the routines.
FORZA Samurai Sword Training is a 60-minute full-body workout based on Japanese Samurai training. With a wooden sword (or a wood stick) you will safely learn the basic exercises and routines that condition the body and mind of a true warrior. At the beginning there’s a full explanation on how to hold and strike with the bokken sword.

FORZA Samurai Sword Training - $ 30 plus $3 S&H Total $ 33
POWERSTRIKE with Ilaria #4 - $ 27 plus $3 S&H Total $ 30

We also have available for sales the following items:
POWERSTRIKE #1 (only VHS) - $ 25 US Dollars plus S&H
POWERSTRIKE #2 (only VHS) - $ 25 US Dollars plus S&H
POWERSTRIKE #3 (DVD) - $ 27 US Dollars plus S&H

To place an order please send us an email, we will send you a confirmation back and we will ship once we receive the payment.
At the moment we only take checks and International Money Orders in US Dollar from our Canadian customers.

USA: One item add $ 3 to tape or DVD cost, 2 items add $ 6, 3 items add $ 7, 4 items add $ 8.
CANDA: One item add $ 4 to tape or DVD cost, 2 items add $ 8, 3/4 items add $ 12.

Please send a check to:
Powerstrike Inc.
100 West 72nd Street # 5G
New York, NY 10023

Ilaria Montagnani and the Powerstrike Team
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Yay, my christmas gift to myself is here! I just received Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2 in the mail today. I just finished pre-viewing 1 and it looks awesome. I can only imagine how good 2 will be.

I was a little nervous after reading the email here, and noticing that the tapes are now $25. each. I had an older email from Ilaria where, they were $22. each and $5. shipping for two items. Surprisingly, they honored my order at that price. I'm glad it didn't delay my order.

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I just got 1 and 2 in the mail too. I can't wait to do them. Melissa
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Have you tried this or ordered it yet - the new one? I have heard that it isn't as difficult as 1 & 2... I just received Powerstrike 2 from the ebay purchase i made so I plan on trying it out tomorrow... I really want to do tonight but need to do a quick workout so I can get out to my friends house to be there for her, she just lost a baby. So, I think I'll save the new workout for tomorrow when I have more time to learn it.
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Jen, do you mean Powerstrike M4? I have that one too. I've done it about 3 times. I like it a lot. I will be doing M1 today, so I'll see how much more intense it is than her newer workouts. I think the reason people find M1 & M2 much more intense than 3 & 4 is that the pace is a little quicker. For me it isn't always about quickness, although that does give a better cardio workout. Sometimes I like a little slower pace, so I can really focus and work my muscles. I love Powerstrike workouts. The only one I haven't bought is her Forza workout. I'm glad I heard about these workouts in this forum. I used to be a Tae-bo junkie, now I am having a lot of fun mixing Cathe, Powerstrike, T.J. and Tae-bo.
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I actually just ordered Powerstrike w/Ilaria today. I should have it next week sometime.
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Powerstrike 4 is what I was talking about... so, how do you compare it to 1 & 2? I haven't done the one I bought from ebay yet -this week has been crazy so did ones I know-today was Drill Max, love that workout. I am doing powerstrike 2 tomorrow morning though!

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