Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Jen, I like 4 a lot. Patricia Moreno is not in that one, but Ilaria is fantastic as always. You can preview a clip on collagevideo.com. I love the crescent kicks in 4. I'll be doing 2 for the first time today.

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I just did Powerstrike Mil. 2 for the first time this morning and I do really like it - will for sure be part of my regular rotation... even though I really haven't figured one out yet, probably why I keep buying & buying...he,he!

Anyway, as I said I do really like this- at first wasn't sure if it was going to be challenging enough(especially after Drill Max yesterday) but soon after realized I was covered in sweat & loving it! Completely different than most Cathe, kind of similar to KPC but not really... I do miss the good quality of Cathe production though but it's good enough to keep in my rotation.

So... anyone who has now done 3 & 4, can you give me an idea of how it compares with two? I sent my check to Ilaria last week for #1 so hopefully when the office opens on Jan. 2nd they'll be shipping that out to me.

Iris - Did you do 2 yet? How do you compare?

Fit@home... did you get your new purchase yet? I think you were getting the one from collagevideo???

Happy NYE!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I haven't received mine yet. I also heard that Tuesday is a "down day" for federal empolyees because of Pres. Ford. That means no postal service. Drat! I did indeed order from Collage video. I also ordered a couple more walking videos. For an advanced video junkie like me, I'm can't believe I'm loving the in-home walking workouts. Probably because I'm old and sore now. LOL

re: PS3 -- I think PS3 is not nearly as good (or difficult) as 1 and 2. The first two kick butt! I hope 4 is good.
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

They get too many days off... I guess I shouldn't complain though, I don't work Tuesday either but that is b/c I used a personal vacation day - it's so nice to be sitting her now knowing I don't have to be back to reality until Wednesday...lol, I keep saying I need to find me a rich man so I can workout for a living!

I haven't done any in home walking dvds cause I didn't think they'd be very challenging, are they? You sound like an advanced workout person as I consider myself, do they keep you working or do you use these for more moderate days?

Keep me posted on PS4 when you receive it & give it a go, I am very curious! I am hoping to have e-mail confirm on PS1 being mailed out Jan. 2 or 3 when they are back in the office & process my order!!!

Happy New Years!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I just checked my email, and my videos are being shipped by UPS; however, they still won't get here until the 3rd. Rats! LOL

About the walking vids -- Several years ago a friend of mine let me borrow a couple of her Leslie Sansone tapes. While they weren't hard or challenging, I knew that they COULD be with some modifications. Very easy to do - just as it's easy to modify down Cathe's workouts.

I love the walking videos for a number of different reasons. The prime reason is that I have plantar fasciitis, and it hurts like a son-of-a-youknowwhat. Baaaaad. I even had to give up tae kwon do because I'm in so much pain. So, the walking videos are for days when I'm hurting, but want to work out. I have a stationary bike, but I like variety, as most people do.

Leslie just put out a 5 mile walking video, and it is awesome! It's actually broken down into 1 mile segments, and they are all faster-paced than her other videos. She uses light hand weights, an exercise belt, and a band in three of the walks. In a few of them, she incorporates jogging. I used to run all the time, and I miss that, too. I can do it occasionally, but I pay the price with pain. ;( Same with Cathe vids - I can't do the high impact ones very often.

The walking videos are also good for when I've been in a real workout slump and just need to be active and try to get some focus back. They also use zilch equipment - just some good tennies. Heck, I usually don't even wear a workout bra when I do those videos. LOL Often I will use 1-3 pound dumbbells, too. Gives me a bit more bang for my buck. ;)

Oh, Leslie also has another brand spanking new 1 mile jog video - which I just ordered along with Ilaria's PS4. Plus, I'm going out on a limb, and I ordered Debbie Rocker's Walking Workouts. It has one long workout and two shorter am and pm walks. We'll see.

So, to make a looooooooooong story short, I like the walking videos because of my feet and knees. :)
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2


I just did 2 today, and wow, it was awesome. I almost felt like I had done a weight workout. Ilaria and Patricia can really work you. Now that I can compare, I do find that 3 is the easiest of the 4. However, I still like 3 a lot, because the slower pace really lets me focus on my form and power. I find that 1 & 2, are great. The moves are easy to master, but they require concentration to get in every punch, kick, etc. I like that in a workout, because it doesn't give me time to zone out, lol. I like all 4 of them a lot, and am glad I've bought each one. I'd get the forza workout too, except, my workout room has low cielings, and it would probably be more frustrating than it's worth to do it. I still can't decide which one I like better between 1 & 2. They are both awesome.

By the way, I was amazed with how quick my videos came. I mailed my check on Wed. 12/20, and my tapes arrived Tues. - 12/26. Not even a week later. They probably shipped them on Friday, right before they closed their office for the holiday. That was the best christmas gift I could have received :)

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Fit@home & Iris -

Wow, I can't believe that I was actually a little sore in my arms and abs this morning when I woke up... i don't get sore the next day very often, only when doing a new/different challenging workout. So, I can tell PS2 for sure works muscles in a different way from Cathe's workouts. Iris, I agree -it's like a weight workout without the weights for the arms - i think it's all the reps & fast pace of it that gives that great feeling!

I can't wait to get PS1 now, I am hoping to have an e-mail from the tomorrow confirming they received my check & they'll be mailing. :)

I also am getting ready to order BM2 & LIC, have the other 3 new ones but didn't get these but I should've b/c I knew I'd eventually want them, I was worried out the choreography in BM2 as I like more simple athletic type & worried LIC wasn't challenging enough but have made a commitment to learn BM2 & I hear LIC is challenging.

Happy New Years to you guys!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Oh yeah. My BACK gets really sore from the punching. Yowza! :eek:
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I just opened min elast night to get ready for today, and both are cracked! AHH. Of course I notice this when there is a long holiday weekend. I hope they have good customer service. Melissa
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Fit@home - That would probably explain why the floor work from B&G hurt my back today when it normally doesn't. I love when I can "feel" a new workout working different body parts than usual, or working them in different way. I am so glad I ordered this and soon to have PS1. :)

Melissa - I think they will replace no problem, I haven't had much contact w/ their CS yet but when I e-mailed them about ordering they got back to me the same day, of course that was last day they were open in Dec. so I am waiting on a reply from them now to confirm my order, they open tomorrow so be sure to e-mail them tomorrow or today if you haven't already. Let me know. You will love these, well I've only done PS2 but I love it!!!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Thanks for the reply. I get nervouse for no reason with this kind of stuff. I will let you know what happens. Melissa
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Melissa - You are welcome and I also meant to tell you earlier that from others that have posted on here about PS customer service everyone seems to be happy with them, i haven't seen any negative comments so I think you will be okay!! Keep me posted!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Melissa, sorry to hear your tapes arrived cracked. What a bummer. I get all worked up about little things too. I hope they get you replacement tapes ASAP.

Have any of you tried Powerstrike Forza?

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

>Fit@home - That would probably explain why the floor work
>from B&G hurt my back today when it normally doesn't. I love
>when I can "feel" a new workout working different body parts
>than usual, or working them in different way. I am so glad I
>ordered this and soon to have PS1. :)

Ah yes. That would explain it. ;)
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Iris - I just sent Jen (beemerjen)who had post earlier in this thread a private message asking if she has the one you were asking about. I am curious myself now since I know I love PS2!!

Fit@home - Sure does explain it & loving it...lol! :)
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I just found Powerstrike 2 in my collection, I didn't even know I had this powerful workout. I previewed this past weekend and all I could say was OMG. This woman is incredible, I'm doing Cathe's BootCamp/Sweat and Tears rotation, kickboxing is tomorrow, I'm really thinking about doing this workout, it is awesome x( x( :)

RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

Fit@home - Wow, I just did KPC the original mix followed up by legs & glutes... the sculpting moves on, so like the second column on the chapter menu and let me tell you during the warm up of KPC I could still feel my back and shoulder/arm muscles being sore from PS2! I love it. Waiting on e-mail from PS customer service, i'm sure they are buried in e-mails since they been closed since the 22nd, I'll give them a couple days before I try to contact them again.

Teddygirl - I would recommend PS2 for today's workout, it is wonderful!

Have a great day-I have to go back to reality tomorrow, not looking forward to it, ugh!
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

They responded quickly. They are going to replace the tapes, but more need to be made. She said by next week they should have them. Melissa
RE: Found them!!!!!!!! Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

The Powerstrike's rock.

Mil 1 is great, more upper body. Mil 2 is more lower. I traded Mil 3 away, seemed boring compared to the other two.

Thanks for the link to the new one on Collage. That looks super cool!;-)

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