Powerstrike Mil. 1 & 2

I have a few die-hard Tae-bo fans interested in the Powerstrike workouts. If it weren't for this site I would have never heard of them. I have to admit, since joining this site, I have been spending a ton of money on workouts, lol. My husband is going to kill me one of these days, but a girls gotta have some entertainment, lol. The only Powerstrike I don't have is the Forza one, and that's only because of my low ceilings. Otherwise, I'd be all over that one too :)

I'm right there with you on the money spending since reading more & more on these forums! :) Luckily for me I am single so nobody can get annoyed with me for spending so much money...or maybe that is a bad thing! I need the variety to keep me excited to workout daily, with having so many workouts by the time I get through a rotation of them all it's almost like having a new workout again...although I do have my favorites that I do more often & PS2 is for sure going to fit into that category!
Well, the bad news is that I didn't do the workout today. I decided to be a lazy bum and not do a damn thing all day. LOL I'm sure I'll get to it this week, though. Sorry. :)

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