Uh, yeah, Briee, well,
Janice (Gretsky), I would still be PO'ed!!! I do understand though that you have had special help through this Amber lady, but what is her major malfunction? Why can't she get your order to go through? Sorry, but I would call back (trying to be nice) and just say, hey look, why hasn't my card been charged?
The way it seemed to work for me is the first time I called (April 30th)my invoice was generated. (they told me they had shipped at this point, but April 30th is on the invoice NOT April 17). Then, like I said, when I looked up shipping, they shipped out on the 5th (which is when my CC finally got charged) and I got them on the 7th (remember, I am in arizona). Did she give you the tracking, cuz there is one.
Kepi...C'MON!!!.....this poor lady has waited almost as long as I for these tapes!! She's gonna be pushing a month soon with no real notificaton from BB about a delay. I think you (Janice) have every right to complain, regardless of who tried to "smooth it over". The OWED you free shipping, don't be grateful. If you wanna be "nicer" than, I would right a letter to one of the high ups stating the displeasure. Maybe you could even refer them here, so they can see this thread. They cannot deny that they have been lying. Jeez, they should atleast document in their system when you call and what they say to you so that they don't tell you something different every time. If they had done that, I would still probably be mad but I would have never thought they were trying to get one over on me.
Personally, after I got my set, I could not believe that the production quality...and just overall quality was so great, but the customer service was so crappy!! When they went through that whole schpeel about the supplements and yada, yada, yada, My hubby was like, "How much do those cost" (he's so gullable), and I was like, "Who cares! I ain't ordering anything else from them, Noooooooooo Waaaaayyyy, we'd never get it anyway". And that is seriously how I feel. Briee...he also joked about it not working at one point when I stopped a DVD and he was like, "OH NO!!"
I did the stretch tape, previewed a few others. The stretch tape was absolute horror, as is most any stretching for me, but the others look pretty neat. I gotta say, I am just so happy to be working out with someone other than Cathe that I can actually handle!! Tony is a little "over the top" sometimes and I gotta say I was happy for the "music and cues" feature where you can shut him up during the actual exercise part. I found myself pretty thankful that I couln't hear him anymore!
I won't start the actual "rotation" until I get back from Missouri, but this week I am planning on sprinkling a few in with Cathe's. The people I work out with will be horrified!
My prayers are with you Janice!!
And Briee, thanks for your attempt at calming both of us down, but only time will heal my wounds!