Power 90X

Janice, I hate to tell you this -- but it seems that they charge the card when they ship. They charged my card on 5/2 and they said they shipped on 5/2 too. Now all I have to do is wait....
I am the one that ordered on Sunday and received my DVD's on Wenesday. Well I have to tell you I am not so lucky after all. They have now charged my account 3 times within a week period???? I was supposed to pay 64.14 for the first charge and then 84.92 was going to be split over the next couple of months. They have now charged me 200.74. They claim that I placed two orders one over the phone and one online. I went online to view and determine if I would get the discount, never gave any credit card information never proceeded with the purchase because the discount did not show up. However, they claim that when I viewed it the order went through????????????

I called today and spoke with a supervisor apparantly their system is down so she could not help me and is going to call me back. The crazy thing is they are trying to make this my fault when in fact it is their's... Also, if I ordered this 2 times then where in the hell are the other DVD's???

I agree with everyone here this is the worst customer service I have EVER dealt with. Sorry but I just had to vent....

Ok, this thread can die now. I got my DVD's. Impressive Box. I gotta say though, I wasn't even excited!! I think every last iota of excitement had been drained from me the 20 days or so I spent waiting!!:)

I am glad that I won't get fat afterall though. LOL! I was starting to!! Maybe this will be just what I need! And hubby is going to do it with me!!:0

I hope all of you still waiting find resolution soon!
Ok, well, I just have to add that my box did have a Delivery Confirmation number on it!! (Another LIE from Beach Body) BB told me my package shipped on April 30th. This is what the USPS website said:

Here is what happened earlier:
ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 07, 2004, 4:46 am, PHOENIX, AZ 85027

So...appears it did only ship when I called. It took 2 days?:O I guess that is just the disgusting icing on the cake!!!

Ok, I can calm down now.....WHEW!

Well, THIS Janice is still waiting... Amber emailed me on Thursday and told me that my original order from 4/19 was "stuck" in the system, so she cancelled it, and replaced it with free FedEx. I should have them Tuesday latest, I think. Just checked, and my cc has not been charged, so I guess I'm never getting them. I will live vicariously through you guys...

I think I'm going to write a letter to the Better Business Bureau when all is said and done... The lying is the worst part. If my order was "stuck" in the system, then why did two employees tell me that it had shipped out 4/23! Blurrghhh!
Okay guys, get a grip on yourselves here. Breath one, two, three, deep breaths. I know this is incredibly frustrating. (and I won't even mention the fact that my shoulders and arms DVD which I did today was flawed - I'll have to call them about that, but I won't mentioned it here because you guys are already too depressed as it is).

Try your best to put this all behind you and see the brighter side. To be honest, when I was first getting my Cathe tapes I was so mad at her customer service because they couldn't tell me ANYTHING about the workouts at all and I didn't think they deserved to be there because they seemed to know peanuts about Cathe. (at the time I didn't know about this wonderful forum :-( ). So.....things happen, okay so they happen MORE to Beachbody, but we're still trying to remain positive here right??

Janice(the other one) just think...you'll get free shipping right?? Lets be happy here...if you lived in any other country (third world) it would take much longer to get anything as it would be delivered by donkey or mule. Yes we have a lot to be thankful for right guys??

Janice (naughtoj) jump into it - I want to know your thoughts. For me this is just where I'm at. It's just a step more challenging than my Cathe's - due to the pullup aspect - and I like that I'm doing what "I" can do not what "they" are doing. There are pros and cons.
I needed a change and a challenge.

Briee (I'm glad I'm here and not next to you all physically as you probably would have hit me)
I have to agree with Briee. Amber has bent over backwards to make your orders right, and I don't think that she and BB should be rewarded with a complaint to the BB.
Uh, yeah, Briee, well,

Janice (Gretsky), I would still be PO'ed!!! I do understand though that you have had special help through this Amber lady, but what is her major malfunction? Why can't she get your order to go through? Sorry, but I would call back (trying to be nice) and just say, hey look, why hasn't my card been charged?

The way it seemed to work for me is the first time I called (April 30th)my invoice was generated. (they told me they had shipped at this point, but April 30th is on the invoice NOT April 17). Then, like I said, when I looked up shipping, they shipped out on the 5th (which is when my CC finally got charged) and I got them on the 7th (remember, I am in arizona). Did she give you the tracking, cuz there is one.

Kepi...C'MON!!!.....this poor lady has waited almost as long as I for these tapes!! She's gonna be pushing a month soon with no real notificaton from BB about a delay. I think you (Janice) have every right to complain, regardless of who tried to "smooth it over". The OWED you free shipping, don't be grateful. If you wanna be "nicer" than, I would right a letter to one of the high ups stating the displeasure. Maybe you could even refer them here, so they can see this thread. They cannot deny that they have been lying. Jeez, they should atleast document in their system when you call and what they say to you so that they don't tell you something different every time. If they had done that, I would still probably be mad but I would have never thought they were trying to get one over on me.

Personally, after I got my set, I could not believe that the production quality...and just overall quality was so great, but the customer service was so crappy!! When they went through that whole schpeel about the supplements and yada, yada, yada, My hubby was like, "How much do those cost" (he's so gullable), and I was like, "Who cares! I ain't ordering anything else from them, Noooooooooo Waaaaayyyy, we'd never get it anyway". And that is seriously how I feel. Briee...he also joked about it not working at one point when I stopped a DVD and he was like, "OH NO!!"

I did the stretch tape, previewed a few others. The stretch tape was absolute horror, as is most any stretching for me, but the others look pretty neat. I gotta say, I am just so happy to be working out with someone other than Cathe that I can actually handle!! Tony is a little "over the top" sometimes and I gotta say I was happy for the "music and cues" feature where you can shut him up during the actual exercise part. I found myself pretty thankful that I couln't hear him anymore!

I won't start the actual "rotation" until I get back from Missouri, but this week I am planning on sprinkling a few in with Cathe's. The people I work out with will be horrified!

My prayers are with you Janice!!:)And Briee, thanks for your attempt at calming both of us down, but only time will heal my wounds!:)

> My prayers are with you Janice!!:)And Briee,
>thanks for your attempt at calming both of us down, but only
>time will heal my wounds!:)
> Janice

Janice, I hope time heals both of your wounds so you two can enjoy this series.

I'm sorry that I didn't make my other post clearer. Janice does have a legitimate reason to be REALLY upset. The most frustrating thing about ordering from companies like Beach Body is when the ordering experience goes wrong.

Janice, hopefully you will be getting your package early this week. :)
So here's what I'm wondering about places like Beachbody... everyone finally gets their orders and their billings straightened out, and everyone's eventually happy to get the product, and apparently the product is definitely worth the wait... but the lying is just hideous. I wonder if people just throw up their hands and say "whatever" after receiving the product and BB goes on with their business as usual, which is horrendous.

If I were the owner of this company, I would want to know that the customer service sucked. I just wonder how to go about doing that? You're never guaranteed that an email gets to the appropriate person. And if people don't complain, they will never change. I have my doubts that I will get my order "four business days" from last Weds. That would be Tues. My cc hasn't been charged yet and I'm in NY and I have no tracking #. And here's the thing: Everyone at BB has been totally pleasant! No one has been rude, etc. But no one can answer the question about whether the order has shipped or not! So my thought about going to the BBB was so that someone in charge over at BB would know that they are losing SO much money (I won't say never, but I'll definitely think twice about ordering from them again, and I can't be the only one). Not so much to be mean, but to let them know... I dunno. Maybe there is a kinder, gentler way. I'll see how this whole experience ends up. I'm pretty much in the "whatever" mood right now (and so nothing at BB will ever change! :7 )
Well...I tried....I happened to be in one of my "happy moods" when I posted earlier. I agree that you should write a letter as I believe this holds more weight than a mere email and also mention the various threads regarding P90X so they have some feedback on their customer service and it's many problems. I "chatted" with customer service on Saturday regarding my shoulder and arms tape that is flawed and they are sending me a new one, but keep in mind guys....you have 30 days to preview them to be sure there are no problems...so DO IT!!! I told them it's tough to find time to "sit and watch these in their entirety" unless I'm actually doing them, but I guess I better make the time.

I'm having an absolute blast doing something different for a change, except for yoga. I had yoga today and I never knew yoga was so tough. But I have to remember that I almost always hate something the first time I do it so I'm trying to remain positive. My balance is definitely LACKING to say the least. AND I probably need it since I hate it so much - which is generally the case.

I ADORE the strength tapes. There is something psychological that goes on while watching my Cathe tapes...I'm always comparing, my weights that I am using with Cathe and the reps, and trying to keep up/compete with her and I've found that there is a "whole new focus" with P90X. I feel free to do what IIIIIII can do, and could give a rip about what Tony's crew is doing because this is all about ME and they are all doing something different anyway. I'm not saying Cathe isn't wonderful/the best, but it happens because they are all doing the same thing and you feel like YOU need to be exactly the same - just human nature. P90X is a whole new ball game....I love it. And after 90 days I'm sure I wake up a refreshed person and ready to do some workouts with Cathe and by that time I'm hoping that she has a series that is even better...hint hint.

One more thing.....Janice...what did your husband think???? Is he gonna do it. I'm desparately trying to get mine to find his "niche" with working out. He was the Pennsylvania state wrestling champion when he was in high school and a physical education major in college so he KNOWS all the benefits of health and fitness, but finding time and sticking to a program is hard for him. He has to have the right motivation and finding this has been really tough!! I'm hoping this will do it....as soon as I can get him to try it. (I know he's going to have a mental block on the yoga tape!!!!)

Well, I for one alerted Beach Body to the threads here at Cathe's and to the ones at Video Fitness. Before I placed my order by phone, I asked the rep all kinds of questions. I told him about dissatisfied customers and I didn't want to be one of them.
Later, I was emailed by customer service that my workouts are shipped... (whatever that means, see VF for details lol). If I don't get mine this week, I will let them know about this thread complete with this little tracking number. I usually don't have a problem in ordering things, but these legitimate complaints here and at VF makes me nervous.
:( Janice, I hope you get your workouts this week.
and Briee, my vein is now from my wrists, about 1 inch from my elbows...how is yours coming along? I've been using 35-40# for barbell rows, it seems to help. ;-) (sorry about hijacking this thread, when I think of Briee, I think of veins.):)

Hey everyone! I haven't had a chance to hop online and tell you this before now, but I got the P90X DVD set on Thursday, courtesy of Amber Otto, and I have to tell you, she was quick. After stewing about my order and reading all the complaints here and at VF, and after reading at VF that WWWendy had spoken to Amber Otto (who is BB's Director of Customer Relations Management)and that she'd volunteered to be "point man" for VF members, I decided to e-mail Amber. I think I managed to get through to Amber right before she got swamped with VFers and Cathe-ites, to tell you the truth. :) But I really believe she'll take care of everyone who e-mails her, even if it takes her a wee bit more time now.

Just FYI, I wrote her a long message (last Wednesday afternoon at 1:00), with very specific info about when and how I'd ordered and about every single phone call I'd made to Customer Service and the big old runaround I felt I was getting from them. In the subject line of the e-mail I put "Video Fitness Member -- Horrendous Customer Service with P90X order". I told her that I frankly felt the CS reps were not being honest with me, despite my telling them that all I wanted to know was WHAT IS GOING ON.

I said to her that my point in recounting this whole history was NOT just to b*tch, but to illustrate a simple truth that I've experienced myself in my law practice AND in my customer relationship with Cathe's company: When you're selling a product or service, no matter what problems you encounter in getting your product/service out -- and you WILL sometimes have problems -- you must be proactively honest and open with your customers/clients about what's going on. If you do that, they'll be mollified if not happy and will hang in there with you for the most part. If you make excuses and tell half-truths, people will know it and they'll be even more upset than they already were, AND are not likely to do business with you again. I told her that I thought SNM Videos was setting a great example of how to do it RIGHT after fumbling the customer communication ball just a little on the BB Series.

Amber wrote back to me at 4:30 the same day, and here's what she said:

[font color=red]I am really sorry for the problems & delays you faced. I could go into a very long explanation of what happened to your order in our system, but the bottom-line fact is that our warehouse never received your order information through our systems. Our agents did their best to interpret the information they saw on the screen - they were not being dishonest with you - instead our system was being dishonest with them. I apologize for that and believe me that the bug got your order stuck in the system is already being worked on, furiously.

I am Priority Fed Exing your DVD kit from my office today, for delivery tomorrow. Your tracking number is 790139391779.


Amber Otto
[email protected]
Director of Customer Relations Management
[/font color]

Hope this helps, folks -- and p.s., I've done two of the workouts now (Shoulders & Arms, Core Synergistics) and so far I am EXTREMELY ;-) impressed!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif

Hey everyone! I haven't had a chance to hop online and tell you this before now, but I got the P90X DVD set on Thursday, courtesy of Amber Otto, and I have to tell you, she was quick. After stewing about my order and reading all the complaints here and at VF, and after reading at VF that WWWendy had spoken to Amber Otto (who is BB's Director of Customer Relations Management)and that she'd volunteered to be "point man" for VF members, I decided to e-mail Amber. I think I managed to get through to Amber right before she got swamped with VFers and Cathe-ites, to tell you the truth. :) But I really believe she'll take care of everyone who e-mails her, even if it takes her a wee bit more time now.

Just FYI, I wrote her a long message (last Wednesday afternoon at 1:00), with very specific info about when and how I'd ordered and about every single phone call I'd made to Customer Service and the big old runaround I felt I was getting from them. In the subject line of the e-mail I put "Video Fitness Member -- Horrendous Customer Service with P90X order". I told her that I frankly felt the CS reps were not being honest with me, despite my telling them that all I wanted to know was WHAT IS GOING ON.

I said to her that my point in recounting this whole history was NOT just to b*tch, but to illustrate a simple truth that I've experienced myself in my law practice AND in my customer relationship with Cathe's company: When you're selling a product or service, no matter what problems you encounter in getting your product/service out -- and you WILL sometimes have problems -- you must be proactively honest and open with your customers/clients about what's going on. If you do that, they'll be mollified if not happy and will hang in there with you for the most part. If you make excuses and tell half-truths, people will know it and they'll be even more upset than they already were, AND are not likely to do business with you again. I told her that I thought SNM Videos was setting a great example of how to do it RIGHT after fumbling the customer communication ball just a little on the BB Series.

Amber wrote back to me at 4:30 the same day, and here's what she said:

[font color=red]I am really sorry for the problems & delays you faced. I could go into a very long explanation of what happened to your order in our system, but the bottom-line fact is that our warehouse never received your order information through our systems. Our agents did their best to interpret the information they saw on the screen - they were not being dishonest with you - instead our system was being dishonest with them. I apologize for that and believe me that the bug got your order stuck in the system is already being worked on, furiously.

I am Priority Fed Exing your DVD kit from my office today, for delivery tomorrow. Your tracking number is 790139391779.


Amber Otto
[email protected]
Director of Customer Relations Management
[/font color]

Hope this helps, folks -- and p.s., I've done two of the workouts now (Shoulders & Arms, Core Synergistics) and so far I am EXTREMELY ;-) impressed!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Wanda what exactly IS hijacking a thread (I've been meaning to ask this for a while). From my perspective..you're participating in it.

I can't wait until I can say "when I think of Briee...I think of veins" Right now all I can think of is Ajock and it's beginning to tick me off}( }( }( , no offense AJ. I do have an enormous, in my wee opinion, forearm vein running from my wrist to my elbow, not the one on top of the forearm, but the part I can't see, underneath. Isn't it just "life" that the one nice bicep vein I have is in a place where IIIII can't see it!!!!

After seeing Drea in legs and back p90X pump out 10 pullups over and over and NOT seeing a bicep vein on her, I'm beginning to wonder if it may never come. What exactly "makes" the bicep vein????

Briee (thanks for responding Wanda!!)
FYI, I think it is a combo of an exremely pumped muscle and very low bodyfat.

I am sure once you master pullups, you will have one!

Janice, have you tried any of P90X yet?? If so, how do you like them?

Did back and bi's last night and I'm pretty sure my arms will be falling off. LOL
Hijacking a thread

Briee I think hijacking a thread means that someone takes over a thread and talks about an entirely different subject or goes in another direction. This thread is about the disappearance of Janice's P90X and I started discussing veins. While P90X will help us to achieve 'veins', it didn't help Janice get her DVD's any faster.
To keep going as heavy as you can on upper body work and very low body fat, just as is mentioned in the post below, is what makes the veins show. Cathe sure has some nice veins. Yet you know, come to think of it, I don't really notice the veins on Tracie's arms, and she has beautiful arms too!:)

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