Power 90X

RE: Hi Donna!

I'm totally blown away by how
>challenging the strength workouts are, plus Core Synergistics
>and Plyometrics. I love the other two cardio workouts, but as
>someone has already pointed out, they are not near as intense
>as Cathe's workouts, but that's OK. I think we need workouts
>that are a bit easier in our rotation.:)

I think the cardio is intentionally less intense than something like Cathe's in order to not break down any muscle. Also, when you do KenpoX within the P90X rotation, it's definitely intense enough, since you probably have some good DOMS from legs and back still hanging around, and maybe some upper body DOMS (later stage) from shoulders and arms still around.
RE: Hi Donna!

Kathryn...you just described today for me to a "T". I'm doing the classic rotation and Kenpo X was just enough after doing the legs and back from the day before to keep my DOMS going and it renewed my entire upperbody DOMS. Today is my stretch day and I'm just going down to do it, but I can say that right at this moment my legs and butt still ache quite a bit, and my entire upperbody feels like it was worked out yesterday just by the kenpoX. My lats hurt, my shoulders and especially my biceps...why do my biceps ache so much?? Judging by my DOMS this week..I got an incredibly well rounded week of workouts....so I'm happy :7 :7 :7 .


One more thing....I'm sure you can fit these workouts into your Cathe rotations, but try doing the classic as is....all I can say is that it "feels perfectly balanced".

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