PLEASE VOTE: I nominate my friend DebbieH!


Hey girlfriend Debbie! I just noticed the total number of posts you've accumulated and what I want to know is, WHEN DO YOU SLEEP?? Seriously, I'm floored -- you must average 10 a day. I swear you almost single-handedly keep this place running perkily! And the most amazing thing about you is that you have this knack (or secret notebook ;-)) for remembering EVERY member's screenname, real name, kids, hubby's name, kids' names, anniversaries, birthdays, illnesses, surgeries, vacations, life stresses, etc. etc. -- I never saw anything like it in my life!

Members, I nominate my pal DebbieH as the First and Only Official Den Mother of the Cathe Forums. ("Den Mother Debbie" -- kinda has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? ;-)) Let's make it official and put Debbie in charge of welcoming new people, soothing upset people, cheering people's successes, laughing at people's jokes --- all the wonderful stuff she ALREADY does unofficially! I say it's time she had a title, for pete's sake!

Do I hear a second, and can we have a vote, please, folks??? Post if you vote YES!!!!

Deb, like Clairee says to Ouisa in Steel Magnolias, "Ya know I love ya better than my luggage!" :) Kathy S.
[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 8/365[/font color]
You have my vote:7 :7! I agree she does a wonderful job of welcoming new people, cheering people on, having a super human memory, etc! Sounds good to me!
Yes! You have my vote as well! She is the ultimate Cathe Forum philanthropist!

She is going to need a very big Den Mother van to get us to our Cathe clubhouse! :)

Debbie is a natural for the position! lovely idea
AKA "Likes2bfit"
I'm convinced she must have a notebook, or else a superhuman memory. How DOES she do it??? I wish I could be more like her.

Absolutely YES!!!!!!!! We love DebbieH!!!!


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