Please post your BB DVD premix reviews here!


Since Runcrazy and Kali posted some reviews, I thought I'd start a thread on premixes, since there are so many and it almost seems a bit overwhelming. So tell us which premix you did, which segments it was comprised of, and what you thought. I'll go first:

I did some cardio this a.m. and wanted a brief leg workout so I did the Supersets' Lower Body Blast premix. It was comprised of the squat/deadlift segment, the plie segment, and the one legged squat segment. Then this cylce is repeated twice more so you end up doing each segment 3x's. Cathe used 40 for squats and deadlifts, 35 for plies, and one 10# db for one legged squats. I was thinking, hmm 10#s seems pretty light. Ha! My legs were fried during the one legged squats. This was a great leg workout (it hit the quads, hams, glutes, and adductors) and was 33 min. long. including warmup and stretch.

Who's next?
Hi Jilly,

I think this is a great idea. I haven't had a chance to try the premixes yet, but when I do, I'll post my review.

Sounds like you had a lot of fun with yours!
This a.m. I did the Supersets upper body premix. I did the one with only one set of each exercise. I already feel it in my rear delts and biceps. I really liked the use of the stability ball and once I learn to stay more balanced, I will increase my poundage and like it even more. Can't wait to hear your reviews.
I did the Supersets 95 minute pre-mix on Saturday. I'm still sore! It ran through each group twice. I loved it since you didn't do two sets of anything in a row, so I still felt strong the next time the exercise came around! It flew by!
Today I did the Kickbox Drills and Standing Leg Work Premix. LOVED IT!

It was approximately 60 minutes. It included all the Kickbox drills and then after the cool down, started into Legs and Glutes (so it excluded all the Kickbox Combos). It included all of the Legs and Glutes standing leg work without any of the standing ankle weight portions.

I really enjoyed this premix and feel I got a really nice leg workout today!

This sounds like my kind of workout! Thanks Jilly, great idea to give us all an idea of what to expect. I will post a review if I ever get around to the premixes! May be awhile as I am enjoying the tapes-as-is for the moment!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yesterday I did the SS UB only premix. Nice workout, loved using the stability ball. Pleasantly sore today. It's time to go heavier on chest. The preacher curls on the stability ball, OM goodness. I was using my 20# bb and had to drop to my 8# db. My biceps were fried. Loved it.

I just finished the step only premix on SJP. This was fun and short. I am choreo challenged and was able to do most of it the first time through. There was the combo toward the end that tripped me up. I don't think it will take me very long to nail it. I'm enjoying the music in this series as well!

Sounds like everyone else is having fun, too! :D
Just finished my first premix. I choose the 80 minutes Push/Pull premix. I read on another forum that the Push/Pull workout was rather short (44 minutes) and that the poster was disappointed about that (she was using the VHS). After reading that post I decided that I would try the longer version of Push/Pull doing two sets of all exercises. It was awesome!

I am amazed at all the new moves Cathe has come up with. How does she do it? I loved the new shoulder work. My muscles are fried.

Can't wait till tomorrow. Step Blast is on the agenda.

I am so glad you posted this Tracy! I think I am trying that premix out this weekend. How did the inverted shoulder presses go? They look scary (but very effective)?
I did the Kickbox & High Step Circuits & abs Premis which was 50 minutes. It was really good, also.

It started with about 5 minutes of warm up from KPJ then Combo #1 - it went right into the Leg Press (high step) 2 sets of 16 each leg - then another Kick Combo ( hi - low triple with the knee roundhouse - squat, then roundhouse again) - then 2 sets of 16 each of Leg Press again - then the last Kick Combo with the side kicks - then believe it or not another 2 sets of 16 Leg Presses - then Core Abs with the stability ball and the cool down for KPJ!

Can you believe it - that you end up doing 96 leg presses per leg? I worked up a better sweat on this than the regular KJP (even though I love that one) I think it was because of the Leg Presses in between.

Yesterday, I did the premix of Step and Hi Low the 90 minute one. It starts with the SPJ step portion, then the Hi Lo of SPJ, then on to the Step Blast ( minus the warm up) then the cool down of Step Blast. That was a good one also.

There are enough premixes here to keep all of us busy for months to come. I absolutely love it. I think the Legs & Glutes Xtreme sounds fabulous - so is Timesaver number 5 - I hope to try those by the weekend.

Jillybean--The inverted shoulder presses are not as hard as they looked when I previewed the workout. But my shoulders got tired rather quickly. I felt these like I feel push ups. You can keep going but not as low as you go when you start. My shoulders are feeling a little sore this morning but not too bad. I am so excited to see this move in this workout because I have seen it in a magazine with Cory Everson demonstrating it and she said that it very effective for the shoulders!

I really love this premix and I know that I will do this often. I have to say that after the second set of leg work at the beginning I was questioning my judgement about jumping in with this one without trying the workout as originally made. But once I got past the squats/deadlifts/leg presses and lunges it got easier!


Yesterday I did the Step and Weight circuit from SB/SJP and was 81 minutes. It consists of each combo from Step Blast alternated with the four weight segments from SJP. There is a shorter Step and Weight circuit (about 60 minutes) that does not include the Step Blast Challenge. The premix that I did included the challenge! This was my second time doing Step Blast and I finally got Combo #3. What a blast now that I finally figured it out. I sometimes have a hard time determining which side of the step Cathe is on. Anyway, this premix is a lot like Cardio & Weights, but harder in my opinion because of the intensity of step and the weights also include lower body. Also, the premix included abs from SJP. Great workout!!

I also have tried the 80 minute Push/Pull premix which basically runs through the workout twice. Example, you do squats and deadlifts/deadrows and then repeat before you move to the next exercise. I think the original format of Push/Pull is great, especially for these hectic holiday times when you can't dedicate as much time for working out. I also think that because of the slower counts in this workout, it would be easier to go heavier in weight. Today, I am going to try Kick Punch & Crunch. Can't wait!!

I just did the Push Pull Upper Body 3 sets for 60 min and then the Lower Body 3 sets for 40 min. The timing says 37 min maybe my clock was off ?
Anyway, this is my kind of work out as I love working each body part in 3 sets. In the other workouts where Cathe only used 2 sets, I would add an extra set to make 3. I will use this one ALOT! After the warmup the Upper Body started off with Chest/Back. I used the 20# dumbbells for the chest presses.
I just discovered I'm not a good reviewer as I can't remember in order what went where? Sorry! But the workouts did two exercises for the opposing muscles and repeated it 3 times.

I can say that you really get a good leg workout by doing each exercise 3 times. Especially those floor exercises when you lean over the ball and do leg lifts. This is countered by the ball between your legs and doing know....those leg presses. Try doing that 3 times. Whoa! I can use ankle weights when doing the program as is...but the Premix version is a challenge!

Monday I used the StepBlast SJ&P 1 hour of Cardio. It used the step routine from SJ&P plus 1,2 and 3 routines of Step Blast. That was terrifficcccc! These Premixes are fun and just what I was waiting for. These DVD's are well worth the money.:9
Well, it is not really a premix but...I just did the upperbody weight portion of the timesaver. It took me approx. 45 min. I tried to go very heavy and I am feeling it right now. It had alot of ab sections.

I am one that had a mix up with the supersets dvd so I had to use the timesaver to tide me over.

Here's another vote for the Push Pull 2 set premix. My legs are fried today-more than even PS or Leaner Legs ever made them. Also I think I can go even heavier than I've ever gone on the upper body segments-especially chest.

I did the Push/Pull 2 upper body premix this am and my bis and back already feel it. I loved the fonz and the stability ball use. I found that I had to lighted my usual load for shoulders and for bis, but that is something to work towards, right? Great workout!
I just did the 90 minute Step and Hi-Lo premix on the Step Blast and Step, Jump and Pump DVD. Phew! I thought I wouldn't have any energy left for the blasts at the end, but the 90 minutes flew by, I felt really strong through the whole thing (I ate a huge breakfast!) and now I probably won't be able to get up outta this chair! :p
Wow congratulations! That premix is definitely intimidating! I haven't even thought about doing that one yet! Maybe I'll have to try it - someday.

This a.m. I did the SJ&P cardio only premix, then the lower body blast premix from Supersets. That one is so tough to me for some reason! The squats, deadlifts, and plies are doable, but those one legged squats with the rear foot elevated on the step are so tough! And she only uses a 10# db! I had to rest a few times. But that just gives me a goal to work towards.
I want to work up to the L&G Xtreme premix....its sounds INSANE! It looks like you go through the standing work twice then the ankle weight work twice before finishing off with the floor work...yikes! For now I will just do the workout as is. I did it for the first time today and LOVED the fast pace, the different exercises, the heart rate coming up, the music....everything! I plan on using an upper body premix Monday after a run so I will post about that on Monday.:7

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